Just for the heck of it, more Youtube links: Cramps, Dictators, Bo Diddley, Fleshtones, Howlin' Wolf, Loli & the Chones, Nomads, Nomads (2), Oblivians, Rip Offs, Ronettes, Seeds, Sam The Sham, Yardbirds
and let's not forget (the) New Math!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday 12th Nantwich, The Audlem
Saturday 13th Buckingham The Granary
Sunday 14th Macclesfield, Bar Cuba
Friday 19th Berwick-upon-Tweed, The Barrells
Saturday 20th Comrie, WRI Hall
Sunday 21st Aberdeen, The Lemon Tree
Tuesday 23rd High Wycombe, Wycombe Swan
Wed 24th London, The Borderline
Thursday 25th Swindon, Swindon Arts Centre
Friday 26th Glasgow, ABC2
Saturday 27th Edinburgh, The Village
Sunday 28th Nottingham, The Maze
Monday 29th Sheffield, Broadwalk
Tuesday 30th Winchester, The Railway
Take your pick and get with the action. Full band shows are likely to pack quite a wallop so treat yourself and when you're satisfied that I'm not snowing you then buy the album at the show. Sound like a plan? Good.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Click here to listen to the jukebox...
Anybody seen this? I didn't know anything about it until my buddy Duane told me it had been released. Info on songs, etc. here.
The Ramones brand just gets bigger and bigger (thanks to Martin for this, you can look forward to his review of the "Too Tough To Die" movie coming soon to a blog near you) and another tribute by a guy called Tracy Thornton to da brudders in a Carribean stylee. Not sure it's up there with the mighty Nutley Brass but it further ram(one)s home the broad appeal of the tuneage. Thanks to Murray for the heads up on this one. Following the links, there are also "rockabilly" and "guitar" tributes to the guys too.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Now that I’ve watched “You’re Gonna Miss Me” twice, I feel slightly better versed to blog about it. I purposely didn’t write anything earlier because my first encounter totally depressed me. That and the fact that I didn’t want to spoil anything for readers who I knew would go along tonight. Anyway, it’s not what I expected and although there is performance footage in it, the main crux is a kind of Erickson Vs Erickson for custody of Roky. It's also too long. The stuff with his dad and Sumner’s therapist border on Larry David territory, but not in a good way. Patti Smith, Byron Coley, Gregg Turner and Thurston Moore get a short anecdote each and there are a few major players in Roky’s career missing that might have been able to balance the viewing experience away from being almost exploitative. In his apartment, where he tended to lock himself away, he turned on all kind of instruments and appliances to create a din that may somehow have kept his demons at a fathomable level. Like a sonic force field. I wanted a film that concentrated on the music, that celebrated what he means in the rock firmament. Roky is responsible for some of the most heart-rending music ever made. Any hint of that is buried deep in dysfunctional ugliness that ends up tainting any positive trajectory this may have set out with. By the end, Roky seems to be making progress and as we know he’s been doing shows since so that’s something. My overall feeling with the film is of disappointment. I know you most probably need to see it for yourself and by all means do but beware of the doldrums it may banish you too is all.
From Brother Don in SF...
cynical girls, wreckless eric @ 12 galaxies, san francisco...
just back from seeing the wreckless wonder and that pair of cynical gals at yet another dive (amy sure picks 'em) in the mission district here in old friss-co. as we approached the joint two mariachi guys were walking down mission singing in spanish playing guitars. lori said, "hey, i want to hear them!" but the nasal scream of wreckless eric, a voice i haven't heard live since the 1978 stiff tour, was coming from out of the bar, and we rushed across the street just in time to hear "reconnez cherie". wow! i must say i never would have recognized him. he had some old man hat on (which he joked about among other things). he's even more insane now than he was in the old days. he said something like..."i haven't left home in 26 years...i don't know what you're on about here in the states...i can't understand... er...what's that?", he asked, pointing to someone sitting at a table in front. "a quesadilla? what's that? i want one of those". he played a black single cutaway acoustic thru a fender bassman with a few effects... boss trem, mxr dyna comp, some kind of distortion box. he switched occasionally to some crazy green hollowbody electric with a fender type neck. this guitar was literally falling apart as he played it. but it sounded great. the barflies were carrying on so we moved upstairs so we could hear better. he finally got everyone's attention with his classic "whole wide world". great great great. i wish he would've done "veronica" as well. but he was fun, if not totally mad. as a friend said, after he was over... "he is what he is". amy joined him for one or two songs. he got a big kiss from her as she left the stage.
i ran down the street for some chips (crisps to you limeys) cause the necastle was going to my head and when i got back amy rigby and marti jones had just started. right off you could see what a great combo they make. perfect harmonies. marti looks damn good for fifty! they traded songs and did some duets on amy's songs. "don't break the heart" was nicely done as was "the trouble with jeannie". marti played an acoustic (martin i think) most of the night but added some nice electric 12 string stuff to amy's songs. (a red and white danelectro). it was all good but marti made some remarks about the "interesting" activity in the back by the bar. i.e.: people making more noise than the performers. amy took it in stride as she's used to this horrid behavior when she plays here.(note to amy: avoid the mission district dumps). finally the regulars cleared out and things got better. they were joined by some chick from LA named kelly who played and sang beautifully, adding a nice third part harmony. just before she came out, amy and marti sat down at a table on the stage for some girl talk. marti asked amy what kind of guys she likes. amy said, "well, i like guys that wear hats. how bout you". marti said, "i like bald guys". well ladies, i got you both covered!
excuse me...back to the show... they finished up with amy's recent crowd pleaser, "dancing with joey ramone", and in the encore they brought eric up and amy asked, "have you got any advice for the poeple out there, eric?" to which he replied, "don't play seattle!". but then came his classic, "take the cash". they all seemed to have fun playing that. and amy and marti finished up with marshall crenshaw's "cynical girls". soon as they left the stage there was some announcement that everyone had to leave because there was another show coming on. huh?? two sets in this dump? since when?? we caught up with amy before leaving and i got to meet eric finally after all these years. amy said there was some stiff records tribute going on down the street. i told eric he should go...he'd blow their minds. but he said his voice was shot. sounded like this was the end of their tour.
it was almost midnight so we had to split before the coach became a pumpkin and we all said goodbye to amy... sorry i didn't get to meet ms. jones. anyway get this: there were about 30 people in the place the whole night, right? okay, we get outside and there's a line all the way down the street waiting to get in??? this must be for the next act. i asked someone, "who are you waiting for?"
"ryan adams. AND phil lesh and it's only five bucks", said some excited young lady.
huh?? in a little bar at 22nd and mission?? on a thursday nite?? bizzaro world. and so we hopped on the 49 bus completely dumbfounded. anyway i'd rather pay more that twice as much to see amy, eric and marti jones than ryan adams and phil lesh any day. - don
cynical girls, wreckless eric @ 12 galaxies, san francisco...
just back from seeing the wreckless wonder and that pair of cynical gals at yet another dive (amy sure picks 'em) in the mission district here in old friss-co. as we approached the joint two mariachi guys were walking down mission singing in spanish playing guitars. lori said, "hey, i want to hear them!" but the nasal scream of wreckless eric, a voice i haven't heard live since the 1978 stiff tour, was coming from out of the bar, and we rushed across the street just in time to hear "reconnez cherie". wow! i must say i never would have recognized him. he had some old man hat on (which he joked about among other things). he's even more insane now than he was in the old days. he said something like..."i haven't left home in 26 years...i don't know what you're on about here in the states...i can't understand... er...what's that?", he asked, pointing to someone sitting at a table in front. "a quesadilla? what's that? i want one of those". he played a black single cutaway acoustic thru a fender bassman with a few effects... boss trem, mxr dyna comp, some kind of distortion box. he switched occasionally to some crazy green hollowbody electric with a fender type neck. this guitar was literally falling apart as he played it. but it sounded great. the barflies were carrying on so we moved upstairs so we could hear better. he finally got everyone's attention with his classic "whole wide world". great great great. i wish he would've done "veronica" as well. but he was fun, if not totally mad. as a friend said, after he was over... "he is what he is". amy joined him for one or two songs. he got a big kiss from her as she left the stage.
i ran down the street for some chips (crisps to you limeys) cause the necastle was going to my head and when i got back amy rigby and marti jones had just started. right off you could see what a great combo they make. perfect harmonies. marti looks damn good for fifty! they traded songs and did some duets on amy's songs. "don't break the heart" was nicely done as was "the trouble with jeannie". marti played an acoustic (martin i think) most of the night but added some nice electric 12 string stuff to amy's songs. (a red and white danelectro). it was all good but marti made some remarks about the "interesting" activity in the back by the bar. i.e.: people making more noise than the performers. amy took it in stride as she's used to this horrid behavior when she plays here.(note to amy: avoid the mission district dumps). finally the regulars cleared out and things got better. they were joined by some chick from LA named kelly who played and sang beautifully, adding a nice third part harmony. just before she came out, amy and marti sat down at a table on the stage for some girl talk. marti asked amy what kind of guys she likes. amy said, "well, i like guys that wear hats. how bout you". marti said, "i like bald guys". well ladies, i got you both covered!
