Friday tomorrow... not before time... should be able to play catch up then. All outta antibiotics, still barking at the moon. The episode of The Wire I just watched had a Fleshtones song in it, I take that as a decent omen...
Call me a stickler for detail ,but since this cd has been put out by the artist himself, and is distributed by an actual distributor, in my book that is not a bootleg. A live album yes, but not a bootleg. I guess that just sounds cooler...
I am inclined to agree but that's what they call it. I think it's only available mail order or at shows but who knows. The expression "bootleg" can only be seen as a romatic notion in this day and age. Just so long as you don't pirate it. Ok?
I spotted in on sale at Avalanche Records in Glasgow, and they said it was available on Ani di Franco's label "Righteous Babe" distributed by Warner Music. And it's mid-price too!
Call me a stickler for detail ,but since this cd has been put out by the artist himself, and is distributed by an actual distributor, in my book that is not a bootleg. A live album yes, but not a bootleg. I guess that just sounds cooler...
I am inclined to agree but that's what they call it. I think it's only available mail order or at shows but who knows. The expression "bootleg" can only be seen as a romatic notion in this day and age. Just so long as you don't pirate it. Ok?
Or romantic even...
I spotted in on sale at Avalanche Records in Glasgow, and they said it was available on Ani di Franco's label "Righteous Babe" distributed by Warner Music. And it's mid-price too!
In that case, the ba' -a s they say - is burst.
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