Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Good luck America....


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, maybe Lindsay means good luck as in, hope your election doesn't get stolen for the third time in a row...

Christopher Stigliano said...

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that only Republicans steal elections. I guess you're not from Chicago, are you?

Lindsay Hutton said...

I was being sincere, it was early...

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm in Chicago! We don't steal elections, we simply...resurrect those who might feel the need to participate in one's civil duty.

Anonymous said...

Well, it happened!!! Thanks for the "good luck" wishes, L!

luxivyig1 said...

Kudos Ben, and Chicogers and all Americans.
A black man at the white house : you're an inspiration..

Christopher Stigliano said...

Considering the completely sappy "New Day In America" rhetoric now being spewed both here and on the internet, I must admit that I am disgusted to be an Amerigan! Where's our Jean Marie Le Pen now that we need him????

Lindsay Hutton said...

Chris, it was a new day for the world not just the US. Or was it?

Christopher Stigliano said...

The woman who wrote the following article pretty much sums up my opinions to the proverbial "t".
