Sunday, June 01, 2008

The recent posting of the Jonny Dongel video of “Sorry Simon” precipitated a goodly amount of e-mail thumbs up. Since then, Martin at Gravelsauce has sent me a copy of the album and I’m pleased to report that it’s certain to be right up the alley of NBT regulars who have been seeking solace with the recent Mats Olsson comp and beyond.

It’s so goddamn authentic to the intersection between pub and punk rocks that it should be on United Artists or Stiff. I’m not altogether sure that it’s not Christopher Guest channelling Ian Gomm but there you go. Sometimes the accent is just a little too Nigel Tufnel to be true but all songs are certified belters. Dolly Dongle’s backing vocals remind me of Ellen Foley (and again) too. Sailing this close to pastiche would be dangerous in any other hands but “A Fifth of Nowhere” is just so damn solid. From the outset of Snocker, Snog and Shag” it’ll have you misty-eyed and pulling out your Ducks Deluxe and Wreckless Eric records. The guitars on the title track are reminiscent of the Robert Johnson that released records on Ensign, not to be confused with the “Crossroads” geezer or Stockholm’s finest. (Thanks for the heads up on "Snocker", Prof)

JD has a knack of penning tunes that dad rockers like Weller and his ilk never came close to. Jonny is quite possibly a virtual pop phenomenon. Ostensibly an ex-pat from Bristol exiled in NY it really makes no difference. This Dongel fella has made an album that’ll have you grinning and turning up the car (or home) cd to tilt.

Just like you do when Tenpole Tudor comes on…

PS - God I love YouTube, more Ellen Foley...

Somewhere in this dump I have an autographed poster, organised by the great HT, the man that brings you the fine Cake internet radio extravaganza...


Rich said...

whoa! where has ellen foley been all my life??? thank u chief.

Anonymous said...

Champion! That Ellen Foley songs even better(and it already gets played at least once a month at Coyote Towers)with the video!
Flyin' Brian