Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The Stooges gig at the Hammersmith Apollo was everything you would want it to be. Between bands they pumped 60s garage rock over the PA (inc. a track by the Iguanas, Iggy's first band) which was damn cool to hear. The support band were bogged down with that big 80s drum sound and the music rather lifeless in my estimation. I cannot remember their name, it was something silly like Dead Goth Kids on the Block, anyhow, they are from Poland and my conclusion is that Count Peter Zaremba needs to get over there pronto and teach the kids a thing or two about RnR. In contrast, the Stooges exploded onto the stage and within the first couple of minutes Iggy had climbed on-top of the bass players amp. Amazing stuff and he did not stop there. The band delivered a pretty damn tight version of the "Funhouse" album (inc. "LA Blues") and even threw in a few tracks from their debut album. Suffice to say that during "I Wanna Be Your Dog" Iggy invited half the audience onto the stage for some good natured dancing. Hell, Iggy could have stood for Prime Minster last night and been elected by a landslide. In short, the Stooges did their reputation no harm at all. Easily the best gig of the year so far. Sadly I did not spot any MoJo readers on the tube home but did bump into a colleague from work who had been at the show with her husband. A great show that confirmed my belief that what is wrong with 90% of bands is that they are unable, or unwilling, to plug into the primal rush that ignited Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard way-back-when.
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Thank you for loading this concert by The Grass Roots. Their live chops suggest they were more than a Sloan/Barri vehicle. In adding "Feelings" you have duplicated song and removed "House of Stone".
11:40 PM
1 comment:
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Can't find any news items about this in English, but several Dutch newspapers reported today about a newly opened Ramones Museum in Berlin. Among the goodies on display are a pair of torn jeans as worn by Johnny. (Thanks to Selma and Jos for the tip-off)
So, things are still unravelling here. Reports may be sketchy for the next couple of days. No, I won't be at The Stooges "doing" Funhouse tonight in London. I find the whole concept somewhat reprehensible. I wonder if The Ramones would have performed "Ramones" or "Leave Home" and like to think not. Anyway, they must be getting quite a pot of green together for that old age so that's good I guess...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Yeah, today didn't pan out quite the way I planned it. Started out badly when I went for petrol (that's gas to you folks in the USA) and I found out it was up to 97.9p per litre. Anyways, the fucking refinery that it comes from is literally 100 yards from the station, you'd think we'd be ripe for a discount. But I digress, for one reason and another I didn't "get in aboot" the backlog like I had it figured...
The latest releases from the Licorice Tree imprint are two 7” items. Thee Fine Lines “Looking Everywhere” EP goes round at 33? and finds the Springfield, Mo. trio in typically rough house shape. All four songs are well up to scratch in that righteously primitive vein that you folks tend to lap up.
Thee Shams “Gotta Be Something” on the other hand is, as far as these ears can make out, not much of anything at all. Never to be confused with The Shams, this is yer distinctly average garage grade no-fi. Neither side did anything for me at all except wonder why Chad would put it out? There's a copy sitting here waiting to go to a good home at no cost to the foster parent.
There goes another weekend...
There goes another weekend...
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Ghetto Ways - Solid Brown. (Alien Snatch LP).
Been gettin' conflictin' reports on the shows this trio is doin' 'round these parts as we speak, but there's no denyin' the power within the grooves of their somophore offerin'. Less of a straight forward p-rock effort than their debut, this reaches out for a more Detroit kinda feel (think MC5, not Stooges), and hits the right spot straight away. Heck, I keep thinkin' about the 5 and the Users everytime I spin this, which should be recommendation enough...
I didn't realise that John Herald was 66 when he left us the other week there. The guy had an energy that many relative youngsters couldn't muster...
"There will be a service for John Herald at the Bearsville Theater just outside of Woodstock, NY on route 212 this Sunday, August 28 at 6pm. This will be the official funeral service. Everyone involved in putting this together would like it to be an uplifting celebration of John's life and music. Many musician friends will play music in his honor. It will be a beautiful place to join together and give John the send off he deserves.
Before John's death, he was working on a CD. Brain Hollander had been working closely with John on this project and is going to finish the recording as John wished. We will keep you updated on when it will be available. He hopes to have it completed very soon. Brian will have a three song sampler done to give out at the service. Thanks so much Brian. Please see the link on John's website to the beautiful article Brian wrote for John in the Woodstock Times, where he is the editor.
Please visit for more news and info. There is a guest book to sign and also a place to read wonderful stories about John from those that knew him and his music."
"There will be a service for John Herald at the Bearsville Theater just outside of Woodstock, NY on route 212 this Sunday, August 28 at 6pm. This will be the official funeral service. Everyone involved in putting this together would like it to be an uplifting celebration of John's life and music. Many musician friends will play music in his honor. It will be a beautiful place to join together and give John the send off he deserves.
Before John's death, he was working on a CD. Brain Hollander had been working closely with John on this project and is going to finish the recording as John wished. We will keep you updated on when it will be available. He hopes to have it completed very soon. Brian will have a three song sampler done to give out at the service. Thanks so much Brian. Please see the link on John's website to the beautiful article Brian wrote for John in the Woodstock Times, where he is the editor.
Please visit for more news and info. There is a guest book to sign and also a place to read wonderful stories about John from those that knew him and his music."
Some random stuff that you might care to investigate...
LYDON Vs PURSEY (Thanks Martin)
Some nice SOUNDTRACK gear.
SAVE CBGB's film (Cheers Karen)
That oughtta keep you clickin' for a bit.
LYDON Vs PURSEY (Thanks Martin)
Some nice SOUNDTRACK gear.
SAVE CBGB's film (Cheers Karen)
That oughtta keep you clickin' for a bit.
So that's it, the Film Festival shuttle engine is cooling. Much as I'd like to catch Gunner Palace tomorrow, I think it's unlikely. But anyway, Thursday I saw JUNEBUG. It's a nice little piece which travels at a slow pace but doesn't ever wander from the point. The score by Yo La Tengo is somewhat understated and maybe it's a tad "wumminey" (woman-y) but it's well structured. I settled into it just fine. Don't be put off by any references to Gus Van Sant in the promo blurb.
Last night seemed like it was gonna be a disaster. Stuck on a train because of a track power failure, the seconds ticked by and it looked like THE DEVIL AND DANIEL JOHNSTON would be screening without us. However, an effort was made to scoot up there and I guess I missed about 10 minutes of it. All I can say is that I'm glad that I did hightail it up there. It's a really insightful and entertaining film and you won't have to be too conversant with DJ's output to enjoy it. He's a troubled boy alright but I guess it's that which drives him further out than almost anybody. You'll be searching out those early tapes after you see it.
NBT regulars will be pleased to hear that there's an appearance by one Peter Zaremba and also music by Dean Wareham and Britta Phillips. It also includes a clip of an appearance in Hoboken's great, no longer with us, Pier Platters Record Store (with a Trigger and the Thrill Kings promo shot on the wall right behind him. There's actually another screening tonight (Saturday) so if you're in the 'hood then you should attend. I would if I could but I cannae but plan to see the entire film just as soon as is (humanly) possible. I think it's at the ICA in London this coming week (Tuesday 30th) also, so folks down there should check that out.
As I attempt to compose my napper and catch up on things, this latest LEFSETZ was somewhat timely. Having just come out of the end of the 59th EIFF it pretty much lays the whole shebang out from that line in the sand we need to work from. (Reprinted with permission, sign up for the newsletter.)
"They're fighting in the movie business. Bob Iger, impending head of Disney, committed a faux pas. He stated the truth. That people want to see the movie at home. On the same day it debuts in theatres.
The theatre owners FREAKED OUT!
But who should the movie companies be loyal to? The exhibitors or the public?
We already know what side the music industry is on. They side with the retailers. They don't want to do ANYTHING that might hurt the retailers. As if they were the end customer, as if every sale to them was final, as if they couldn't ship unsold product back.
Prognosticators have been talking about home theatre for over a decade. It's now here. Watching the flick on a plasma set with surround sound is BETTER than going to the multiplex. You don't have to drive, you don't have to endure ads, you don't have to mingle with the PUBLIC, with their pesky cell phone conversations DURING the movie, you can pop your own corn at a fraction of the price, why WOULD you want to go out?