excuse me...back to the show... they finished up with amy's recent crowd pleaser, "dancing with joey ramone", and in the encore they brought eric up and amy asked, "have you got any advice for the poeple out there, eric?" to which he replied, "don't play seattle!". but then came his classic, "take the cash". they all seemed to have fun playing that. and amy and marti finished up with marshall crenshaw's "cynical girls". soon as they left the stage there was some announcement that everyone had to leave because there was another show coming on. huh?? two sets in this dump? since when?? we caught up with amy before leaving and i got to meet eric finally after all these years. amy said there was some stiff records tribute going on down the street. i told eric he should go...he'd blow their minds. but he said his voice was shot. sounded like this was the end of their tour.
it was almost midnight so we had to split before the coach became a pumpkin and we all said goodbye to amy... sorry i didn't get to meet ms. jones. anyway get this: there were about 30 people in the place the whole night, right? okay, we get outside and there's a line all the way down the street waiting to get in??? this must be for the next act. i asked someone, "who are you waiting for?"
"ryan adams. AND phil lesh and it's only five bucks", said some excited young lady.
huh?? in a little bar at 22nd and mission?? on a thursday nite?? bizzaro world. and so we hopped on the 49 bus completely dumbfounded. anyway i'd rather pay more that twice as much to see amy, eric and marti jones than ryan adams and phil lesh any day. - don
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Returning once again to the New York Dolls: A new album is set for release in July, just hit the link for a couple o' MP3s. Not too sure about the first two songs, but Dance Like A Monkey reminded me of the Lazy Cowgirls in their final incarnation. Which is not bad, not bad at all...
"Proud Galleries in London are very excited to be hosting a really extensive exhibition of photographs of The Ramones from 27th April through to 4th June 2006 at their gallery in central London. The exhibition includes photographs by Adrian Boot, Roberta Bayley, Philippe Carly, Chip Dayton, George du Bose, Danny Fields, Godlis and Robert Matheu. All the images from the major albums are included and many unseen, `behind the scenes' shots, including the Ramones in Hyde Park, London! The exhibition sets the scene of the 1970's punk revolution from the perspective of the original punk band. There's also opportunity to purchase signed limited edition prints of the photos. Opening hours: Monday-Thorsday: 10am-7pm and Friday-Sunday 11am-6pm. Address: Proud Central, 5 Buckingham Street, The Strand, London WC2N 6BP. Entry is free".
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Yon one, yon only - Stewart Cruickshank's BBC crew laid on a hell of a leaving do for him last night at Oran Mor in Glasgow. I hope that the "high heid yins" take stock of his call for them to give the younger members of the Music Department the means to thrive. I "hae my doobts" but am perfectly prepared to be proven wrong. Anyway the music was provided by Teenage Fanclub, Karine Polwart and Phil Cunningham, The Beat Poets and Mickey Rooney (a rousing "Have Love Will Travel" and "Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White" with Captain C rockin' the mic with some guest vocals. Some guy was playing Bohemian Rhapsody on a ukelele when I was leaving but there was still action expected from The Alex Harvey-less Band (copyright DS) and BMX Bandits. I've no idea if the good captain got to perform Weezer's "Beverly Hills" or not at this point. It was too much fun for a school night, that's for damn sure. Queen Margaret Drive will, quite possibly, never be the same again but the man himself will be haunting the Byres Road for some time to come. Concision? aye, right.
More at the TFC message board.
More at the TFC message board.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
During one incredible evening in 2004, an unforgettable group of fans, musicians and celebrities alike gathered at The Avalon in Hollywood to pay tribute to the Ramones 30th Anniversary. They had come together not only to celebrate the band but also to raise money for cancer research in honor of their friend, Johnny Ramone, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999. The Red Hot Chili Peppers ("I Just Wanna Have Something To Do", "I Wanna Be Sedated"), Steve Jones ("Judy Is A Punk"), Eddie Vedder ("Sheena Is A Punk Rocker"), Pete Yorn ("I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"), Tommy Ramone, Marky Ramone, C-Jay Ramone and others all took the stage to perform their favorite Ramones tracks in homage to a special friend, band mate, and peer. The Ramones are widely regarded as the wellspring from which American punk rock emerged. Starting in 1974, the band redefined rock with their unique style and creativity. Their incomparable showmanship and artistic integrity has resonated throughout the music industry ever since. Two days after the tribute concert, which everyone agreed he had held on for, Johnny Ramone died, conscious of the impact he had made. Johnny Ramones's distinctive guitar licks still echo today, making him an ever-present force that will be cherished for generations to come. TOO TOUGH TO DIE: A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY RAMONE will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday, April 26th at 11 p.m. at The Loews Village 7 and also screen throughout the festival.
Tribeca Film Festival Screenings for TOO TOUGH TO DIE: A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY RAMONE
Tuesday, April 25, 4 p.m., Tribeca Grand- PRESS SCREENING
Wednesday, April 26, 11 p.m., Loews Village 7-PREMIERE SCREENING
Thursday, April 27, 1 p.m., Loews Village 7
Saturday, April 29, 11:30 p.m., Loews 34th Street
Wednesday, May 3, Midnight, Loews 68th Street
Saturday, May 6, 5 p.m., Loews 34th Street
During one incredible evening in 2004, an unforgettable group of fans, musicians and celebrities alike gathered at The Avalon in Hollywood to pay tribute to the Ramones 30th Anniversary. They had come together not only to celebrate the band but also to raise money for cancer research in honor of their friend, Johnny Ramone, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999. The Red Hot Chili Peppers ("I Just Wanna Have Something To Do", "I Wanna Be Sedated"), Steve Jones ("Judy Is A Punk"), Eddie Vedder ("Sheena Is A Punk Rocker"), Pete Yorn ("I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"), Tommy Ramone, Marky Ramone, C-Jay Ramone and others all took the stage to perform their favorite Ramones tracks in homage to a special friend, band mate, and peer. The Ramones are widely regarded as the wellspring from which American punk rock emerged. Starting in 1974, the band redefined rock with their unique style and creativity. Their incomparable showmanship and artistic integrity has resonated throughout the music industry ever since. Two days after the tribute concert, which everyone agreed he had held on for, Johnny Ramone died, conscious of the impact he had made. Johnny Ramones's distinctive guitar licks still echo today, making him an ever-present force that will be cherished for generations to come. TOO TOUGH TO DIE: A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY RAMONE will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on Wednesday, April 26th at 11 p.m. at The Loews Village 7 and also screen throughout the festival.
Tribeca Film Festival Screenings for TOO TOUGH TO DIE: A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY RAMONE
Tuesday, April 25, 4 p.m., Tribeca Grand- PRESS SCREENING
Wednesday, April 26, 11 p.m., Loews Village 7-PREMIERE SCREENING
Thursday, April 27, 1 p.m., Loews Village 7
Saturday, April 29, 11:30 p.m., Loews 34th Street
Wednesday, May 3, Midnight, Loews 68th Street
Saturday, May 6, 5 p.m., Loews 34th Street
New from Norton (due early June);
"Yes, the label with the able stable has finally landed the in-demand duo for our Rolling Stones trib series, in which we try to alert the inert public about the essential excellence of this relatively unknown English combo by having the hottest names in entertainment today interpret their bucolic chart bubblers. The King Khan & BBQ Show's version of 'Flight 505' is flip sided by the fabulous FLAKES rendition of the introspective 'Stupid Girl' on this AFTERMATH twin spin ripper!"
"Celebrate the death of garage rock with the only band that matters! This four song unissued (you'll hear why!) tape of 1966 teenage hi jinx includes a truly demented 1:10 version of 7 And 7 Is, Dedicated Follower Of Fashion, Get Off My Cloud and a stunning take of the Beatles' I'm Down. Makes Green Fuz sound like Green Day!"
"Get ye ready for the first ever comp made up exclusively of these East LA kings' top 1964-67 stompers! NO BALLADS!! Just one souped-up killer after another! Whittier Blvd./Everybody Needs Somebody To Love/Jump, Jive And Harmonize/Gloria/Love Special Delivery/Thee Midnite Feeling/I Found A Peanut/Never Knew I Had It So Bad/Down Whittier Blvd./Empty Heart/Looking Out A Window/Do You Love Me/Dragon-Fly/Hey Little Girl/Money/Welcome Home Darling/Devil With A Blue Dress/Good Golly Miss Molly/Land Of A Thousand Dances (extended live version)/Down Whittier Blvd. (Godfrey vocal) - pounds like no manana! Release announcement in next newsletter. We are deeply saddened at the recent departure of Midniters arranger and horn man ROMEO PRADO, who passed away this month in Los Angeles. This album will be to his memory. GOD BLESS ROMEO."
