Saturday, October 11, 2003

I was just (politely) chastised for not being up to date with my buddy of old, Art Fein's Another Fein Mess. The A fella is a one of a kind writer that, when I read his stuff, I wonder how the hell he isn't some kinda high-falluting "writer" that gets paid a hefty wad and on the best-seller lists. his writing, no matter what it's about, rocks. He also has a public access TV show that has a guest list that reads like a proverbial who's who. The standard dipped when I was on in 1992 but it has since regained its wall to wall status. I met Art when he managed The Blasters and was representing The Cramps in 1982. In the 20 years since he has stuck to his guns and continues to champion exactly what the heck he likes. Read what he writes and attempt to live by it. Because you could y'know... GO!.

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