We'd like to remind everyone that as well as selling records we run a film club every month at the GFT. It's a very informal film club and open to all. We are now in our third year and have had some amazing screenings, special events and illuminating discussions in Cafe Cosmo!
This Sunday we are screening one of the great Italian cult films of the 1960s, Pasolini's Theorem (Teorema). The story of Teorema is simple. A mysterious stranger arrives at a bourgeois household in Milan and successively seduces the son, the mother, the daughter, and the father, not forgetting the maid. The consequences for each are decisive and as Pasolini brilliantly maps out the disintegration of the fragile family we begin to understand his allegory which merges his ideas on social forces, religion and sexuality. An intense yet rewarding film with a brilliant Morricone score.
It will be introduced by Stephen McRobbie from The Pastels. It would be great to see you there.
Tickets can be reserved from the GFT box office on 0141 332 6535.
Sunday 31 January at 7pm
Director Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cast Silvana Mangano, Terence Stamp
Italy 1968, 1h 38m, subtitles
GFT, 12 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB.
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