Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Still a bit raggedy today and the logistics ain’t helping. Having to go into town for the dental biz is a little inconvenient but such is the nature of such things. If you cancel it takes months to get another one. And that in turn is generally inconvenient too. Do you understand this ramble? I’m not entirely sure that I do. I tried to clean my specs today but the result wasn’t too Johnny Nash. I think it’s my actual peepers that could do with a burnishing. As grand as it would be to have perfect sight, like everybody had before the advent of these damn things – it severely unlikely that I’ll ever have the readies to pay for such a luxury.

Somebody should liberate this baby. Not only does it include Amy Allison’s “Cheaters World”, there’s a bing of other great stuff on there too. Plus the price is most definitely right so I figured one of you folks might consider grabbing it.

There’s a distinct possibility that there’ll be a week coming up that this thing will go into suspended animation. We could all do with a break and even although I’m not going anyplace (fast or otherwise), I feel like forcing myself not to be trapped in the cycle of updating every day. Who knows, it could do us all good. This is likely to be sometime in July or August, I haven’t entirely decided and maybe I won’t have the self-control to pull it off given the habit/addiction that blogging has become. What if something important happened during such a hiatus? I imagine that remains to be seen (but not heard).


elhombremalo said...

thanks for the tip, chief - I just won the auction.

I'm looking forward to blasting it out!

Anonymous said...

I see Rig Rog Jukebox is there also...

Lindsay Hutton said...

er, or Rig Rock Jukebox even...