"Yes, the label with the able stable has finally landed the in-demand duo for our Rolling Stones trib series, in which we try to alert the inert public about the essential excellence of this relatively unknown English combo by having the hottest names in entertainment today interpret their bucolic chart bubblers. The King Khan & BBQ Show's version of 'Flight 505' is flip sided by the fabulous FLAKES rendition of the introspective 'Stupid Girl' on this AFTERMATH twin spin ripper!"
"Celebrate the death of garage rock with the only band that matters! This four song unissued (you'll hear why!) tape of 1966 teenage hi jinx includes a truly demented 1:10 version of 7 And 7 Is, Dedicated Follower Of Fashion, Get Off My Cloud and a stunning take of the Beatles' I'm Down. Makes Green Fuz sound like Green Day!"
"Get ye ready for the first ever comp made up exclusively of these East LA kings' top 1964-67 stompers! NO BALLADS!! Just one souped-up killer after another! Whittier Blvd./Everybody Needs Somebody To Love/Jump, Jive And Harmonize/Gloria/Love Special Delivery/Thee Midnite Feeling/I Found A Peanut/Never Knew I Had It So Bad/Down Whittier Blvd./Empty Heart/Looking Out A Window/Do You Love Me/Dragon-Fly/Hey Little Girl/Money/Welcome Home Darling/Devil With A Blue Dress/Good Golly Miss Molly/Land Of A Thousand Dances (extended live version)/Down Whittier Blvd. (Godfrey vocal) - pounds like no manana! Release announcement in next newsletter. We are deeply saddened at the recent departure of Midniters arranger and horn man ROMEO PRADO, who passed away this month in Los Angeles. This album will be to his memory. GOD BLESS ROMEO."
Monday, April 24, 2006
It’s odd the way things turn out. In a previous life I had correspondence with one Steven Patrick Morrissey. I also set up The Cramps fan club with him, although we never met we talked on the phone and he contributed to the print NBT. The last time I think I ever had any contact with him was when I was invited go and see The Smiths at Night Moves in Glasgow. I didn’t care much for “This Charming Man” so I declined.
Our correspondence started because of a mutual fixation with The New York Dolls. Strange then that I should end up 25+ years down the road, seeing the Arthur documentary the day before seeing the phenomenon now known simply as Morrissey at The Albert Halls in Stirling. An attempt to arrange a meet never transpired. The reason for trying to do this was to pass him a copy of Amy Allison’s version of “Everyday Is Like Sunday” because I’d like to think he’d like it. Can’t say I’m a fan of his recorded work or that I’m even familiar with it but I still feel something of a kinship because of that Dolls connection. I’ve had the promo poster of the first album cover on my wall since I got it in 1972 and it’s still going strong. Hearing him and Nina talk about the charge of seeing them on the Whistle Test forever ago, took me right back to the night in question. Clearer than much of what has happened to me in the past few months.
Anyway, the show started of with the bang of “First Of The Gang” and sped somewhat downhill. There was a Led Zep thing going on with the drummer that I wasn’t down with and as tight as the band sounds, they have no tangible soul. Tis a great show if you worship at the altar I’m sure but for the casual onlooker the gilt wore off the gingerbread pretty fast. I was glad to get back to the car and the soothing tones of my Angel Corpus Christi Louie Louie cd. Away from the scene before it spilled out on to the pavey.
Openers Sons and Daughters are much more sinewy live than on record. That rhythm section can really motor. The girl singer is pretty good too. If they were to get some songs together and ditch the guitar player then I think they could be on to something.
And that's yer lot for morning report...
Our correspondence started because of a mutual fixation with The New York Dolls. Strange then that I should end up 25+ years down the road, seeing the Arthur documentary the day before seeing the phenomenon now known simply as Morrissey at The Albert Halls in Stirling. An attempt to arrange a meet never transpired. The reason for trying to do this was to pass him a copy of Amy Allison’s version of “Everyday Is Like Sunday” because I’d like to think he’d like it. Can’t say I’m a fan of his recorded work or that I’m even familiar with it but I still feel something of a kinship because of that Dolls connection. I’ve had the promo poster of the first album cover on my wall since I got it in 1972 and it’s still going strong. Hearing him and Nina talk about the charge of seeing them on the Whistle Test forever ago, took me right back to the night in question. Clearer than much of what has happened to me in the past few months.
Anyway, the show started of with the bang of “First Of The Gang” and sped somewhat downhill. There was a Led Zep thing going on with the drummer that I wasn’t down with and as tight as the band sounds, they have no tangible soul. Tis a great show if you worship at the altar I’m sure but for the casual onlooker the gilt wore off the gingerbread pretty fast. I was glad to get back to the car and the soothing tones of my Angel Corpus Christi Louie Louie cd. Away from the scene before it spilled out on to the pavey.
Openers Sons and Daughters are much more sinewy live than on record. That rhythm section can really motor. The girl singer is pretty good too. If they were to get some songs together and ditch the guitar player then I think they could be on to something.
And that's yer lot for morning report...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The 8-Track Torrents Are Here!
"Hello everyone and it is time again to torrent.
13th Floor Elevators - Attack Of The 8-Tracks I & II
These two volumes were derived from pristine 8-track tapes of the 4
Elevators' releases. Ripped directly to digital and presented on two
Cd's. I contains Psychedelic Sounds & Live / II contains Easter
Everywhere & Bull Of The Woods. The sound quality and mix of the 8-
tracks is completely different from the original vinyl mixes. So,
why go through the trouble you might ask; because we care.
A lot of work and effort goes into these projects from people across
the globe. If you would like to be part of the minion... join us
here: http://groups.google.com/group/Texas-P
To download these two cd's, and the artwork to boot, go to these
url's and torrent torrent torrent.
AOT8TI http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3473276
AOT8TII http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3473277
AOT8TI http://www.demonoid.com/torrents/details/324488/
AOT8TII http://www.demonoid.com/torrents/details/324490/
We look forward to hearing from you!"
"Hello everyone and it is time again to torrent.
13th Floor Elevators - Attack Of The 8-Tracks I & II
These two volumes were derived from pristine 8-track tapes of the 4
Elevators' releases. Ripped directly to digital and presented on two
Cd's. I contains Psychedelic Sounds & Live / II contains Easter
Everywhere & Bull Of The Woods. The sound quality and mix of the 8-
tracks is completely different from the original vinyl mixes. So,
why go through the trouble you might ask; because we care.
A lot of work and effort goes into these projects from people across
the globe. If you would like to be part of the minion... join us
here: http://groups.google.com/group/Texas-P
To download these two cd's, and the artwork to boot, go to these
url's and torrent torrent torrent.
AOT8TI http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3473276
AOT8TII http://thepiratebay.org/details.php?id=3473277
AOT8TI http://www.demonoid.com/torrents/details/324488/
AOT8TII http://www.demonoid.com/torrents/details/324490/
We look forward to hearing from you!"
Saturday, April 22, 2006
The Panopticon is an incredible place and it’s amazing that there are shows allowed in there at all. In these days of risk assessments, health and safety and needing to be insured up the wazoo just to breathe. Anyway, The BMX vs Pearlfishers set was short, sharp and practically accapella. The essence of timeless pop from a bygone time, recreated in a venue in a place that anybody with a sense of history ought to try and visit. I’d lose the artwork if it were me and concentrate on making it a music hall shrine but anyway, it’s still here so we need to be thankful for that at least.
The Arthur Kane documentary NEW YORK DOLL is a moving piece that’s already out on dvd in the US but is on limited theatre release here and that’s the way to see it. It includes Nina Antonia, Sylvain and Johansen et al and even Rick Rivets and Sirius Trixon. However, it’s about Arthur's redemption more than The Dolls. How he spiritually squared his troubled existencw with realising the dream of the band getting back together. He was looking a bit like Bill Nighy and you may well come away from it thinking that we could all take a leaf out of how dignified he was and what he achieved beyond the trappings of material gain. On the trailers prior to NYD, The Devil and Daniel Johnston was also previewed and it includes his appearance on The Cutting Edge with one Peter Zaremba. I’ve raved about this to anybody who’d listen since I saw it in Edinburgh last August. These are both intense portraits of very special people as is the upcoming You’re Gonna Miss Me. More of which next weekend…
"Hiya Kids,
A new feature with our mail outs is a bit of a news section just to give you something other than my wit(sic)and a few gig details to delete. This is also cos our guest book has been inhabited with 300 spammers so if i post it on there it'll be gone in the morning.We are trying to fix this so bear with us.
