Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Of course it pays to advertise -- and Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. takes to the back pages of Otto's Shrunken Head this week with a free offer! Now if we could just figure out what "hanky panks" are...
538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in Manhattan / Returning for our monthly dose! / 8:00 sharp 'til 10:00 / No cover
Plus, in other SIT & Die Co. novelties...
The all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink tradition returns to Brooklyn!
375 Third Avenue (at the corner of 27th Street) in Manhattan / It's a special pin-up gal contest with our photog pal Viva Van Story! / 10:30 sharp 'til 1:30 / No cover! /
Yours in advertising, Michael
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. "Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Monday, April 22, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Everywhere you go, Record Store Day is getting big licks. The plugs on radio are non-stop and I'd imagine that's firing up all the ebayers. They'll be getting in a lather right now about what they'll make on their booty. I'm not going anywhere near a record store tomorrow but will take up the slack when the shakedown ships out. I will miss the home-baking but them's the breaks. If someone was to start a HBD, the scumhordes would find a way to ruin that too.
So by all means support your local store. Cut along and buy something you want and take in the entertainment that's laid on. Non-specific releases are available too, not just the overpriced "collector" guff but anyway... play nice.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013

OK, let’s commence the alternative to that lengthy list of
overpriced non-collector’s items. I’ll be flagging up recent acquisitions and
also stuff that’s gotten lost in the fog these past few months.
This should be preaching to the converted but on the off
chance you haven’t heard Palmyra Delran then I envy you. As rock’n’roll girls
with a pedigree go, there are few that are her equal. Her new album “You
Are What You Absorb” is chocka with all those frequencies that we here hold
dear. Just total pop music of the calibre you’d be justified in thinking they
didn’t make any more.
Listen to samples that ought to vindicate my suggestion, if
you aren’t moved then go back to your RSD checklist, you deserve to be taken. Sadly
it’s unlikely that any actual record store other than a handful on the Eastern
seaboard of the USA will have it in stock but this some action that would
actually be worth queuing for. In May, denizens of Sweden will be able to score
copies when the lady lands in their esteemed country to rip it up as she’s
prone to do now and again. One day we’ll get her to the Wurlitzer in Madrid and
other joints in Spain that still understand the importance of a top notch tune.
There are twelve of those here waiting for you here so with
no further ado cut across to CD Baby and make with the paypal.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Dragging myself out to see “Stoker” turned out to be the
wrong decision. It’s not outright awful but its affectations bordering on TV
movie leave it floundering. Mostly style, little substance and well, in case
you thought there were vampires involved, there are not. Unless you count
having your soul sucked out on account of the fairly obvious outcome.
But anyway, it’s a weekend of movies and I’ll be back in the
dark this afternoon for something called “Side by Side”. A documentary about the
effect that digital cameras have had on film-making. It features several
charlatans but also David Lynch.
And in this countdown to the shakedown known as Record Store
Day, I’ll try to do something each day on items you might consider buying over the
hiked price artefacts. Stores have plenty decent inventory on any given day and
its somewhat obscene that they have to dig in to almost non-existent coffers to
populate their premises with mostly bogus “collectors” items. Everybody knows that the really great thing about RSD was
the home baking anyway. Right?
So yeah, let’s see how this latest intention pans out. This “back
to winter” weather leaves room for little else.Thursday, April 11, 2013
One day I'll get accustomed to this new 'puter set up... but until then.
There's a screening of "Last Shop Standing" at the GFT in Glasgow on Sunday 14th April at 7.45pm. Yes, this coming Sunday. It's the Monorail Film Club film for this month to tie in with the Record Store Day bunfight on the following Sunday. Other than The Nomads offerings, I am not partaking in this exercise.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Monday, April 08, 2013
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Saturday, April 06, 2013
Friday, April 05, 2013
So far so good. 5 days into April and I've jumped on here every day. Ever since I ceased to be off on a Friday afternoon, it takes longer to get organised. It's shortened the entire weekend experience.
Why in the name of the wee man would anyone pay upward of £100 a pop to see The Stones kick the last vestige of their integrity? That's just for a ticket. No travel, no food, no drinks, no merch. Nada.
Time was when it might have only been "rock'n'roll" but that ship long since sailed.
For much the same price tag, you could fly to Spain. You could see a great band in a fantastic venue with an audience that really knows how to shake it down. Not to be confused with the shakedown that's going on down in the big smoke this summer in any way shape or form.
And talking of the stuff that you can believe in, I need to get blogging about Ms Palmyra's "You Are What You Absorb". Lucky for us, she's been exposed to nothing but choice gear. More about which over the weekend.
