Saturday, October 11, 2003

Time to shunt this WHO WILL SAVE ROCK'N'ROLL project into action. This was prompted by meeting a friend of my brother's in the supermarket this morning. He reminded me how lame the kids of today are. Did you read Metal Mike Saunders thing on sissy-rock recently? It was brilliant but anyway, the "parents" are taking the kids to Linkin Park and in my book that sucks. My old man would never have taken me to see Alice Cooper or Led Zep and the world could do with a generation gap more than ever. I guess it'll all be washed down with a pre-match swally in McDonalds? So anyway, please feel free to pitch in anything on the subject. I'd like to get it all in by the end of November to be published early in 2004. Kids ain't allowed to be kids anymore. I blame computers and the continual peer pressure hard sell but that's what we auld fellers do. Parents goin' to concerts with the kids, never woulda happened in my day. Then there are those that take them to the frauditorium and wait outside in the SUV while the little sorry-asses groove to the nu-metal boybandness. It's all handed out on a frickin' plate.

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