The news isn't just related to Deptford's finest either, so read on who knows there may be something for everyone. Plus it gives you an idea of the stuff we're into (like you care)
Firstly the sad stuff - Nikki Sudden died a few weeks ago and i had the honour of attending his funeral on wednesday in leamington spa. Anyone who likes the good stuff should check out his last album, "Treasure Island" as well as the rest of Nikki's recorded output. He was one of this islands' best kept secrets so discover now! www.nikkisudden.com is a good place to start.............I'll be posting info on some forthcoming tribute gigs for Nikki soon.
On a happier and less than six degrees of seperation front, Darrell Bath, who's played with Nikki for eons (and on the album) is reassembling his old band The Crybabys for a one off special - their first gig in god knows how long. They play tonight (22/4/06) at the Garage in Highbury and Islington as part of a Johnny Thunders memorial/tribute gig along with Dirty Love and the metro riots.
Yes kids, 15 years ago on 23rd March JT died for your sins, so light a candle and remember someone who really influenced rock n roll- then, now and for ever. I don't need to say anymore.
The Crybabys of course include Honest John Plain from the Boys, and The Boys play a special 30th Anniversary Show at the Barfly on September 22 - Only 200 tickets so you better move on to www.ticketweb.co.uk
This brings us back to The Phobics next gig on Wednesday 26th April at The Rhythm Factory, 16-18 Whitechapel Road, London E1 020 7375 3775. Nearest tubes Aldgate East or Whitechapel, buses 25, 254, 106.
8pm until 1am, THE PHOBICS after 9ish With - PLUS, THE SPIDER HOUSE, GNA and GLORIOUS Only £4 with our flyer less than a quid a band!
Our next gig is back in Sarf London on Saturday 13th May - Birds Nest, Deptford Church Street, Deptford SE8 FREE!! MOYNI’S belated Birthday GIG! 9pm onwards The Phobics play 2 sets – plus all the usual shenanigans.
A new feature with our mail outs is a bit of a news section just to give you something other than my wit(sic)and a few gig details to delete. This is also cos our guest book has been inhabited with 300 spammers so if i post it on there it'll be gone in the morning.We are trying to fix this so bear with us.
The news isn't just related to Deptford's finest either, so read on who knows there may be something for everyone. Plus it gives you an idea of the stuff we're into (like you care)
Firstly the sad stuff - Nikki Sudden died a few weeks ago and i had the honour of attending his funeral on wednesday in leamington spa. Anyone who likes the good stuff should check out his last album, "Treasure Island" as well as the rest of Nikki's recorded output. He was one of this islands' best kept secrets so discover now! www.nikkisudden.com is a good place to start.............I'll be posting info on some forthcoming tribute gigs for Nikki soon.
On a happier and less than six degrees of seperation front, Darrell Bath, who's played with Nikki for eons (and on the album) is reassembling his old band The Crybabys for a one off special - their first gig in god knows how long. They play tonight (22/4/06) at the Garage in Highbury and Islington as part of a Johnny Thunders memorial/tribute gig along with Dirty Love and the metro riots.
Yes kids, 15 years ago on 23rd March JT died for your sins, so light a candle and remember someone who really influenced rock n roll- then, now and for ever. I don't need to say anymore.
The Crybabys of course include Honest John Plain from the Boys, and The Boys play a special 30th Anniversary Show at the Barfly on September 22 - Only 200 tickets so you better move on to www.ticketweb.co.uk
This brings us back to The Phobics next gig on Wednesday 26th April at The Rhythm Factory, 16-18 Whitechapel Road, London E1 020 7375 3775. Nearest tubes Aldgate East or Whitechapel, buses 25, 254, 106.
8pm until 1am, THE PHOBICS after 9ish With - PLUS, THE SPIDER HOUSE, GNA and GLORIOUS Only £4 with our flyer less than a quid a band!
Our next gig is back in Sarf London on Saturday 13th May - Birds Nest, Deptford Church Street, Deptford SE8 FREE!! MOYNI’S belated Birthday GIG! 9pm onwards The Phobics play 2 sets – plus all the usual shenanigans.
(From the Dictators.com): HDM & DKT/MC5 IN NYC
(From Billboard) "The Strokes, the Dictators' Andy Shernoff, the Dead Boys' Cheetah Chrome and DKT with guest vocalists Corey Glover and Marshall Crenshaw will perform at the Joey Ramone Birthday Benefit next month.
The event will be held May 19 at New York's Irving Plaza on what would have been the late Ramones frontman's 55th birthday. Ramone died of cancer in 2001. Also on tap to appear is Richie Ramone, who manned the drum kit from 1983-1987 but was estranged from other group members for many years.
Proceeds from the show will be donated to the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Also in the works is an exhibition of work from well-known rock photographers in the days leading up to the bash".
The event will be held May 19 at New York's Irving Plaza on what would have been the late Ramones frontman's 55th birthday. Ramone died of cancer in 2001. Also on tap to appear is Richie Ramone, who manned the drum kit from 1983-1987 but was estranged from other group members for many years.
Proceeds from the show will be donated to the Lymphoma Research Foundation. Also in the works is an exhibition of work from well-known rock photographers in the days leading up to the bash".
Stripchords and Sonic Reducer Tag Team action, ahoy!
"All hail, kits'n'kittens!
We trust that you checked out legendary Boston rock'n'roll combos The Lyres and The Remains at the Le Beat Bespoke II shindig in Londinium last weekend, and also that we wuz too drunk too see ya grindin' when we were spinning 45s fer all-round icon Wilko Johnson at The Spitz Festival Of Blues on Easter Saturday night ... if not, more fool ya! Twas truly one of the rocking-est weekends that yer ever-lovin' 'Reducer team has experienced for some darn time!
But the main course is this Sunday, April 23rd, when The Stripchords play Charlie 'Hangdog' Munn's Sunday Revelator sesh, with the Sonic Reducer Tag Team DJs plus our very own Captain Rex Standish on decks duties.
Word has it that the crowd at this weekly event love to rock the dancefloor, so expect a superior mash of R&B, rock'n'roll, garage punk, deep fried junk and other musical monkey magic!
The Stripchords have a boudoir-full of gigs coming up during May and June, at such notable venues as The Spitz, The 100 Club, The Actionettes'
Tiki-Go-Go, and the mighty Ace Café. Log onto www.myspace.com/thestripchords to download tracks, and see a short performance video ...
Joss & Joe xxx
PS The Sonic Reducer club nite is taking an unforseen break during April, but will be back during May, with a spiffy, free and late-opening location onna Saturday nite - did ya ever think we'd let ya down? Norra chance ... "
The Stripchords & Sonic Reducer Tag Team DJs
April, 23 2006 at The Sunday Revelator @ The Macbeth 70 Hoxton Street, London, N1 6LP
Cost: £4, free b4 8.30pm
Email hangdogtrash@yahoo.co.uk or ring 07963 638580 for further info.
"All hail, kits'n'kittens!
We trust that you checked out legendary Boston rock'n'roll combos The Lyres and The Remains at the Le Beat Bespoke II shindig in Londinium last weekend, and also that we wuz too drunk too see ya grindin' when we were spinning 45s fer all-round icon Wilko Johnson at The Spitz Festival Of Blues on Easter Saturday night ... if not, more fool ya! Twas truly one of the rocking-est weekends that yer ever-lovin' 'Reducer team has experienced for some darn time!
But the main course is this Sunday, April 23rd, when The Stripchords play Charlie 'Hangdog' Munn's Sunday Revelator sesh, with the Sonic Reducer Tag Team DJs plus our very own Captain Rex Standish on decks duties.
Word has it that the crowd at this weekly event love to rock the dancefloor, so expect a superior mash of R&B, rock'n'roll, garage punk, deep fried junk and other musical monkey magic!
The Stripchords have a boudoir-full of gigs coming up during May and June, at such notable venues as The Spitz, The 100 Club, The Actionettes'
Tiki-Go-Go, and the mighty Ace Café. Log onto www.myspace.com/thestripchords to download tracks, and see a short performance video ...
Joss & Joe xxx
PS The Sonic Reducer club nite is taking an unforseen break during April, but will be back during May, with a spiffy, free and late-opening location onna Saturday nite - did ya ever think we'd let ya down? Norra chance ... "
The Stripchords & Sonic Reducer Tag Team DJs
April, 23 2006 at The Sunday Revelator @ The Macbeth 70 Hoxton Street, London, N1 6LP
Cost: £4, free b4 8.30pm
Email hangdogtrash@yahoo.co.uk or ring 07963 638580 for further info.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
In these days of the ubercorporate, an event like Patti Smith performing poetry and songs in a venue such as the Jeffrey Archive Room of Glasgow’s Mitchell Library is something to be savoured. She has an art exhibit there also which runs until May 1st. By the time this appeared on my radar, the show was sold out but lucky for me that Mr Francis Macdonald had a spare ticket… (cheers Frank).