We have the equivalent of the plasma set in the music business. It's called the iPod. The labels hate it. They want everybody to buy CDs. They're INCENTIVIZING them to buy CDs, you get more cluck for your buck at the brick and mortar retail outlet than you do at the iTunes Music Store, no copy protection, better sound and artwork. Why WOULD YOU want the file when you can have a DISC?
iPods hold collections much larger than almost every consumer ever acquired at a retail outlet. You'd think the labels would see a new business model was needed to satiate owners of the device. But no, in their minds an iPod should only hold a few albums, that were each paid for with a twenty dollar bill. Got to keep the old business model intact.
But that's what Bob Iger is questioning. The old business model. He LITERALLY said he didn't want to make the mistakes of the music industry, not giving consumers what they want.
The consumer does not want tethered subscriptions. They don't even want any device OTHER than the iPod. Not only because the iPod is cool, but it WORKS! Because of the ingenious software involved. But rather than see this as an advantage, the labels just carp there's no interoperability amongst stores. It's like arguing that Honda parts won't fit Yugos, NOBODY WANTS A YUGO!
And the reason they're freaking in the movie business, why Iger is proffering new ideas, is because business is off.
Oh, they've been through the parade of horribles. People are STEALING the product. There are entertainment alternatives. There are too many ads in theatres. But now, as the close of the summer season looms, there seems to be a consensus. The movies suck.
Funny how the movie men can admit the truth, but the music moguls can't.
But, true thinkers can't understand why this fact, this lack of quality, is causing a ten percent decline in theatre attendance THIS YEAR, after all, THE MOVIES WERE JUST AS BAD LAST YEAR! Actually, they've been bad for TEN YEARS! Such a long time that people have fallen out of the moviegoing habit. They've been overhyped and ripped off one too many times. They've ABANDONED the industry. FATIGUE has set in.
Fascinating concept if you think about it.
This was bandied about in the music business half a decade ago, when sales first started to tank. Napster traders said CDs were too expensive, they only contained one good track. Now, five years later, CDs have not come down significantly in price. But, it's worse. They still suck. They suck MORE!
Maybe it's got nothing to do with downloading. None of the ills the RIAA bandies about. Maybe it's the raw fact that the music has sucked for a very long time and people just don't care anymore.
And now here's where indie store owners from across America click return and rave at me, telling me all the GREAT product they're selling.
Now, let's be clear. The movie business is only off TEN PERCENT! That means MANY people are still going to the theatre. But, what's gonna happen in the future? MANY people are still buying CDs. But significantly fewer every year. The trend is going in the wrong direction DRAMATICALLY! What about the people who've stopped buying, shouldn't we worry about where THEY'RE AT?
Music's no longer cool.
Oh, don't bark back. I used to live to comb the record store bins. Now I don't go, I comb the Net. Why go to a store, which has such tiny inventory, none of the rarities I desire, most of which you can't buy at ANY price.
Still, I don't spend hours hunting down the new stuff. Most of what I'm looking for is OLD!
And, now we've got the naysayers saying it's my age. You get old and you want to stay home, you're not interested in new music. But talk to teens. They REVERE the classic rock acts. THEY think today's music is bullshit. OH, it's not black and white. OF COURSE people are buying 50 Cent and Destiny's Child and Hilary Duff. But question five teenagers, you'll be stunned when you hear them foam at the mouth about Zeppelin, Hendrix and the Who. They know what's good.
There hasn't been a good album, one that changed your life, since "Jagged Little Pill".
Oh, I've heard good music since. But I'm now more interested in technology than music. Tech is cutting edge and cool. Hell, have you USED Google Earth? It's better than anything the Strokes or Keane or the Killers or...ANYBODY has put out this year. Google Earth is what music USED to be. How did they COME UP with this? It's so cool!
So, first we need better music. Then we've got to convince people it's out there.
You'd think instead of paying for play on terrestrial radio labels would be supporting satellite radio and net radio, with their wide variety of options, with their unlimited playlists. God, sign up for satellite and get five CDs free. Isn't this how "Rolling Stone" built its business?
There are more records than ever. More shows. There's infrastructure, but a great faction of the public has tuned out. It's not that different from Atari. Suddenly, everybody decided that gaming console sucked. They used it up. It died. Almost overnight.
But video games didn't die. You just needed someone to reinvent them. Which NIntendo did. Bringing a dead industry back to the point where it now eclipses both movies AND music.
At the height of Napster sales were at their peak. Because there was an EXCITEMENT! EVERYBODY wanted music on their computers. But the industry killed Napster. Music wasn't being acquired the way they thought it should. And sales have declined ever since.
It's not about selling CDs at Starbucks. The labels killed vinyl, they could kill the CD overnight, bring everybody into the MP3 era. The iPod era. That's what Bob Iger is talking about. Forgetting tradition and entering the PRESENT!
This business is completely full of shit. Everybody knows music sucks. That's the PERCEPTION! And perception is reality. Until perception changes, this business is fucked."
"They're fighting in the movie business. Bob Iger, impending head of Disney, committed a faux pas. He stated the truth. That people want to see the movie at home. On the same day it debuts in theatres.
The theatre owners FREAKED OUT!
But who should the movie companies be loyal to? The exhibitors or the public?
We already know what side the music industry is on. They side with the retailers. They don't want to do ANYTHING that might hurt the retailers. As if they were the end customer, as if every sale to them was final, as if they couldn't ship unsold product back.
Prognosticators have been talking about home theatre for over a decade. It's now here. Watching the flick on a plasma set with surround sound is BETTER than going to the multiplex. You don't have to drive, you don't have to endure ads, you don't have to mingle with the PUBLIC, with their pesky cell phone conversations DURING the movie, you can pop your own corn at a fraction of the price, why WOULD you want to go out?
We have the equivalent of the plasma set in the music business. It's called the iPod. The labels hate it. They want everybody to buy CDs. They're INCENTIVIZING them to buy CDs, you get more cluck for your buck at the brick and mortar retail outlet than you do at the iTunes Music Store, no copy protection, better sound and artwork. Why WOULD YOU want the file when you can have a DISC?
iPods hold collections much larger than almost every consumer ever acquired at a retail outlet. You'd think the labels would see a new business model was needed to satiate owners of the device. But no, in their minds an iPod should only hold a few albums, that were each paid for with a twenty dollar bill. Got to keep the old business model intact.
But that's what Bob Iger is questioning. The old business model. He LITERALLY said he didn't want to make the mistakes of the music industry, not giving consumers what they want.
The consumer does not want tethered subscriptions. They don't even want any device OTHER than the iPod. Not only because the iPod is cool, but it WORKS! Because of the ingenious software involved. But rather than see this as an advantage, the labels just carp there's no interoperability amongst stores. It's like arguing that Honda parts won't fit Yugos, NOBODY WANTS A YUGO!
And the reason they're freaking in the movie business, why Iger is proffering new ideas, is because business is off.
Oh, they've been through the parade of horribles. People are STEALING the product. There are entertainment alternatives. There are too many ads in theatres. But now, as the close of the summer season looms, there seems to be a consensus. The movies suck.
Funny how the movie men can admit the truth, but the music moguls can't.
But, true thinkers can't understand why this fact, this lack of quality, is causing a ten percent decline in theatre attendance THIS YEAR, after all, THE MOVIES WERE JUST AS BAD LAST YEAR! Actually, they've been bad for TEN YEARS! Such a long time that people have fallen out of the moviegoing habit. They've been overhyped and ripped off one too many times. They've ABANDONED the industry. FATIGUE has set in.
Fascinating concept if you think about it.
This was bandied about in the music business half a decade ago, when sales first started to tank. Napster traders said CDs were too expensive, they only contained one good track. Now, five years later, CDs have not come down significantly in price. But, it's worse. They still suck. They suck MORE!
Maybe it's got nothing to do with downloading. None of the ills the RIAA bandies about. Maybe it's the raw fact that the music has sucked for a very long time and people just don't care anymore.
And now here's where indie store owners from across America click return and rave at me, telling me all the GREAT product they're selling.
Now, let's be clear. The movie business is only off TEN PERCENT! That means MANY people are still going to the theatre. But, what's gonna happen in the future? MANY people are still buying CDs. But significantly fewer every year. The trend is going in the wrong direction DRAMATICALLY! What about the people who've stopped buying, shouldn't we worry about where THEY'RE AT?