Thursday, April 04, 2013
It's still winter but at least it's dry. Plus it's nearly Friday and we don't get diddled out of an hour this time. So things are fairly optimistic on the sliding scale. I heard today that those Young Fresh Fellows are heading for Espana in June. I'm currently trying to justify to myself that I should go and further reinforces the urge just to relocate.
Full details when I know the venues, etc. It would be such a hoot!
Ain't all this North K stuff just a wee bit like living in a Team America scenario? I guess if it wasn't potentially serious, it would have been amusing for 5 minutes. Really wish I had the impetus to start the *bay activity I've been threatening. There's bloody stuff everywhere and if I did it could fund my adventures overseas. And before I forget, I'm not doing Record Store Day this year. Other than getting the Nomads release, it's getting the body swerve. Last year's episode soured the whole thing.
A record store isn't just for the third Saturday in April. Leave the "special edition" snaggers with their scores. If you are taking part then buy something that's not on the "official" list. Like everything else, it all started of as a great idea and was quickly hijacked by greedy bastards for "investment" purposes or worse. Your local store will have something you want the before and the day after. And probably the day after that. You folks all know the script.
Here's Team YFF going full steam during their last visit out this way...
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
BBC listeners have recently voted some record by Coldplay as their
favourite album of all time. That was a statement I saw on the news today.
Hmmm, news. I’m not sure that I’d call it that. What a searing indictment on a
nation that is. But as the de-evolution of the UK progresses it’s not entirely
surprising. Nor is it disappointment, because being in a permanent state of low
expectation nullifies that. Remember the adage “Guilty until proven innocent”.
That’s something of the rule to any probable exception.
I’ve also taken to keeping the RIPs on the DL, with the exception of Jess Franco yesterday - that one was important to mark. There are so
many and it’s depressing. I’m not that particularly bothered about my own
mortality but all of these are markers. So maybe I’ll resume when this thing
picks up steam. If it ever picks up steam. There are some anomalies with the
browser and with this being modern and all, it doesn’t react the way it always
did. When I attempt to investigate, I get distracted or a full-on mind freeze
descends. Sometimes both.
Anyway, tonight's task is to try and deal with some of the e-mail that's awaiting being answered. I'm making no promises.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Sadly, Jess Franco passed away yesterday. Simon Birrell is way more qualified than I am to "say a few words"...
Jess Franco and Lina were one of history's great couples,
right up there with Lux and Ivy. I was privileged to meet and work with them
over the years and my only regret is that I didn't see more of them towards the
end. I first met them in 1992, just after moving to Madrid. I was helping out
my buddies Cathal Tohill and Pete Tombs on their book "Immoral Tales"
and one of my missions was to track down Franco. This was when he wasn't making
movies (post "Don Quixote") and nobody had heard of him or gave a fig.
My first impression was of a deeply cultured man who did exactly what he wanted
in life, without a giving a hoot for anybody else's opinion or agenda. I was
doubly fortunate in meeting Spanish critic Carlos Aguilar the same evening, a
friendship that continues to this day. The three of us drank late into the
night, then after Jess staggered back home, Carlos grabbed me by the collar and
said, "And now let me tell you the TRUTH!". He proceeded to spend the
next hour debunking a large part of the stories that Franco had just told me.
Cathal Tohill and I later travelled down to Sitges to
meet Jess and Lina. They were exceptionally gracious with us, a couple of
hard-up fans who had somehow come across their work. I was supposed to work on the unfinished
"Golden Beetle" with them, but a new job came up and I couldn't go to
the shoot. That's a regret - my life would have taken a very different course
if I'd chucked in the job and just gone. Later, I translated a series of their
scripts from Spanish to English; Jess wrote in Spanish but shot in English. So
"Killer Barbies", "Marie-Cookie", "Tender Flesh"
and others are partly my fault. I remember watching "Tender Flesh" on
the sofa with Jess and Lina and not understanding a damn word of my own
dialogues. The actors had an uncertain grasp of English, there was no dialogue
coach, and my dialogue was probably unpronounceable anyway.
They came over to my flat one day with a scheme for
getting a grant to make movies for CHILDREN. Their proposal to the EU (which I
translated) contained a line which lamented the "recent tide of sex and
violence in cinema" and recommended the financing of a series of wholesome
family films. I asked Jess, "So who made all those dreadful movies,
then?". He didn't bat an eyelid and replied, "Some bastard!"
That day I had hoped to impress Franco, the jazz expert.