So yeah, tales of dodo birds, lambs and hanging out in Rome when the Pope died. A recitation of “People Have The Power” and an acoustic closer of Hank Williams, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Die”. A great cultural event by a fine orator. Perspective is a peculiar thing and her similarity from certain angles to Joey Ramone reminded me that it’s been five years this past weekend since he passed away.
Twenty nine years and 11 months ago, I set out from the same starting point, Larbert station. Heading for London on an overnight train with a likeminded crew to hunt down records and magazines that you could only get there. One of these was Patti’s French “My Generation” 45 in a picture sleeve from Bizarre Records in Praed Street. This was before “punk broke”. Anywhere. When an MC5 or Stooges t-shirt meant something. Generally that it was home made.
So here’s an American icon that is still going strong and who has something to say. I could have listened to her talk about when she lived in Detroit and the how network cancelled her two favourite shows, Martial Arts Theatre and Kung Fu Theatre, all night. She’s lived and has many stories to tell. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to ask my question that I need an answer but all is not lost. Yet. In Ben Vaughn’s sadly unfinished documentary about Jerry Blavat, she refers to a record he played with the explanation, “bagpipes, bagpipes”. I need to find out what that is and to score a copy. Almost nothing else matters at this point in time.
As a postscript to all this, I had to share a train home with a shedload of Kaiser Chiefs fans. All the way at the other end of the new wave tunnel, their cut and paste, pastiche new wave antics have all been heard before but they’re doing it for the kids. Generally those with a zip attention span who’ll be changing horses sharpish any minute. Probably. I’m not altogether sure of anything right now but it was something to see an elder stateswoman in a venue like that. It infers that all is indeed not lost. Not completely. It might seem like all the wrong people have the power but the good guys could still overcome.
And that’s as optimistic as I’m prepared to be in this disenfranchised state…
So yeah, tales of dodo birds, lambs and hanging out in Rome when the Pope died. A recitation of “People Have The Power” and an acoustic closer of Hank Williams, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Die”. A great cultural event by a fine orator. Perspective is a peculiar thing and her similarity from certain angles to Joey Ramone reminded me that it’s been five years this past weekend since he passed away.
Twenty nine years and 11 months ago, I set out from the same starting point, Larbert station. Heading for London on an overnight train with a likeminded crew to hunt down records and magazines that you could only get there. One of these was Patti’s French “My Generation” 45 in a picture sleeve from Bizarre Records in Praed Street. This was before “punk broke”. Anywhere. When an MC5 or Stooges t-shirt meant something. Generally that it was home made.
So here’s an American icon that is still going strong and who has something to say. I could have listened to her talk about when she lived in Detroit and the how network cancelled her two favourite shows, Martial Arts Theatre and Kung Fu Theatre, all night. She’s lived and has many stories to tell. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to ask my question that I need an answer but all is not lost. Yet. In Ben Vaughn’s sadly unfinished documentary about Jerry Blavat, she refers to a record he played with the explanation, “bagpipes, bagpipes”. I need to find out what that is and to score a copy. Almost nothing else matters at this point in time.
As a postscript to all this, I had to share a train home with a shedload of Kaiser Chiefs fans. All the way at the other end of the new wave tunnel, their cut and paste, pastiche new wave antics have all been heard before but they’re doing it for the kids. Generally those with a zip attention span who’ll be changing horses sharpish any minute. Probably. I’m not altogether sure of anything right now but it was something to see an elder stateswoman in a venue like that. It infers that all is indeed not lost. Not completely. It might seem like all the wrong people have the power but the good guys could still overcome.
And that’s as optimistic as I’m prepared to be in this disenfranchised state…
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
This coming Friday (April 21st), The Pearlfishers with BMX Bandits and guests have a show at The Panopticon, 115 Trongate, Glasgow. Audience is limited to something like 60 and entry is by donation.
From www.pearlfishers.com
"This Friday we're doing a little benefit in that most romantic and famous of Glasgow hidden treasures - The Panopticon Theatre, abandoned for 80 years or so and still more or less intact, above Mitchell's Amusement Arcade on Argyle Street in the Trongate. It's where Stan Laurel famously made his stage debut and the boards welcomed Cary Grant, Dan Leno and others. If you watched BBC's Restoration show you will have seen the Panopticon narrowly miss the lottery millions. Well, that's not going to stop us, is it? Pearlfishers, BMX Bandits, Rainbow Family, Ally Kerr and Carol Laula will be there at about 7pm on 21st April to raise some cash for this amazing place. Shivers down the spine stuff. Anyway, the capacity is 60 people maximum and it's free at the door. Come early. The benefit part is that you make a donation on the night and it goes to the campaign to keep the Panopticon alive."
From www.pearlfishers.com
"This Friday we're doing a little benefit in that most romantic and famous of Glasgow hidden treasures - The Panopticon Theatre, abandoned for 80 years or so and still more or less intact, above Mitchell's Amusement Arcade on Argyle Street in the Trongate. It's where Stan Laurel famously made his stage debut and the boards welcomed Cary Grant, Dan Leno and others. If you watched BBC's Restoration show you will have seen the Panopticon narrowly miss the lottery millions. Well, that's not going to stop us, is it? Pearlfishers, BMX Bandits, Rainbow Family, Ally Kerr and Carol Laula will be there at about 7pm on 21st April to raise some cash for this amazing place. Shivers down the spine stuff. Anyway, the capacity is 60 people maximum and it's free at the door. Come early. The benefit part is that you make a donation on the night and it goes to the campaign to keep the Panopticon alive."
Monday, April 17, 2006
I heard about the Easter bunny...
It feels like ages since the last time I posted some kinda general update on the goin'-ons here at N.B.T.'s Dutch H.Q. So where to begin?
One thing that has been keepin' me occupied is Jeff Chang's Can't Stop Won't Stop. Subtitled A History Of The Hip-Hop Generation, this is one of the best rock reads I've come across in ages. Not just a musical history, but also a very clear look at the social/political backgrounds of the genre. And as much as I dig 80s rap, it certainly didn't warm me to "gangsta" morons, or that hideous "urban" crap that is everywhere these days. But as a solid read this is up there with England's Dreaming or Days In The Life. While reading this, the recent Big Apple Rappin' comp on Soul Jazz served as fine background music. Compiled and annotated by Ugly Things contributor Johan Kugelberg (who does a great job on the liners), this is a fab selection of (very) early rap that was mostly new to me. From the same label comes a fine collection of mixes by Tom Moulton, the guy who invented the 12" disco mix. Not sure if this would go down well with your average N.B.T. reader, but what the hey... Dutch readers might wanna check a new book on record collectors by Robert Haagsma entitled Vinylfanaten. The guy's a metalhead, so I gotta deduct some points for includin' not one, but four collectors of the genre. (For the life of me I can't understand the attraction of Iron Maidon pictures discs, or the constant one-upmanship of "I've-been-a-fan-since-their-first-demo"-like tales). No fans of punk, reggae, soul or Americana (blues, country etc.) either. But at least some of the good guys (Michel Terstegen, Johan Visser, Marthy Coumans, Jules Deelder and Johan Derksen) are featured as well. And it's always fun reading how others deal with these, er, "problems"...And yeah, there's more, plenty more, but it's way past midnight and I need some sleep before tomorrow anounces itself by way of our one-tone-only alarm clock (Loud!)...
It feels like ages since the last time I posted some kinda general update on the goin'-ons here at N.B.T.'s Dutch H.Q. So where to begin?
You on holiday today? Revved up to make that visit to the DIY superstore or some such retail facility?? I'm not. On holiday that is. Don't want to burn a day's annual leave. That's not to say that I want to attend the daily drudge but one of the only pleasures left is to be off when the other drones are in attendance.
The urge not to go in this am is strong but I'm not folding. I'd only regret it and be twice as despondent later. That's the quandry right there. Recent conditioning suggests that I'm lucky to have a job. That so many people don't. Life is just a big bowl of something... gruel mostly.
But anyway, the racket that is Easter will soon be over and Mayday will loom into view. That's one "holiday" I will partake of because it describes my downward spiral perfectly. So, if you are off today. Make a pact with yourself. Stay home and play some records and generally goof off. Don't go spending anything that'll make the pundits seem like they know your every habit. Even though they alarmingly do. Time I wasn't here...