Music's no longer cool.
Oh, don't bark back. I used to live to comb the record store bins. Now I don't go, I comb the Net. Why go to a store, which has such tiny inventory, none of the rarities I desire, most of which you can't buy at ANY price.
Still, I don't spend hours hunting down the new stuff. Most of what I'm looking for is OLD!
And, now we've got the naysayers saying it's my age. You get old and you want to stay home, you're not interested in new music. But talk to teens. They REVERE the classic rock acts. THEY think today's music is bullshit. OH, it's not black and white. OF COURSE people are buying 50 Cent and Destiny's Child and Hilary Duff. But question five teenagers, you'll be stunned when you hear them foam at the mouth about Zeppelin, Hendrix and the Who. They know what's good.
There hasn't been a good album, one that changed your life, since "Jagged Little Pill".
Oh, I've heard good music since. But I'm now more interested in technology than music. Tech is cutting edge and cool. Hell, have you USED Google Earth? It's better than anything the Strokes or Keane or the Killers or...ANYBODY has put out this year. Google Earth is what music USED to be. How did they COME UP with this? It's so cool!
So, first we need better music. Then we've got to convince people it's out there.
You'd think instead of paying for play on terrestrial radio labels would be supporting satellite radio and net radio, with their wide variety of options, with their unlimited playlists. God, sign up for satellite and get five CDs free. Isn't this how "Rolling Stone" built its business?
There are more records than ever. More shows. There's infrastructure, but a great faction of the public has tuned out. It's not that different from Atari. Suddenly, everybody decided that gaming console sucked. They used it up. It died. Almost overnight.
But video games didn't die. You just needed someone to reinvent them. Which NIntendo did. Bringing a dead industry back to the point where it now eclipses both movies AND music.
At the height of Napster sales were at their peak. Because there was an EXCITEMENT! EVERYBODY wanted music on their computers. But the industry killed Napster. Music wasn't being acquired the way they thought it should. And sales have declined ever since.
It's not about selling CDs at Starbucks. The labels killed vinyl, they could kill the CD overnight, bring everybody into the MP3 era. The iPod era. That's what Bob Iger is talking about. Forgetting tradition and entering the PRESENT!
This business is completely full of shit. Everybody knows music sucks. That's the PERCEPTION! And perception is reality. Until perception changes, this business is fucked."
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Picked up a brochure for the INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF NEW CINEMA that will take place in Berlin between February 9th and 19th 2006. It includes the following statement which the organisers of the EIFF might do well to heed for future programming. The could add a line with regard to not submitting films that will be in cinemas before the cinema seats go cold after the Fest too. Anyway it reads…
“Films submitted for screening at the Forum must have been completed within the last 12 months before the staert of the festival; must be at least 60 minutes long; must not have been screened at any other German or European festivals; and with the exception of country of origin, must not have been shown in European cinemas or broadcast on television.”
I’d provide a link to their site but it doesn’t seem to be operating yet.
Meanwhile on the well-worn trail ‘tween here and Auld Reekie, there are two films to go and we’re done. The logistics have been something of a chore this annum, it feels like just a bunch of screenings. There have been no “events” involved with anything we’ve seen so far. There was a Q&A after the Brian Jones fiasco but that might have gotten ugly.
At this point in time and space, dropping off the face of the earth is an attractive proposition. Something to be working on…
“Films submitted for screening at the Forum must have been completed within the last 12 months before the staert of the festival; must be at least 60 minutes long; must not have been screened at any other German or European festivals; and with the exception of country of origin, must not have been shown in European cinemas or broadcast on television.”
I’d provide a link to their site but it doesn’t seem to be operating yet.
Meanwhile on the well-worn trail ‘tween here and Auld Reekie, there are two films to go and we’re done. The logistics have been something of a chore this annum, it feels like just a bunch of screenings. There have been no “events” involved with anything we’ve seen so far. There was a Q&A after the Brian Jones fiasco but that might have gotten ugly.
At this point in time and space, dropping off the face of the earth is an attractive proposition. Something to be working on…
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
So these two guys, Penn Jillette and his mucker, go into an film agents office. They tell him that they have this film which contains the filthiest, most convoluted versions of an "insider" joke imaginable. The pitch goes on for an indeterminite lengthe and the agent says, What's it called... (no, not Cumbernauld, daftie) - altogether now - "The Aristocrats". Boom boom.
So does it live up to the buzz? Well, when you see it in a packed cinema of people who would laugh at an egg boiling then hackles are definitley raised. The loud hee-hawing means that you miss some of the follow-up. That said, it definitley has it's moments and Larry Storch and Joe Franklin are in it fer chrissakes!
I want to see it again when it comes out on dvd, so I can properly listen to the craft. My favourite sequences out of the box was Sarah Silverman's take on it and also the special South Park animation. There was no Larry David but Jason Alexander, Susie Essman and Richard Lewis kinda represented that corner. Some of these guys were new to me, like Kevin Pollack's delivery in the style of Christopher Walken and although I'd seen Gilbert Gottfried before, I never knew who he was.
So, the material is pretty gross, disgusting whatever you want to call it and it's all down to the delivery. The infectious stupidity of the lengths it can all be spun out to is the trick. George Carlin explains that shock and surprise are the same thing and thereby hangs the tail. Robin Williams joke about the Rabbi at the end is a flippin' belter. Can I recommend it? Well, I think you folks are twisted enough to get some yuks. I'm pretty sure that you won't come across owt here that you haven't heard in real life. But then again... maybe not in one sitting.
As a footnote, important as this screening was - there was no introduction by anyone representing the festival or the film. The curtains closed before the final credits had finished. I guess they wanted us outta there, huh?
So does it live up to the buzz? Well, when you see it in a packed cinema of people who would laugh at an egg boiling then hackles are definitley raised. The loud hee-hawing means that you miss some of the follow-up. That said, it definitley has it's moments and Larry Storch and Joe Franklin are in it fer chrissakes!
I want to see it again when it comes out on dvd, so I can properly listen to the craft. My favourite sequences out of the box was Sarah Silverman's take on it and also the special South Park animation. There was no Larry David but Jason Alexander, Susie Essman and Richard Lewis kinda represented that corner. Some of these guys were new to me, like Kevin Pollack's delivery in the style of Christopher Walken and although I'd seen Gilbert Gottfried before, I never knew who he was.
So, the material is pretty gross, disgusting whatever you want to call it and it's all down to the delivery. The infectious stupidity of the lengths it can all be spun out to is the trick. George Carlin explains that shock and surprise are the same thing and thereby hangs the tail. Robin Williams joke about the Rabbi at the end is a flippin' belter. Can I recommend it? Well, I think you folks are twisted enough to get some yuks. I'm pretty sure that you won't come across owt here that you haven't heard in real life. But then again... maybe not in one sitting.
As a footnote, important as this screening was - there was no introduction by anyone representing the festival or the film. The curtains closed before the final credits had finished. I guess they wanted us outta there, huh?
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
You Dutch NBT readers are strongly advised to check out the action at dB's studios right here in Utrecht in the upcomin' week. This Friday (August 26th) will see the Stilettos battlin' it out with the Ghetto Ways, and on Thursday (September 1st) the Black Lips will probably tear the place apart. How it compares to watchin' footage of the World Whistling Championships I don't know, but I suggest you give this rock 'n roll stuff a try anyways...
It struck me in the Filmhouse on Monday night that many of the titles on our viewing schedule don’t seem to come with posters let alone a website but I’m sure if you “google ‘em” you’ll find more. Time is kinda of the essence and I don’t have the time to do much digging. I will come back and provide links where possible when the opporchancity arises.
The documentary is a strange prospect these days. You’re never entirely sure if Christopher Guest is masterminding the direction. In these times of fake reality, it seems odd to observe people on screen who can’t possibly be real but actually are.
Pucker Up (The Fine Art Of Whistling) would perhaps be better viewed in the comfort of your own armchair. It was preceded by a short on gurning, Not Just An Ugly Face which in many ways worked better on the large screen. However, PU is a decent enough hour plus which centres around the World Whistling Championships. It features some great characters and some real creeps. The ending is great and kind of unexpected. One of the girls is pure Catherine O’ Hara.
