Monday, August 11, 2003

Just last night I was diggin' the heck outta Sympathy's re-issue of the Oblivians' 'Live In Atlanta' disc. I mean, jeez, I have owned an original for ages, and fully signed at that, even have a picture somewhere of me proudly holdin' up the disc standin' next to Eric O, I only picked up the re-ish to keep the collection in shape.
So you get the idea I guess; I'm a "fan"...
Imagine my surprise when just now I noted that these guys are gonna do a reunion show in Memphis on halloween (wtf?). Damn, w/ so many copycats around, it 'd sure be nice to see the original band in action once again. Even if I've seen 'em several times in their prime.
Hey, did I ever tell you about that one time they played in town here on my b-day and instead of throwin' a party I bought a bunch o' tickets for the show, 'n handed 'em out to friends 'n family?. It was one of the most amazing shows I ever saw, w/ Greg totally freakin' out at the end. Some guy video taped it but ran out of tape before things got really exciting... Alice 'n me even went up all the way up north to Grunnen the next day (hotel 'n all, hungover like hell) hopin' for an equally hot show, but sadly it was not to be.
Hey Eric, if this thing works out, why not come over to Europe again?, I'll bet Robert 'll be happy to drive you around, and by the time you hit Utrecht I'll make sure the entire Vedder clan 'll be in the front row....

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