The urge not to go in this am is strong but I'm not folding. I'd only regret it and be twice as despondent later. That's the quandry right there. Recent conditioning suggests that I'm lucky to have a job. That so many people don't. Life is just a big bowl of something... gruel mostly.
But anyway, the racket that is Easter will soon be over and Mayday will loom into view. That's one "holiday" I will partake of because it describes my downward spiral perfectly. So, if you are off today. Make a pact with yourself. Stay home and play some records and generally goof off. Don't go spending anything that'll make the pundits seem like they know your every habit. Even though they alarmingly do. Time I wasn't here...
"Tho we've been spinning A good bit of SKA ourselves. This Saturday, 22nd April, we're Bringing in the experts. None other than BAZ & TAM from DR NO's SKA CLUB - Expect the best Jamaica and the London 60's Mod Reggae scene had to offer.
Tall Paul Robinson & Angus will also be there to spin 60s, Garage, Psych, Beat and Soul. All happenin' at THE LOFT, @ The Venue, Calton Road, Edinburgh. 11pm-3am. £6/5."
Sunday, April 16, 2006
"Hey Hey hey!
Memphis's BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES play the only Scottish show of their UK tour this Friday at Stereo, Glasgow. Support comes from local swamp blues punkers, UNCLE JOHN AND WHITELOCK
Here's the lowdown...
FRIDAY 21ST APRIL at STEREO, Kelvinhaugh St., Glasgow;
doors: 9pm; £5 entrance...
....see y'all there!
- Jim (CEO of TCB promotions)"
Patti Smith and Francis Macdonald at the Glasgow International Festival.
The PS thing was limited to 100 tickets and is already sold out. There goes my chance to ask her what the "bagpipes, bagpipes" record was from Ben Vaughn's work in progress about The Geator.
The PS thing was limited to 100 tickets and is already sold out. There goes my chance to ask her what the "bagpipes, bagpipes" record was from Ben Vaughn's work in progress about The Geator.
Friday, April 14, 2006
It's Easter (everywhere) and don't forget that the Roky Erickson documentary, "You're Gonna Miss me" is on in Glasgow (GFT) and Edinburgh (Filmhouse) at the end of the month as part of Triptych.
The talk of the steamie around these parts is the alleged "Al(va) Quaeda". The wags are working overtime. A quiet hillfoots town, all of a sudden whisked into a media scrum that would perhaps be better employed looking into the hell that is the Sterling warehoose, just along the road. But that's the beauty of the "global village". There could be skullduggery happening through the wall from you right now. Or in the flat below. Or out in an allotment shed someplace via laptop. To think, last week we were all in for the bird flu. No' being able to park the car an' that, ken...
Big news around here however is that Laura Cantrell has recorded (I think) a half dozen new Radio Thrift Shops for BBC Radio Scotland. These will go out on Monday nights (don't know the slot by will convey that when I do) during July into August. these will include interviews with Charlie Louvin, Cowboy Jack Clement, Bobby Bare, Pig Robbins and Merle Haggard. (Thanks to Richard for the info.)
What else, yeah... Dollsquad are in London at the DWC tonight (Friday). Shock and Awe are at The Subway in Edinburgh tomorrow night (Saturday), a matinee of sorts because it all has to be over by 10pm.
Last night's Bill Wells Combo show is still resonating in my noggin and I'll bet that Nika is still dancing. Check out some photos and commentary here at the TFC message board.
Time to go and stretch the old legs methinks. And to think about making a start on tidying up the area that passes for a garden. Doing is some way off I think.
The talk of the steamie around these parts is the alleged "Al(va) Quaeda". The wags are working overtime. A quiet hillfoots town, all of a sudden whisked into a media scrum that would perhaps be better employed looking into the hell that is the Sterling warehoose, just along the road. But that's the beauty of the "global village". There could be skullduggery happening through the wall from you right now. Or in the flat below. Or out in an allotment shed someplace via laptop. To think, last week we were all in for the bird flu. No' being able to park the car an' that, ken...
Big news around here however is that Laura Cantrell has recorded (I think) a half dozen new Radio Thrift Shops for BBC Radio Scotland. These will go out on Monday nights (don't know the slot by will convey that when I do) during July into August. these will include interviews with Charlie Louvin, Cowboy Jack Clement, Bobby Bare, Pig Robbins and Merle Haggard. (Thanks to Richard for the info.)
What else, yeah... Dollsquad are in London at the DWC tonight (Friday). Shock and Awe are at The Subway in Edinburgh tomorrow night (Saturday), a matinee of sorts because it all has to be over by 10pm.
Last night's Bill Wells Combo show is still resonating in my noggin and I'll bet that Nika is still dancing. Check out some photos and commentary here at the TFC message board.
Time to go and stretch the old legs methinks. And to think about making a start on tidying up the area that passes for a garden. Doing is some way off I think.
This looks great, named after the Wreckless Eric album and featuring a performance by the man himself.
Wish someone would organise something like this around here. And what's more that there was an audience for such a beast.
Eric is also doing shows in the Pacific Northwest with Scott McCaughey en route to a rendezvous in San Francisco with Amy Rigby and Marti Jones.
The Bill Wells Alternative Japanese Wall-Of-Sound package tour held court at The Tolbooth in Stirling tonight. If you’re in the vicinity of Tobermory, Aberdeen, Stornoway, Wick and Evie in Orkney between here and the 22nd then I strongly suggest that you take in the show when it hits your neck of the woods.
It’s a privilege for music this challenging, entertaining and downright cinematic to be able to be experienced live. Some of it defies designation. Like Morricone hotwired to the BBC Radiophonic workshop. Then The Velvet Underground with Tijuana brass overtones. And the there’s Kazumi Nikaidoh who simply can’t keep still. Her ability to play duelling trumpet as a mimic is both captivating and disturbing in equal measure. Her Audrey Horne-esque dances add a bizarre David Lynch type shape to soundscapes that belong alongside his movies.
I honestly have NEVER seen anything like it. This show is not 50 minutes of the same old routine toured for 18 months to promote “an album”. It’s a showcase of real, odd but utterly compelling music that has a childlike heart and soul. A bravado untainted by the trappings of what passes for the mainstream. Major props to Mr Wells for his vision and furthermore for sharing it.
It’s a privilege for music this challenging, entertaining and downright cinematic to be able to be experienced live. Some of it defies designation. Like Morricone hotwired to the BBC Radiophonic workshop. Then The Velvet Underground with Tijuana brass overtones. And the there’s Kazumi Nikaidoh who simply can’t keep still. Her ability to play duelling trumpet as a mimic is both captivating and disturbing in equal measure. Her Audrey Horne-esque dances add a bizarre David Lynch type shape to soundscapes that belong alongside his movies.
I honestly have NEVER seen anything like it. This show is not 50 minutes of the same old routine toured for 18 months to promote “an album”. It’s a showcase of real, odd but utterly compelling music that has a childlike heart and soul. A bravado untainted by the trappings of what passes for the mainstream. Major props to Mr Wells for his vision and furthermore for sharing it.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
A short film about Jeff Connolly's visit earlier today to Wally Tax's gravesite can be found here. (the page is in Dutch, but just hit the
sign and you'll be directed to the film).
Thanks to Jocke for this eyewitness report from Friday night in Stockholm...
"Friday was superb. The Pipelines opened up with a rocketing sharp 7 minute set (Ace of Spades, Jack the Ripper) and were followed by Fatboy with 3 vocal tracks (Good Rockin' Tonite, Mustang, Born to Love One Woman). They revealed that their bassplayer had backed up Link in the 80's. Then it was The Bottle-ups (Jack the Ripper, Fatback, Rumble), reunited after 20 years. These guys did the instro-rock thing better then anyone in the 80's and it showed here too, impressive. Stefan Ahlqvist from Problem, a legendary band from South Sweden, joined them and did a great, great set. Then the oddest band in the line-up, Sci-fi Skane that comprises a DJ, a melodica/tambourine player and a commentator. The singer Thomas Öberg screamed out anecdotes about Link across the wild, weird Link DJ mix (Big Ben, My Alberta, Sunglasses After Dark, Shadow Knows, Deuces Wild). Ridiculously good. The Barbwires followed with a Bunker Hill set (Drag-Strip, Run Chicken Run, The Girl Can´t Dance) with Martin Savage on vocals and a piano player. The Nomads played Fire & Brimstone, Hidden Charms and I'm Branded, It was fun and Hans is always great with tunes like that. Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks were probably the rawest and hardest band this evening. Drums and two guitars roared (Genocide, Fuzz, Streets Of Chicago, Streetfighter) to the huge crowd. The show was completely sold out. Finally The Hives went on without Howlin' Pelle. Jyrki Juvonen from Wildfire Willie & The Ramblers took his place in the spotlight and showed us how to handle a danelectro (Hang On, Rawhide). As a grand finale, ten guitarists joined together for a rousing version of Rumble.
