Monday, August 11, 2003

Don't know about you, but I love compilations, esp w/ radio dead 'n gone they are a vital source of entertainment 'round here. There are labels like Ace, Norton and Soul Jazz who put out amazing, and expertly documented, comps, but you also get on/offs where some fanatic lines up a batch of his fave 45s and has 'em pressed into a limited run footlong. Both kinds offer their own particular brand of gratification, but tryin' to make sense out of 'em can be a bit of a task. I mean, have you ever played a comp and heard a great tune by some long lost band and wondered "did these guys put out more records, and if so, where can I find 'em?". And if you've got a decent amount of discs, chances are you might even have more songs by that particular band. Trouble is, how you gonna find it....
The wonder that is the www has thrown up at least three on-line databases that can help you in your quest.
compHELLation (70s punk), Rockin' Country Style (Rockabilly) and the Garage Compilation Database (60s garage) all hold stacks o' information, cross-referenced 'n all. The rockabilly site is esp stunning in it's sheer overwhelming amount of details. I love these sites and have long lost count on how oft I refered to 'em tryin' to find some info and actually found it !.
If any of you is aware of similar sites on soul, reggae or blues, please drop us a line !.

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