I didn't know jazz, but I did have plenty of old obscure music. I put on an LP
by Steve Gibson and Red Caps, a 40s group so obscure even their parents had
forgotten them. As we were discussing the proposal, Jess suddenly shushed me.
"Buddy Tate", he said, referring to the music. Ever the sophisticate,
I said, "Oh no, that's Steve Gibson and the Red Caps". "No,
no", he replied, "I mean the SAXOPHONE!". It was a Bear Family
issue, so it had the session details and yes, Buddy Tate played on that track
and only that track. So much for my in-depth musical culture; I couldn't even
approach his encyclopaedic knowledge.
In exchange for one of the scripts I translated, Jess
agreed to appear in an animated web series I directed, a project for Planet
Hollywood. He did a great, if hard to follow, voice over for the mad scientist
character. His old colleague Jack Taylor was lead voice for the main villain. I
loved the fact that he would appear in a marketing vehicle for a company that
represents everything detestable and vulgar about modern Hollywood.
There are a lot of stories doing the rounds about Jess
making movies and not paying people. I worked with him knowing the stories and
fully expecting never to get paid. Who cares? I was going to work with Jess
Franco! My own experience is that he paid little, but paid every dime he
The more I think about it, the more apt the comparison
with Lux and Ivy is. They were a couple who built their own world, beyond
anything in the rest of the universe. We were privileged to peek in to their
world from time to time, and lucky to see the end results.
The last time I saw Jess and Lina was some 10 years ago
in Madrid. We'd drifted apart when he moved to the south of Spain. It was at
the book launch for his excellent autobiography (inexplicably unavailable in
English). We were delighted to see each other and stopped to gossip for a
while. He was still walking, but with difficulty. "I'm going to die shooting!",
he said, and that's pretty much how it turned out. He soldiered on to the end,
even after Lina died.
Cathal, Pete and I used to call him "The Great
Man". After all these years, and even after the last, decadent, uneven
movies, it's still absolutely true.
Many thanks to Simon for the piece and the photos.
Monday, April 01, 2013
1st April huh? And much of the stuff we’ve woken up to today
is beyond a joke. As the fabric of this septic isle goes to further rack and
ruin in the misguided hijacking of the term "efficiency" – all that remains to be
considered is really, how far can too far go.
Austerity is here to stay. Or so it seems. Not as catchy as
“rock’n’roll” is it? I’m pretty sure that any ditty about it won’t warrant a
gazillion hits on youtube. So yeah, here we are. A bunch of folks experienced a
White Easter. That’s not some kind of racial stereotyping, merely a statement
of fact. Temperatures are below seasonal average but the people are hot under
the collar. Blighty – and all of the rest of Europe has been sold down the
river while the financially rich get richer and the rest of us get right
royally humped. As perceived efficiencies is met – actual services disappear.
The Police and Fire Departments have become single forces as of today, the wee man only
knows what kind of mess will ensue through that premise.
Perhaps they’ll be controlled via scripts from offshore call
centres? Not nearly as ludicrous a possibility as it seems in the pursuit of
the almighty buck. The alleged “government” can collectively go and take a
something that rhymes with that at themselves. Is there no end to the
humiliation? Of course, another war or some big catastrophe might really play
into their hands. We’re all potential cannon fodder while divide and conquer as
a concept is rolled out across the western world. Barry Maguire’s estate may be
up for a dollar or three if he lands the theme song. It’s an ill wind... as you
I went to see a film called The Happy Lands yesterday. It’s
about the 1926 Miners Strike that ran for some months beyond the General Strike
and how it affected an area of Fife in particular. It was subtitled because
some of that dialect has been found to be a tad difficult to “unnerstaun’” even
in the central belt. But the message is that nothing much has changed. The
wearing down process may have morphed and multiplied but the essence is the
same. I almost never went. It was verging too much on the dreaded costume drama
for me but it really works. It’s part documentary – mostly dramatisation – and
indeed the localisation was of particular interest. Recent events here have
placed emphasis on the concept of family. And how it is far more important than
money or trappings.
As families and communities fracture because of greed and
kow-towing, it seems to me that we’re all in danger of going under in the
pursuit of some creep and his or its bottom line. Often dressed up as
progress, change for change’s sake is seldom improvement. It’s a power trip.
Evangelisation takes on many forms and I’m not impressed with bullies, blowhards or
combinations thereof. It’s all seemingly out of control. Way so.
Anyway, enough of my blather, this thing is 36 years old today and I mean to attempt and post something every day until I head for Stockholm at the end of the month.
Let’s see what happens to this supposed
“college try”.
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