Werner Hertzog’s Grizzly Man plays even more like a spoof. It follows a guy Called Timmy Treadwell that lived among bears in Alaska and ended up being eaten by one. His video footage punctuates the piece. Treadwell is like Crispin Glover channelling Robin Williams. A troubled soul not entirely devoid of entertainment value. It’s a pretty wild story and you couldn’t make this stuff up.
Contrary to popular belief there are still characters out there and thankfully people are making films about them. Tonight it’s “The Aristocrats”, let’s hope it lives up to its rep.
The documentary is a strange prospect these days. You’re never entirely sure if Christopher Guest is masterminding the direction. In these times of fake reality, it seems odd to observe people on screen who can’t possibly be real but actually are.
Pucker Up (The Fine Art Of Whistling) would perhaps be better viewed in the comfort of your own armchair. It was preceded by a short on gurning, Not Just An Ugly Face which in many ways worked better on the large screen. However, PU is a decent enough hour plus which centres around the World Whistling Championships. It features some great characters and some real creeps. The ending is great and kind of unexpected. One of the girls is pure Catherine O’ Hara.
Werner Hertzog’s Grizzly Man plays even more like a spoof. It follows a guy Called Timmy Treadwell that lived among bears in Alaska and ended up being eaten by one. His video footage punctuates the piece. Treadwell is like Crispin Glover channelling Robin Williams. A troubled soul not entirely devoid of entertainment value. It’s a pretty wild story and you couldn’t make this stuff up.
Contrary to popular belief there are still characters out there and thankfully people are making films about them. Tonight it’s “The Aristocrats”, let’s hope it lives up to its rep.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Rowing against the tide that is the indifference of people in the central belt to embrace LIVE MUSIC, Jennifer Hunter and her crew have put together this line-up for the upcoming Octoberfest... Teenage Fanclub tickets are available via Tickets-Scotland for those outwith the central belt. Falkirk Town Hall for those who can get theirs locally.
I know with first hand experience what a thankless task rousing the rabble around these parts can be but go ahead and prove me wrong. Support (y)our local music festival...
Way to Blue Music Festival 2005 FALKIRK
Info Line: FTH (Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge Street 01324 503741
Lomax the Songhunter' Wed 5 Oct 7.30pm £3.50/£2.50 concs
The great David Scott and Aberfeldy will open for the (not great) Trashcan Sinatras on Thursday October 6th.
Teenage Fanclub Fri 7 Oct 7.30pm £14
Dig' Sun 9 Oct 1pm £3.50/£2.50 concs
Rialto 28 Vicar Street, 01324 622344
Soul Starr Thu 6 Oct
Viva Stereo + Odeon Beat Club Fri 7 Oct
Pip Dylan + Mr Fairweather Sat 8 Oct 2pm
The Fence Collective Sun 9 Oct 3pm - 1am
Rene (Antonine Hotel) 1 Manor Street, 01324 624066
Northern Soul Night Thu 6 Oct 8pm
DJ Chris Bourne Fri 7 Oct 8.30pm Free
DJ Chris Bourne Sat 8 Oct 8.30pm Free
Comma Bar 14 Lint Riggs, 01324 611669
Robert Graham (Acoustic) Thu 6 Oct
DJ Miller Robertson Fri 7 Oct 9.30pm
Soul Kitchen Sat 8 Oct 9.30pm
Way to Blue Music Quiz Sun 9 Oct 9pm
The Wellington Bar 6 Manor Street, 01324 622701
Shanghai Ornaments Fri 7 Oct
The Boathouse 1 Burnbank Road
Malcolm Middleton Fri 7 Oct Free
Jo Mango Sat 8 Oct Free
Grubowski's 54 Bellsdyke Road, Larbert, 01324 570201
5 Park Drive + support Wed 5 Oct 9pm Free
Jondi Mac & Friends Thu 6 Oct 9pm Free
Mid Life Crises Fri 7 Oct 9pm Free
Mr Nice + Barry Price Sat 8 Oct 9pm Free
Back to the Future Sun 9 Oct 9pm Free
The Dobbie Hall 291 Main Street, Stenhousemuir, 01324 570201
The Falcons Sat 8 Oct 8pm £5.00 Seated
More info to be added including instores by BMX Bandits and Aberfeldy. I'll post that when it becomes available.
I know with first hand experience what a thankless task rousing the rabble around these parts can be but go ahead and prove me wrong. Support (y)our local music festival...
Way to Blue Music Festival 2005 FALKIRK
Info Line: FTH (Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge Street 01324 503741
Lomax the Songhunter' Wed 5 Oct 7.30pm £3.50/£2.50 concs
The great David Scott and Aberfeldy will open for the (not great) Trashcan Sinatras on Thursday October 6th.
Teenage Fanclub Fri 7 Oct 7.30pm £14
Dig' Sun 9 Oct 1pm £3.50/£2.50 concs
Rialto 28 Vicar Street, 01324 622344
Soul Starr Thu 6 Oct
Viva Stereo + Odeon Beat Club Fri 7 Oct
Pip Dylan + Mr Fairweather Sat 8 Oct 2pm
The Fence Collective Sun 9 Oct 3pm - 1am
Rene (Antonine Hotel) 1 Manor Street, 01324 624066
Northern Soul Night Thu 6 Oct 8pm
DJ Chris Bourne Fri 7 Oct 8.30pm Free
DJ Chris Bourne Sat 8 Oct 8.30pm Free
Comma Bar 14 Lint Riggs, 01324 611669
Robert Graham (Acoustic) Thu 6 Oct
DJ Miller Robertson Fri 7 Oct 9.30pm
Soul Kitchen Sat 8 Oct 9.30pm
Way to Blue Music Quiz Sun 9 Oct 9pm
The Wellington Bar 6 Manor Street, 01324 622701
Shanghai Ornaments Fri 7 Oct
The Boathouse 1 Burnbank Road
Malcolm Middleton Fri 7 Oct Free
Jo Mango Sat 8 Oct Free
Grubowski's 54 Bellsdyke Road, Larbert, 01324 570201
5 Park Drive + support Wed 5 Oct 9pm Free
Jondi Mac & Friends Thu 6 Oct 9pm Free
Mid Life Crises Fri 7 Oct 9pm Free
Mr Nice + Barry Price Sat 8 Oct 9pm Free
Back to the Future Sun 9 Oct 9pm Free
The Dobbie Hall 291 Main Street, Stenhousemuir, 01324 570201
The Falcons Sat 8 Oct 8pm £5.00 Seated
More info to be added including instores by BMX Bandits and Aberfeldy. I'll post that when it becomes available.
Not sure I have the stamina for watching three films in one day anymore. However, with the sheer unadulterated piffle of STONED still tugging at my angry strings – yesterday’s selection fared way better. I’ve read a couple of reviews of said rubbish that were way too kind and wonder how anyone could have found it other than shite.
Two Swedish movies, Fourteen Sucks (Fjorton Suger) and Popular Music (Populär-musik Fran Vittula) were connected because they appeared in the “certified” section of the festival. This is aimed at a “teenage” audience and on this showing the Scandanavians are shown once again to be way more, not sure if sophisticated is the right word – but it’ll do for now. They don’t gloss that’s for sure and the films resonate more as a result. Fourteen was very much a coming of age piece in the style of Lukas Moodyson and although good, I’m well wide of its target audience.
Popular Music, on the other hand is overwhelmingly recommended to visitors to this journal. Based on Michael Neimi’s Swedish bestseller, it’s much more than just their High Fidelity/Trainspotting/whatever. It recalls the early 60’s in the far north of Sweden when rock’n’roll began to take over the world but isn’t just about music. I hope people get a chance to see this because the pace, look and feel of it is all exemplary. A reminder of what a good film actually is.
The final film of the day was Sugar. This year’s programme entry that was compared to Eraserhead and also to Richard Kern. When I read that sort of thing then I figure it’s a challenge. The guy who “programmed” it introduced the screening and he said it had him on the edge of his seat. Maybe we should have had a scoop of whatever he was on? Anyway, it’s not bad but it’s at least 25 minutes too long. Visually it looks like b&w Lynch. The Foetus er, “music” throbs ambiently in the background and isn’t as unsettling as I’d hoped. I think I drifted off a couple of times during the 82 minutes and was somewhat relieved when it was over. It’s not the kind of thing I could recommend but it had something. An unhinged notion of menace that never quite paid off. But that’s what you expect from “experimental film-making” innit? Aye, really.
