It's a shame about Woolworths. It's still one of the very few stores that I would actually have a browse in. Where am I going to futz around when I'm between Filmhouse and The Cameo of a Sunday avo when Woolies disappears for good? Of course there's all the people who work there to consider, they don't deserve this treatment for chrissakes. More victims of the greedy bastards that paddled us up this particular creek. Not to be confused with those who pochled the odd pick and mix. Which I was never guilty of incidentally.
I remember when Falkirk had its own Woolies record store but way before that my prize score of all time in there was a copy of
The Standells "Try It" for 25p
(I'm pretty sure it was just after decimalisation) which I still have.
Just heard a news report which says the company reported it's highest daily sales ever. Too bad it was down to the vultures. The way things are going, the UK will be closed soon - not just the businesses that we thought would be around forever.
Perhaps the Royal Family ought to donate some of their cash to help keep the UK afloat...har har, right!
Woolies was where many of us late 70s early teenage music fans would purchase their vinyl. For 65p we could pick up our singles and then dash home to listen to the Damned, Pistols, Clash, Ramones, Stranglers etc. Because the typical Woolies customer was far more likely to be buying Boney M and Abba at that time very often our favourites would actually rapidly end up in the bargain bin for 30p or less. Great memories and walking into Woolworths in Guildford today was sad in so many ways - not least due to the feeding frenzy of shoppers looking to grab their bargains before the doors close for good. Probably my earliest retail memory is buying a plastic Dalek in Woolies in Fareham one Saturday morning in 1967...........
Woolies RIP
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