Two and half hours of Link music was over and everybody was satisfied."
Jocke Ericson
plus for video highlights, enter the visual laboratory of b_grrrlie
"Friday was superb. The Pipelines opened up with a rocketing sharp 7 minute set (Ace of Spades, Jack the Ripper) and were followed by Fatboy with 3 vocal tracks (Good Rockin' Tonite, Mustang, Born to Love One Woman). They revealed that their bassplayer had backed up Link in the 80's. Then it was The Bottle-ups (Jack the Ripper, Fatback, Rumble), reunited after 20 years. These guys did the instro-rock thing better then anyone in the 80's and it showed here too, impressive. Stefan Ahlqvist from Problem, a legendary band from South Sweden, joined them and did a great, great set. Then the oddest band in the line-up, Sci-fi Skane that comprises a DJ, a melodica/tambourine player and a commentator. The singer Thomas Öberg screamed out anecdotes about Link across the wild, weird Link DJ mix (Big Ben, My Alberta, Sunglasses After Dark, Shadow Knows, Deuces Wild). Ridiculously good. The Barbwires followed with a Bunker Hill set (Drag-Strip, Run Chicken Run, The Girl Can´t Dance) with Martin Savage on vocals and a piano player. The Nomads played Fire & Brimstone, Hidden Charms and I'm Branded, It was fun and Hans is always great with tunes like that. Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks were probably the rawest and hardest band this evening. Drums and two guitars roared (Genocide, Fuzz, Streets Of Chicago, Streetfighter) to the huge crowd. The show was completely sold out. Finally The Hives went on without Howlin' Pelle. Jyrki Juvonen from Wildfire Willie & The Ramblers took his place in the spotlight and showed us how to handle a danelectro (Hang On, Rawhide). As a grand finale, ten guitarists joined together for a rousing version of Rumble.
Two and half hours of Link music was over and everybody was satisfied."
Jocke Ericson
plus for video highlights, enter the visual laboratory of b_grrrlie
Sunday, April 09, 2006
More viewing material: Kino Digital Video has some cool videos on-line by beantown legends Pastiche, La Peste, Unnaturel Axe, Nervous Eaters and Lyres...
Yeah, this "new" thing with cutting unlikely music with clips and "remixing" movie trailers is an entertaining thread. Reminds me of what they used to do on The Old Grey Whistle Test many moons ago but way more twisted. Here's the revamped trailer for BLUE VELVET.
Link to ifilm via Dugpa.com
And while you're at watching stuff on your computer when you should be doing something else, why not make a brew and catch The Cryptkicker V play a jeans-emporium in Stockholm on April 1st. (Thanks to Jocke for this one)
clip one
clip two
Link to ifilm via Dugpa.com
And while you're at watching stuff on your computer when you should be doing something else, why not make a brew and catch The Cryptkicker V play a jeans-emporium in Stockholm on April 1st. (Thanks to Jocke for this one)
clip one
clip two
Saturday, April 08, 2006
"NEXT Saturday (April 15th) - come and see the world famous Shock And Awe for FREE to celebrate the release of "SHOCK AND AWE GO HOME" with the added bonus of some audio/video live action from Paul Research.
Come along, bring your friends, free night in the subway, doors open at 7:30 first band on at 8 - has to be over by 10:30 (at the latest - I plan to finish playing by 10). The plan is to play the whole of the new album from start to finish and then play some of our older songs, so if you've got any requests, let me know ? hopefully see ye there ? Cheers, Murray"
Come along, bring your friends, free night in the subway, doors open at 7:30 first band on at 8 - has to be over by 10:30 (at the latest - I plan to finish playing by 10). The plan is to play the whole of the new album from start to finish and then play some of our older songs, so if you've got any requests, let me know ? hopefully see ye there ? Cheers, Murray"
A missive from Duglas T Stewart....
"Here's some info about a show we have coming soon in Glasgow. A special club night, presented by the wonderful ladies of Dollymixture. We'll be playing something like a 45 minute set and as you'll see below there are plenty of other good things on the bill... this is from their myspace site...
We're extremely excited to announce the lineup for the Dolly Mixture 1st Birthday bash at Mono on Sunday, April 16 (8 - 12.30pm). Hold on to your hats as here's the full details: Live we have *drum roll* : BMX Bandits (need no introductions I'm sure) Popup (Just signed to Chemikal Underground and will do fabulously well this year) Johnny and the Debutantes (Only band to play Dolly twice. Selecting spesh outfits for the party but we hope it's not their birthday suits!). Our guest DJ for this momentous event is Emma Pollock from the Delgados. Emma has been gigging on a solo basis for the last wee while but for the birthday she'll be setting her guitar aside to play her selection of lady sounds. We'll of course be handling the decks at various points too. Tickets for the birthday are £5 and available from Tickets Scotland and Mono from Wednesday, March 29. Subject to booking/cc fee of course. Your £5 also buys you free badges, balloons, easter treats (mini eggs, dolly sweets lala whatever we can find), games (diplomatic hats mibs for Jen n' Ross, big style pass the parcel, god knows what else), perhaps a slice of the birthday cake too! Oh, and there's a few other surprises we're keeping schtum on."
Well, the bird flu is here. Or is it? The media has come down upon the east neuk of Fife like a virus this week and the news bulletins look like they're being directed by Bill Forsyth. Cellardyke (or Sillardike as my Granny used to say because she came from just along the coast) looks like the reporters are on the set of Local Hero. Maybe The Fence Collective will appear in the remake of the ceidlidh scene? Have you taken your poultry inside?. No? Me neither.
Another big news story this week has been that "single" that made it to the top of the charts on downloads alone. Before it was even "released". Isn't that prone to the very apex of chart rigging? Surpassing the days when retailers had to write sales down and people who worked in chart return shops had cart blanche to list their fave at every turn. Of course in these days. The good old days before computerised stock checking and god knows what else, this was carried out in good faith. I'm not saying that a mass download was planned or even undertaken but isn't it distinctly possible that this placing was gotten through subterfuge? Couldn't I just sit here and download something again and again for it to register? Like sending your family and their family and a slew of other people to buy copies of an actual single you made in a bid to secure chart notoriety? It strikes me that this is a system open to abuse. They haven't got to the point where it's limited to one download per household. And what if every member of said household just has to have that "track" on their bloody iPod? Preferring to support the artist rather than just cop a dub of their old fella or wummin (delete as applicable). More power to 'em if that's the way they pulled it off because the Top 20 is such a mire that they're welcome to it. One of the only pleasures I get is to sit and watch Top Of The Pops (on whatever night they switch it to) and seeth. That's how fucked things are around here. If it weren't for the prospect of The Sopranos (cheers H) then I dunno what I'd do.
Go outside? You can forget that... i'm feart of catching that bird flu if I walk past a refrigerator o' chicken or whatever. You can't take any chances, like, ken?
Another big news story this week has been that "single" that made it to the top of the charts on downloads alone. Before it was even "released". Isn't that prone to the very apex of chart rigging? Surpassing the days when retailers had to write sales down and people who worked in chart return shops had cart blanche to list their fave at every turn. Of course in these days. The good old days before computerised stock checking and god knows what else, this was carried out in good faith. I'm not saying that a mass download was planned or even undertaken but isn't it distinctly possible that this placing was gotten through subterfuge? Couldn't I just sit here and download something again and again for it to register? Like sending your family and their family and a slew of other people to buy copies of an actual single you made in a bid to secure chart notoriety? It strikes me that this is a system open to abuse. They haven't got to the point where it's limited to one download per household. And what if every member of said household just has to have that "track" on their bloody iPod? Preferring to support the artist rather than just cop a dub of their old fella or wummin (delete as applicable). More power to 'em if that's the way they pulled it off because the Top 20 is such a mire that they're welcome to it. One of the only pleasures I get is to sit and watch Top Of The Pops (on whatever night they switch it to) and seeth. That's how fucked things are around here. If it weren't for the prospect of The Sopranos (cheers H) then I dunno what I'd do.
Go outside? You can forget that... i'm feart of catching that bird flu if I walk past a refrigerator o' chicken or whatever. You can't take any chances, like, ken?
Friday, April 07, 2006
"hi kids,
if you can pull yourself off the easter bunny and chocolate over the next couple of weeks come and see The Phobics roll away the stone for easter at Indie Spin on Wednesday 26 April 2006
it's at The Rhythm Factory , 16-18 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1EW. and only a fiver in for 5 (count em) doses of rock n roll. nearest tubes are whitechapel or aldgate east.
8pm start five bands plus DJ Wayne Bootleg. "An evening of alternative and new sounds" (dunno which we come under!!)