To be honest, I’m not big on interpretation and subtext. Irrespective of the genre, I wanna be entertained and when digging through the programme becomes a chore then I think to myself, why? The Festival Director, in my opinion, is a donkey. No disrespect to the four-legged variety but his smug, status-chasing demeanor really chafes me. This undertow serves to fuel my enjoying the event less with every passing year and makes me wonder, is what seems like too much of an effort worth it? When you see something like Popular Music then it is.
No films today, just a slide into the doldrums to celebrate my returning to work after a week off living the relatively high life.
Tomorrow night, a documentary about whistling (Pucker Up) and Grizzly Man. Tuesday, The Aristocrats, Wednesday, Junebug and Friday, The Devil and Daniel Johnston. Will they make it to the finish line?
Two Swedish movies, Fourteen Sucks (Fjorton Suger) and Popular Music (Populär-musik Fran Vittula) were connected because they appeared in the “certified” section of the festival. This is aimed at a “teenage” audience and on this showing the Scandanavians are shown once again to be way more, not sure if sophisticated is the right word – but it’ll do for now. They don’t gloss that’s for sure and the films resonate more as a result. Fourteen was very much a coming of age piece in the style of Lukas Moodyson and although good, I’m well wide of its target audience.
Popular Music, on the other hand is overwhelmingly recommended to visitors to this journal. Based on Michael Neimi’s Swedish bestseller, it’s much more than just their High Fidelity/Trainspotting/whatever. It recalls the early 60’s in the far north of Sweden when rock’n’roll began to take over the world but isn’t just about music. I hope people get a chance to see this because the pace, look and feel of it is all exemplary. A reminder of what a good film actually is.
The final film of the day was Sugar. This year’s programme entry that was compared to Eraserhead and also to Richard Kern. When I read that sort of thing then I figure it’s a challenge. The guy who “programmed” it introduced the screening and he said it had him on the edge of his seat. Maybe we should have had a scoop of whatever he was on? Anyway, it’s not bad but it’s at least 25 minutes too long. Visually it looks like b&w Lynch. The Foetus er, “music” throbs ambiently in the background and isn’t as unsettling as I’d hoped. I think I drifted off a couple of times during the 82 minutes and was somewhat relieved when it was over. It’s not the kind of thing I could recommend but it had something. An unhinged notion of menace that never quite paid off. But that’s what you expect from “experimental film-making” innit? Aye, really.
To be honest, I’m not big on interpretation and subtext. Irrespective of the genre, I wanna be entertained and when digging through the programme becomes a chore then I think to myself, why? The Festival Director, in my opinion, is a donkey. No disrespect to the four-legged variety but his smug, status-chasing demeanor really chafes me. This undertow serves to fuel my enjoying the event less with every passing year and makes me wonder, is what seems like too much of an effort worth it? When you see something like Popular Music then it is.
No films today, just a slide into the doldrums to celebrate my returning to work after a week off living the relatively high life.
Tomorrow night, a documentary about whistling (Pucker Up) and Grizzly Man. Tuesday, The Aristocrats, Wednesday, Junebug and Friday, The Devil and Daniel Johnston. Will they make it to the finish line?
While I'm pondering the second day at the EIFF, thought I'd draw attention to this Jenny Lens Punk Pix link that someone left as a comment on the Punk Turns 30 post. Lotsa good gear to dig through there...
Saturday, August 20, 2005
So, STONED. What can I tell you? 102 minutes of utter tedium probably just about covers it. At the beginning there's a shot of "The Stones" standing across the street through a telephone box that "Brian" is making a call on behalf of his band. They look like The Star Spangles. It's all downhill from there as we're dragged through a miserable attempt to recreate the period. If this is the untold story then maybe there's a reason for that. There ain't much of one to tell. The wigs are terrible, the soundtrack blows, there's a cut in there by The Counterfeit Stones. When reading up on the film yesterday before heading off, expectations were lowered but I really didn't figure on it being SUCH a stinker. To be avoided at all costs, we suffered enough for everybody.
The adventure continues today with FOURTEEN SUCKS, POPULAR MUSIC and SUGAR. Wish we luck...
The adventure continues today with FOURTEEN SUCKS, POPULAR MUSIC and SUGAR. Wish we luck...
Friday, August 19, 2005
Don't forget the second episode of the RADIO (SCOTLAND) THRIFT SHOP goes out tonight at 8.05 til 10 (GMT) and can be accessed for a week thereafter.
Laura has just had The Bein Inn, Perth added to her routing for September 17th. Anybody in Central Scotch-land that's never been there should consider the schlep.
Laura has just had The Bein Inn, Perth added to her routing for September 17th. Anybody in Central Scotch-land that's never been there should consider the schlep.
Mr Vahlberg sent me the link to PUNK TURNS 30 and I only just got around to checking it out. Good stuff. Great old photo of Mr David Alvin Esq. on there.
Incidentally, the new UNCUT cd is a "re-make" of Dylan's Highway 61 and it has Brother Dave serving up the title track. Anybody who wants me to buy a copy and send it need only drop a line...
Incidentally, the new UNCUT cd is a "re-make" of Dylan's Highway 61 and it has Brother Dave serving up the title track. Anybody who wants me to buy a copy and send it need only drop a line...
"Howdy Country Pop-Pickers!
We're back...El Rancho Relaxo that is, back with morecosmic americana, no depression, alt. country, Lo-Fi Indie, Alternative Folk, Classic country-tinged rock and more great music yet to be stupidly labeled. It's been a couple of months, but the boots are dusted down and ready for a good ole dance off. Here's what you need to know...
When... FRI 26TH AUGUST, 8.30pm-1am
RAISING KAIN, playing an exclusive, stripped down, rootsy acoustic set for all the good folks at the ranch.
Including resident DJ's.... El Patron, Pacey & Dialogue DJ's
Expect to hear... Jim White, Half Cousin, The Byrds, Laura Veirs, Wilco, Beechwood Sparks, Jonny Cash, Adem, The Band, Ella Guru, Hayseed Dixie, The Flying burrito Brothers, James Yorkston, Hal, The Shins, Neko Case, Aberfeldy, Smog, Down The Tiny Steps, Neil Young, Field Music, Brendan Benson, The Izzys, Luck Luke, Elliott Smith, Canned Heat, The National,Fence Collective, Alfie, Bob Dylan, The Earlies, American Music Club, The Velvet Underground, Hamell On Trial, The Risingson,John Martyn, Gram Parsons, Drive-By Truckers, Endrick Brothers,The Sadies, Willie Nelson, The Tyde, The Concretes, REM,Songs:Ohia, The Magic Numbers, Hank Williams, Joanna Newsom, Ryan Adams and much, much more!
Expect not to see... Crazed neongirls on double Red Bull and Vodka or guys with controlled hair and matching shirts, this is the ranch after all come as you are (just not like that!).
Play... Dominoes! Bring... Your friends, unless they're jerks!
That's all folks. We hope you can make it along to our alternative night out, it's fun, that's why we do it!"
We're back...El Rancho Relaxo that is, back with morecosmic americana, no depression, alt. country, Lo-Fi Indie, Alternative Folk, Classic country-tinged rock and more great music yet to be stupidly labeled. It's been a couple of months, but the boots are dusted down and ready for a good ole dance off. Here's what you need to know...
When... FRI 26TH AUGUST, 8.30pm-1am
RAISING KAIN, playing an exclusive, stripped down, rootsy acoustic set for all the good folks at the ranch.
Including resident DJ's.... El Patron, Pacey & Dialogue DJ's
Expect to hear... Jim White, Half Cousin, The Byrds, Laura Veirs, Wilco, Beechwood Sparks, Jonny Cash, Adem, The Band, Ella Guru, Hayseed Dixie, The Flying burrito Brothers, James Yorkston, Hal, The Shins, Neko Case, Aberfeldy, Smog, Down The Tiny Steps, Neil Young, Field Music, Brendan Benson, The Izzys, Luck Luke, Elliott Smith, Canned Heat, The National,Fence Collective, Alfie, Bob Dylan, The Earlies, American Music Club, The Velvet Underground, Hamell On Trial, The Risingson,John Martyn, Gram Parsons, Drive-By Truckers, Endrick Brothers,The Sadies, Willie Nelson, The Tyde, The Concretes, REM,Songs:Ohia, The Magic Numbers, Hank Williams, Joanna Newsom, Ryan Adams and much, much more!
