The Wednesday, November 8th edition of Gorilla Got Me will involve me begging you for money. It is the annual WMBR fundraiser....the one time of year the radio station asks for listener support. WMBR is all volunteer/commercial-free/free-form radio and relies solely on listener support to keep the station in operation.
There will be lots of great treats and premiums (concert/club tix, CD/DVDs, books, etc.) for your much appreciated donation offerings. Hope you can join me and lend some change or small dollar (or large) amounts to the Gorilla! Tune in 2:00-4:00 PM EST as we let the begging begin.
Go Go Gorilla!
Sara J.
You can phone in donations during the show on November 8th, 2:00-4:00PM EST at 617-253-8810"
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