GNA ( Global Noise Attack )... industrial rock theatre.
The Phobics .......you know what we do.
The Spider House ...NW London songsmithquartet Glorious...delivering sharp 3 minute gems
Plus... an exciting act , come and find out for yourself !
we'll be checking your hands and feet for holes so make sure you have one of our fliers cos they'll pay us if there's enough of ya.
help the poor and needy, dance to the beat of the living dead and see us finish a set with all members concious
if you can pull yourself off the easter bunny and chocolate over the next couple of weeks come and see The Phobics roll away the stone for easter at Indie Spin on Wednesday 26 April 2006
it's at The Rhythm Factory , 16-18 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1EW. and only a fiver in for 5 (count em) doses of rock n roll. nearest tubes are whitechapel or aldgate east.
8pm start five bands plus DJ Wayne Bootleg. "An evening of alternative and new sounds" (dunno which we come under!!)
GNA ( Global Noise Attack )... industrial rock theatre.
The Phobics .......you know what we do.
The Spider House ...NW London songsmithquartet Glorious...delivering sharp 3 minute gems
Plus... an exciting act , come and find out for yourself !
we'll be checking your hands and feet for holes so make sure you have one of our fliers cos they'll pay us if there's enough of ya.
help the poor and needy, dance to the beat of the living dead and see us finish a set with all members concious
Just incase you haven't got the energy to go to Eric's site and follow the link to the World Cafe interview like Little Randy suggested in his comment then here's a direct conduit. A British (inter)National treasure on American Radio.
Kingly Books launch Val Lewton's "No Bed Of Her Own" at Mono this coming Wednesday 12th April at 8pm... more details here.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I should be outta here by now but the flesh is weak and the spirit is even less willing but needs must. Anyway, some info to convey...
As well as the Amy Rigby/Wreckless Eric show in London tomorrow night (Friday 7th), The Dirty Water Club plays host to Chris Wilson and those Groovin' Flames of his.
While over in Stockholm, Debaser plays host to the all star Link Wray tribute.
Dave from Gloria Club in Paris has relayed the news that The Remains will be shaking some of their particular action a week from tomorrow (Friday 14th April)...

And if you're heading for Madrid, then the Louie Louie bar is one hangout where they don't partake of anything but the finest musical entertainment.
So there you have it. For my sins I won't be able to attend any of 'em but feel free to rub in what I'll no doubt be missing.
As well as the Amy Rigby/Wreckless Eric show in London tomorrow night (Friday 7th), The Dirty Water Club plays host to Chris Wilson and those Groovin' Flames of his.
While over in Stockholm, Debaser plays host to the all star Link Wray tribute.
Dave from Gloria Club in Paris has relayed the news that The Remains will be shaking some of their particular action a week from tomorrow (Friday 14th April)...
And if you're heading for Madrid, then the Louie Louie bar is one hangout where they don't partake of anything but the finest musical entertainment.
So there you have it. For my sins I won't be able to attend any of 'em but feel free to rub in what I'll no doubt be missing.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Catch one of these (Wreckless) Eric and Amy (Rigby) shows over these next few days (if you're about)...
April 5th St. Bonaventure's Club, Berkeley Road, Bishopston, Bristol
April 7th The Plough, Walthamstow, London
April 8th The Granary, High Street, Buckingham
April 10th The Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton
April 5th St. Bonaventure's Club, Berkeley Road, Bishopston, Bristol
April 7th The Plough, Walthamstow, London
April 8th The Granary, High Street, Buckingham
April 10th The Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street, Brighton
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Next weekend we have the gigundo record fair here in town once again. If you're headin' this way, you might wanna check the festivities at the dB‘s club on saturday night featuring London's mighty Blacktime trio and Jeff Conolly's Teringlyres...
Nick Vahlberg just gave me the heads up that another Swedish institution is selling up. Gunnar Johansson's WILD and WICKED has a blow out, closing sale that includes records, posters and other hard to get stuff at super bargain prices. Check it out!
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die returns to the Rodeo Bar for more rootin', tootin' Tuesday shenanigans, friend, but shall we see YOU there? We hope the answer is a resounding "quite possibly". Sincerely, Michael
So yeah, a few bits and pieces here that should keep you back from doing what you ought to be doing. Like chores, etc.
I recently discovered a guy called MC Lars who is playing at King Tuts in Glasgow tomorrow night. I was gonna roll along to see him but the show has been sold out for weeks. Seems like the bush telegraph still works. Anyway, it’s savvy, funny and completely irreverent. Punk flavoured Hip hop for people who don't necessary relate to that demographic as a rule. Hear him for yourself.
The great Richard Stim has been making his presence felt at YouTube. He has 4 films on there including one of his commute between Sutro Heights and Berkeley and also the clip for MX80’s “We’re An American Band”. Neither you or I are worthy of his genius.
Jeremy Gluck knew Buffalo Bill. Details here.
The long awaited second Yayhoos album is just about to come out on the Lakeside Lounge imprint. You can hear every cut on “Put The Hammer Down” at their site. The album will only be available via that portal and at shows. What are you waitin’ for?
I recently discovered a guy called MC Lars who is playing at King Tuts in Glasgow tomorrow night. I was gonna roll along to see him but the show has been sold out for weeks. Seems like the bush telegraph still works. Anyway, it’s savvy, funny and completely irreverent. Punk flavoured Hip hop for people who don't necessary relate to that demographic as a rule. Hear him for yourself.
The great Richard Stim has been making his presence felt at YouTube. He has 4 films on there including one of his commute between Sutro Heights and Berkeley and also the clip for MX80’s “We’re An American Band”. Neither you or I are worthy of his genius.
Jeremy Gluck knew Buffalo Bill. Details here.
Whoa Dad! From The Count Bishops' French fan site: "Denis Vaughan is presently booking dates for The COUNT BISHOPS Tour in Europe for May and June 2006. The line up of band will be original including Dave TICE, Johnny GUITAR, Pat McMULLEN, Paul BALBI. Chiswick Records intend to release a new CD/DVD to coincide with the tour".
Saturday, April 01, 2006
So as of today, NBT is another year older and not necessarily wiser. Actually definitely not wiser. Yesterday was of note for another reason entirely, and one that will have ramifications with regard to the BBC here in Scotland.
The one and the only Stewart Cruickshank hung up his senior producer bunnet at Queen Margaret Drive. Ask anyone, Stewart has been responsible for much of what we know as the Scottish music terrain. He's forgotten more than many of us ever thought we knew and leaves several individuals to carry the torch. I hope that doesn't get snuffed out by the corrie-fisted actions of what passes for the hierarchy there. Wish them luck. By the time that BBC Scotland relocates to the south side of the Clyde, who knows what shape it'll be in but all is not completely lost. It just feels like it is.
And wish the good Captain a big bucket of that luck stuff also as he continues to produce the ground-breaking Iain Anderson show for an independent company. The BBC family silver is being "sold" to bolster up the balance sheets. It's a sad indictment on this world we live in but wodjagaunnae dae? On the plus side for Stewart, hopefully he'll get some of his life back and maybe even get to sorting out his record cupboard(s).
If you've ever met Stewart then you'll know that his enthusiasm is infectious. If there were more people like him around then maybe, just maybe I could ease up on the pessimism. So here's to you chief, there's still a lot of rhythm in those auld rockin' bones. May that lum of yours shake, rattle and roll to the bridge.
The one and the only Stewart Cruickshank hung up his senior producer bunnet at Queen Margaret Drive. Ask anyone, Stewart has been responsible for much of what we know as the Scottish music terrain. He's forgotten more than many of us ever thought we knew and leaves several individuals to carry the torch. I hope that doesn't get snuffed out by the corrie-fisted actions of what passes for the hierarchy there. Wish them luck. By the time that BBC Scotland relocates to the south side of the Clyde, who knows what shape it'll be in but all is not completely lost. It just feels like it is.
And wish the good Captain a big bucket of that luck stuff also as he continues to produce the ground-breaking Iain Anderson show for an independent company. The BBC family silver is being "sold" to bolster up the balance sheets. It's a sad indictment on this world we live in but wodjagaunnae dae? On the plus side for Stewart, hopefully he'll get some of his life back and maybe even get to sorting out his record cupboard(s).
If you've ever met Stewart then you'll know that his enthusiasm is infectious. If there were more people like him around then maybe, just maybe I could ease up on the pessimism. So here's to you chief, there's still a lot of rhythm in those auld rockin' bones. May that lum of yours shake, rattle and roll to the bridge.
Be Wild, Not Evil - The Link Wray Story by Jimmy McDonough on Perfect Sound Forever
Thanks to Ben Gart for the heads-up.
Thanks to Ben Gart for the heads-up.
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