Expect not to see... Crazed neongirls on double Red Bull and Vodka or guys with controlled hair and matching shirts, this is the ranch after all come as you are (just not like that!).
Play... Dominoes! Bring... Your friends, unless they're jerks!
That's all folks. We hope you can make it along to our alternative night out, it's fun, that's why we do it!"
Spent some time in the company of Mr Tim Kerr and his wife Beth in Glasgow last night. He's in Glasgow to to sculpt The Grease Monkeys new album hopefully for release on a worthy imprint sometime sooner rather than later. Hopefully his unique perspective will "fluff" things up some.
Tonight is our first '05 Film Fest visit to catch the "British Gala World Premiere" of Stoned. It's the "untold story of Brian Jones". "Meticulously re-creating it's late 60's milleu, and shot through with a trippy, hallucinogenic vibe". We'll see... I was looking for something to link here but there's nothing coming up other than blurb so the verdict from this corner will be in later. Probably early tomorrow. Hopes are not exactly stratospheric, I should tell you that from the git go.
I'm sure there was something else on my mind when I logged on here but if there was it's gone now. Maybe a temporary lapse, maybe not. Wonder how The Morells show at Maxwells went last night? Anybody out there wanna file a report? I see we slid over the 150,000 hits the other day so that's good, we try to keep this entertaining for you folks and may well continue to. What is normal service? Hornswaggled if I know...
Update... I remember... The Dictators "16 Forever" 45 coming on Norton. Hopefully the first rumblings of a rarities comp, watch this space for further info as it becomes available.
Tonight is our first '05 Film Fest visit to catch the "British Gala World Premiere" of Stoned. It's the "untold story of Brian Jones". "Meticulously re-creating it's late 60's milleu, and shot through with a trippy, hallucinogenic vibe". We'll see... I was looking for something to link here but there's nothing coming up other than blurb so the verdict from this corner will be in later. Probably early tomorrow. Hopes are not exactly stratospheric, I should tell you that from the git go.
I'm sure there was something else on my mind when I logged on here but if there was it's gone now. Maybe a temporary lapse, maybe not. Wonder how The Morells show at Maxwells went last night? Anybody out there wanna file a report? I see we slid over the 150,000 hits the other day so that's good, we try to keep this entertaining for you folks and may well continue to. What is normal service? Hornswaggled if I know...
Update... I remember... The Dictators "16 Forever" 45 coming on Norton. Hopefully the first rumblings of a rarities comp, watch this space for further info as it becomes available.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I've been sitting here this afternoon watching Ebay and in particular trying to score a copy of "I Cannot Stop You" by The Cherry Slush. Everything was going great until I noticed that the price was escalating and then all of a sudden there was a retraction. Upon further investigation I found that there was "retraction" on other items by the same seller by the same bidder and this REALLY PISSED ME OFF. Subsequently, I ducked out and reported this activity. I am this far (virtually zip) from never going near Ebay again. Fuck that. I don't mind shelling out but I'm not gonna be played for the privilege so another one has got away. I'll connect with one of those suckers eventually. Maybe one of you folks has a copy that's lookin' for a good home?
Anyway on a Motor City theme, check out this DIRTBOMBS teaser trailer for "It Came From Detroit". Never really dug the records but this clip looks pretty magnificent to me.
Anyway on a Motor City theme, check out this DIRTBOMBS teaser trailer for "It Came From Detroit". Never really dug the records but this clip looks pretty magnificent to me.
It might be festival time in Edinburgh but none of that can compare with the choice that's available to denizens of "The London" tomorrow night. This bunch of miscreants have a shindig on the go in addition to the Phast experience... choose wisely my boogie chillun!
"The Stripchords are go!
Tits'n'twang has always been a great combination, and now there's a new beat combo to fill yer boots, in both capacities!
This unruly quartet are set to make their live debut at Naked Ruby's South Seas Ahoy!!! allnighter TOMORROW!
Featuring a host of superb DJs, spread over two rooms, blasting a mix of soul, garage, R&B, ska, soundtracks and owt else that takes their fancy, this mammoth undertaking also boasts live sets from Naked Ruby and Colt 45, plus go-go dancers, movies, and other exotic treats.
The Stripchords will be taking to the stage upon the stroke (pun intended) of midnite! The Sonic Reducer Tag Team will subsequently supply several hours of raucous, backbone-slipping 45-based tuneage, alongside their brethren KatManDude and Man Of Sideburns.
The Stripchords are all-star combo, comprising of Captain Standish (50 Watts Of Power club / The Speed Of Sound / Honey & The Hucksters / Baby Birkin), BigKegShandy (Sonic Reducer Tag Team / Problem Hair / Zero Willpower), Dillon Rocker (The Bad Breed), and Yan Quellien (The Barracudas / Hullabalooes / Sky Saxon's Seeds).
To accompany a titillating projection of choice 8mm cheesecake flicks from the '50s, The Stripchords will be twanging on covers like "Pass The Hatchet", "Theme From Billy Liar", "Buzzzzz", and the "Batfink Theme", plus such original compositions as "The Maharaja", "Susan's Smalls", "Beatnik Rodeo", and "Voodoo Clam".
Jamm, 261 Brixton Road, London SW9 6LH. Nearest Tubes: Oval or Brixton
Admission £5 9.30pm-11pm, and £8 after, with the party going until 6am."
Mr McLean just flagged this blighter up. Happening maybe three miles away from here but never had a scoob about it... FURTHER INFO
Well it's been a roller-coastin' few days with our NY buds and Phast Phreddie was snapped here hoovering through the bins at Europa Records in Stirling looking for sounds to bring down on top of the Dirty Water during his upcoming stint there tomorrow night (Friday 19th). I hope all our troops in the capital will make their way down there to support the man in his ongoing campaign to heal the musical ills we have to face on a regular basis. I never thought in a million years that such a major influence on my starting this NBT carry on, would end up hanging in our locale. It's the stuff like this that makes it all worthwhile.
Wish we could join them down there but our Film Festival shenanigans start tomorrow in Edinburgh so t'was not to be. Mr Tim Kerr will be in attendance at The Grease Monkeys show in Glasgow's 13th Note tonight so I hope to shoehorn that into the schedule someplace. It was great also to meet Ms Sue Garner in Edinburgh on Monday night. All too brief though. Yo La Tengo played a blinder in a packed to the gunnels Liquid Room. It was so hot in there that it was like a sodding furnace. Have to say that I'm not familiar with their catalogue at all but they definitley have a special brew goin'. I now completely understand that they aren't just another college rock combo locked in indie limbo. They can really kick it up, AND out!
OK lotta stuff to catch up on so that's you up to speed kinda. More whenever...
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The A-Lines - You Can Touch (Sympathy LP).
I've lost track a bit of the entire post Headcoat(ee)s output, I mean, that moustache just got to go before I will ever consider goin' to see the Buff Medways again. There's no excessive facial hair involved with the A-Lines thankfully. Kyra and Bongo Debbie with Delia (bass) and Julie (guitar) deliver a fine set of punque-rock feminine. Sure, it sounds like the Headcoatees but there's nothing wrong with that of course. Just dig Kyra randomly changing the lyrics into Dutch (a language eternally unsuited for rock'n'roll, but it works here!) and a swell cover of the Electric Eels Agitated. The I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend/Can't Explain, uh, "mash-up" is as cool as the age-old Kinks/Doors take on Hello I Love You way back when on the first Delmonas EP.
Roky Erickson - The Psychedelic Banjo Man (no label boot LP).
There was a time when I knew this stuff by heart, but at this point in time I have no idea how much of this has been around before. That said, this one is easy on the ears enough to recommend it anyways. Acoustic demos, live stuff (w/ an' without band), you know the score. The powerhouse take on The Wind And More is worth the price of admission alone. Sound quality is A-OK, just don't get over excited by the We Sell Soul demo, it's the 45 version alright. Oh, and it's a picture disc as well...
Various - Studio One Roots 2 (Soul Jazz 2LP).
London's Soul Jazz label strikes again with a perfectly put together comp from the Studio 1 vaults. Even with the extreme amount of re-issues on Jamaican music available they're still able to put out packages that include previously un-heard/re-issued tunes of way above standard quality. Oh well, seems like we've reached the point were all Soul Jazz's releases have become mandatory.
ZZZ - Sound Of ZZZ (Excelsior LP).
Dutch duo that turns in a powerhouse performance w/ just drums, organ 'n vocals. They've been gettin' all kindsa kudos, but not from Holland's garage "scene" for whatever reason. No matter what, this is a good 'un. The first impression links 'em to the Suicide/Cramps/Scientists chain of things, but listen closer and stuff like the Doors and even the Chemical Brothers rear their heads as well. It's out on labels in the UK, USA and France, so there's no reason to skip this. Dig in and be surprised...
Yep, all the best Steve...
Sopranos fans will be cockahoop to discover that an additional 8 episodes of the series will be made in addition to the 12 that will make up the sixth season.
Sopranos fans will be cockahoop to discover that an additional 8 episodes of the series will be made in addition to the 12 that will make up the sixth season.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Been a little slack with the answering of e-mail this past week or so. Please bear with that but there's stuff to be attended to. What can I tell ya? Anyway, I'm sitting here listening to Laura's first Radio (Scotland) Thrift Shop. It's really great and you can hear it if you go to the Radio Scotland site Listen Again page. There are 4 in all running into September.
This coming Sunday, some very special guests are coming to hang out here for a few days. The great Phast Phreddie Patterson whose Back Door Man zine was a humungous inspiration to me is schlepping by with my twin sister in R&R, Ms Nancy Breslow and her daughter Syd(elle). It's gaunnae be grand.
I was in Falkirk today for the first time in a while. Walking past Leckies, a shop that sells overstocks and stuff from places that have gone out of business. I'm surprised that it's still there but it seems to be thriving. Anyway, It took me straight back to the start of '77 when they bought the contents of a record store. There were many, many 45's but chiefly we figured there'd be a cachet of Sex Pistols "Anarchy's" in there someplace that we could sell on. It had been withdrawn and somehow we talked the owner into letting us go through the entire collection. So myself and Alistair Beattie went down there and rummaged through the whole bloody lot. We found some decent stuff but there was not a copy of "Anarchy" to be found. There was a ton of Mr Big's "Romeo" though. It had the next consecutive catalogue number to what we were hunting for, every copy of that we found gave us hope that we figured there must be at least a couple of copies of that booty hiding amongst the piles but t'was not to be. Ali is no longer with us but we had a laugh down there. It was like being in a vinyl mine and as futile as the main objective turned out to be, undertaking such a task seems like it just couldn't happen now. More's the pity.
This coming Sunday, some very special guests are coming to hang out here for a few days. The great Phast Phreddie Patterson whose Back Door Man zine was a humungous inspiration to me is schlepping by with my twin sister in R&R, Ms Nancy Breslow and her daughter Syd(elle). It's gaunnae be grand.
I was in Falkirk today for the first time in a while. Walking past Leckies, a shop that sells overstocks and stuff from places that have gone out of business. I'm surprised that it's still there but it seems to be thriving. Anyway, It took me straight back to the start of '77 when they bought the contents of a record store. There were many, many 45's but chiefly we figured there'd be a cachet of Sex Pistols "Anarchy's" in there someplace that we could sell on. It had been withdrawn and somehow we talked the owner into letting us go through the entire collection. So myself and Alistair Beattie went down there and rummaged through the whole bloody lot. We found some decent stuff but there was not a copy of "Anarchy" to be found. There was a ton of Mr Big's "Romeo" though. It had the next consecutive catalogue number to what we were hunting for, every copy of that we found gave us hope that we figured there must be at least a couple of copies of that booty hiding amongst the piles but t'was not to be. Ali is no longer with us but we had a laugh down there. It was like being in a vinyl mine and as futile as the main objective turned out to be, undertaking such a task seems like it just couldn't happen now. More's the pity.
View the trailer and pray for a screening to come right the f-word down at a cinema near you. Details of upcoming trysts with these devils can be found at the Slowboat site also...
from PJ at DIRTY WATER...
"Please note that the Electric Prunes tour of Europe has been postponed.
They will now not be playing at Dirty Water on Thursday 1st September, nor anywhere else in the UK.
This is due to poor ticket sales for the festival at which they were due to play, organised by members and management of the Damned. The man with the money backed out...
We hope to see them back some time in the not too distant future."
"Please note that the Electric Prunes tour of Europe has been postponed.
They will now not be playing at Dirty Water on Thursday 1st September, nor anywhere else in the UK.
This is due to poor ticket sales for the festival at which they were due to play, organised by members and management of the Damned. The man with the money backed out...
We hope to see them back some time in the not too distant future."
Who'da thunk it? A major refurb of the Bo'ness Hippodrome is on the cards to transform it into an "arts" venue. The former La Fabrique will undergo a major transformation so watch this space for the full skinny. It's a cracking building and it's not gonna be a Starbuck's. How 'bout that?
Don's been out on the town again...
"went to the red devil lounge and saw some of the "pop overthrow" festival. i caught 3 acts: jill olson, chris von seidern and bobby sutlliffe.
jill olson (olsen?) was great great great. one good tune after another. country-pop in the laura cantrell vein. she had a really good band. she plays bass - a big old hollow body kay. someone told me she used to be in a band called red meat. i thought she looked familiar. she got an encore on a night with a lot of bands and short sets -- she was that good.
then von sneidern came up -- first meticulously wiping jill's lipstick off the mic. he did an acoustic set, solo, on a takamine 12 string. he moved his capo up a fret for each song. in one song he changed keys by moving the capo up in the middle of the song. i never saw that before. he was good but i kept wondering how his songs would've sounded if he had a band behind him.
he was followed by bobby sutliffe from ohio. bobby had written to me asking if i could get cyril to come and play. cyril showed up just in time to catch his set but didn't bring a guitar or amp so he just watched. sutliffe opened with chuck berry's "let it rock" which immediately brought back groovies memories. his next tune was NRBQ-ish. he had a white gibson SG with one P-90 pickup-- an oddity which neither me or cyril had ever seen before. matt piucci from the rain parade came up (with gretsch tennessean) and they did television's "glory". good but didn't quite fit... a little too art-rock. then sutliffe switched to a rick 12 and did a great song which cyril really dug. after that bobby said, "we'd like to finish with a song by the greatest san francisco band ever, the flamin' groovies". and they did "i can't hide". it was great. jill was up front rockin' out. for me it was even more of a kick standing next to the guy that wrote it! cyril then told me all about how he wrote it at 5AM at rockfield while everyone else was asleep except for him and dave edmunds. and they woke everyone up to hear it.
we hung out upstairs at barry simons office for a while then came back down and i went in and said hi to mr. sutliffe and introduced him to cyril. a good night."
"went to the red devil lounge and saw some of the "pop overthrow" festival. i caught 3 acts: jill olson, chris von seidern and bobby sutlliffe.
jill olson (olsen?) was great great great. one good tune after another. country-pop in the laura cantrell vein. she had a really good band. she plays bass - a big old hollow body kay. someone told me she used to be in a band called red meat. i thought she looked familiar. she got an encore on a night with a lot of bands and short sets -- she was that good.
then von sneidern came up -- first meticulously wiping jill's lipstick off the mic. he did an acoustic set, solo, on a takamine 12 string. he moved his capo up a fret for each song. in one song he changed keys by moving the capo up in the middle of the song. i never saw that before. he was good but i kept wondering how his songs would've sounded if he had a band behind him.
he was followed by bobby sutliffe from ohio. bobby had written to me asking if i could get cyril to come and play. cyril showed up just in time to catch his set but didn't bring a guitar or amp so he just watched. sutliffe opened with chuck berry's "let it rock" which immediately brought back groovies memories. his next tune was NRBQ-ish. he had a white gibson SG with one P-90 pickup-- an oddity which neither me or cyril had ever seen before. matt piucci from the rain parade came up (with gretsch tennessean) and they did television's "glory". good but didn't quite fit... a little too art-rock. then sutliffe switched to a rick 12 and did a great song which cyril really dug. after that bobby said, "we'd like to finish with a song by the greatest san francisco band ever, the flamin' groovies". and they did "i can't hide". it was great. jill was up front rockin' out. for me it was even more of a kick standing next to the guy that wrote it! cyril then told me all about how he wrote it at 5AM at rockfield while everyone else was asleep except for him and dave edmunds. and they woke everyone up to hear it.
we hung out upstairs at barry simons office for a while then came back down and i went in and said hi to mr. sutliffe and introduced him to cyril. a good night."
And now, H just tipped me off to this Roky Documentary. Watch the skies! Further information as it becomes available, I just e-mailed the contact there to ask when it might hit up Europe.
In a perfect world it'd be the "Surprise Movie" at the Edinburgh Festival but hey, I'm nothing if not a realist.
In a perfect world it'd be the "Surprise Movie" at the Edinburgh Festival but hey, I'm nothing if not a realist.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Rob Patterson witnessed the return of the man they call ROKY ERICKSON in Austin and has kindly given me the nod to reprint his report... (Thanks to HT for setting it all up)
"He played an 8-10 song set with The Explosives Saturday night at a party/gig/benefit celebrating his birthday amidst a bunch of other bands playing his songs in tribute. This was his first real set in about 20 years and his first since achieving mental and physical wellness.
Not only was it a miracle to see him singing and playing onstage to begin with, but the set rocked. Due credit to The Explosives, especially Cam King, who was Roky's right hand support and is one helluva guitarist. Roky's voice was a bit rough and you could tell that he was a bit nervous. But with each song (and the fervent cheers and applause) he got stronger. He lapsed only once on a lyric, and otherwise sang and played strong rhythm guitar and even some leads like the rocker he is. Not just amazing to see him do it again, but do it in a way that showed he was truly back and in time, well, who knows? And the band is fucking great.
Thought you'd like to know that.
He's playing an even longer show on the 18th at the Threadgill's Beer Garden just in case you get a wild hair."
To be continued...
"He played an 8-10 song set with The Explosives Saturday night at a party/gig/benefit celebrating his birthday amidst a bunch of other bands playing his songs in tribute. This was his first real set in about 20 years and his first since achieving mental and physical wellness.
Not only was it a miracle to see him singing and playing onstage to begin with, but the set rocked. Due credit to The Explosives, especially Cam King, who was Roky's right hand support and is one helluva guitarist. Roky's voice was a bit rough and you could tell that he was a bit nervous. But with each song (and the fervent cheers and applause) he got stronger. He lapsed only once on a lyric, and otherwise sang and played strong rhythm guitar and even some leads like the rocker he is. Not just amazing to see him do it again, but do it in a way that showed he was truly back and in time, well, who knows? And the band is fucking great.
Thought you'd like to know that.
He's playing an even longer show on the 18th at the Threadgill's Beer Garden just in case you get a wild hair."
To be continued...
Latest CBGB's news just in from Ms Breslow...
and on a Cb's related tip...
"...The Star Spangles had a blast last week with Debbie Harry, "Handsome" Dick Manitoba, Jesse Malin, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists and The Charms (amongst others) while helping Little Steven kick off this month's series of CBGB's benefits.
The band played 2 short sets: Tell Lies, Which Of The Two Of Us Is Gonna Burn This House Down, Tear It To Pieces Girl, I Don't Wanna Be Crazy Anymore, Gangland and Make Yourself Useful, Babe. Then, next door, in CB's Gallery: I Feel So Good, House, Take Care Of Us, Science Fiction/Science Fact, Crazy and the Stones' Connection."
More at their SITE very soon.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
(A tip off the hat to Matthew, P.J. and Steve)
PS: Did I mention I saw Marky Ramone walkin' down the street?
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Latest Gulcher release by GAYS IN THE MILITARY is a relentless slice of frantic bile that might be offensive if you could hear the words over the racket. It’s not without a certain hairy-arsed charm and their version of The Butthole Surfers “Human Cannonball” is what Roxy Music might have sounded like if they’d been bred in captivity on a diet of raw, CJD ridden meat. The cover, by the great – somewhat MIA – Peter Bagge is a sight for sore eyes and indicates as the title claims that “People is" indeed “Beautiful”. (Available in Europe via Volcanic Tongue)
AMY RIGBY has a new album "LITTLE FUGITIVE" out August 23rd on Signature Sounds.
Order it direct from her or score it from any self-respecting music outlet. If she plays a show near you then cut along to that and buy one there.
I don't actually care how you get your mitts on one, just see that you do.
Finland’s BRANDED WOMEN indulge us in the beast called twang. Their understated, slow burn pop really begins to smoulder by the time you get to “You Know Me” on the “Velvet Hours – Stolen Moments” album. There’s a dark, secret agent vibe to their sound which is more Matt Helm than James Bond if you get my drift. Those swirling psychedelic keyboards offset any tradition comparison. They remind me of The Paradise Motel without actually sounding like them. There’s no conventional pigeonhole for them although they deserve to sell as many “units” as The Cardigans. That Scandanavian mystique provides multi-layered possibilities to the listener with a cinematic canvas. This is ideal soundtrack music because it swings surreptitiously and works equally well at different volumes to convey alternate moods. I think their strength lies in the fact that it never cuts loose into overstatement. That’s what sets it apart. Where it sears itself “brand”-like into your napper. A cool breeze of an album that’ll be just the companion you need as they nights start drawing in toward winter.
“Second Best” is the first single from the follow-up album and it’s anything but. The evocation of their debut have been honed to create something that’ll sound very infectious on the radio. The additional song on the cd single is“Not A Love Song”, a hypnotic shuffle that could well have been assembled in Australia. It has that isolated, patently twisted whiff that something could go off at any conceivable second. I like that suspense factor and wish that more acts would employ it
Photo by Aki Roukala
The first branch of the Scottish franchised RADIO THRIFT SHOP opens this coming Friday (12th August) on BBC Radio Scotland with Glen Campbell cutting the ribbon. Might be worth starting to queue now.
August is gathering momentum then. The thought of having to go into Edinburgh today is something of a pain. The capital kicks off it's money-printing campaign with a dirty big Festival Parade which draws people like a big gaping hole in the road attracts council workers. It's gonna be crowded and horrible but not necessarily in that order. Half a rain forest is employed at this time of year to print hopeless flyers which end up littering the streets of the city. Seems like most of the watchers have mittens for hands and they can't actually hold sheets of paper or put them in a bag to recycle when they get home. I'm not sure there will be bins to put them in. Security dictates that an open bin might be a magnet for potential bomber types to drop their wares in. I notice that the bins in Polmont are only available when the station ticket office is open. I was going to say "manned" but that would be sexist and it is Sunday after all. I'll spare you my Nigel Tufnell impression. So time to get into the mindset... wonder what they're gonna do about all the backpacks that are undoubtedly heading for Auld Reekie?
Update at 11.16pm: Your humble scribe is nothing if not resourceful and upon hearing a trailer that Indie-pendant Scotland was being repeated, one decided to blow out the notion of heading to Edinburgh. I'm not a feartie - wary of prospective explosions or any of that, I just didn't have the stomach to go amongst a prospective 200,000 crowd in Princes Street. Plus I'm gonna be over there a ton of other times during the next month. So here I am in the old "midden-heid" about to tackle some of the album action. Meanwhile if you're interested in Scottish Music circa '77 up then tune into IS via the play again function. Click on the wee speaker at the title. Tis very entertaining, particularly the Bruce Findlay stories.
Update at 11.16pm: Your humble scribe is nothing if not resourceful and upon hearing a trailer that Indie-pendant Scotland was being repeated, one decided to blow out the notion of heading to Edinburgh. I'm not a feartie - wary of prospective explosions or any of that, I just didn't have the stomach to go amongst a prospective 200,000 crowd in Princes Street. Plus I'm gonna be over there a ton of other times during the next month. So here I am in the old "midden-heid" about to tackle some of the album action. Meanwhile if you're interested in Scottish Music circa '77 up then tune into IS via the play again function. Click on the wee speaker at the title. Tis very entertaining, particularly the Bruce Findlay stories.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Mike McEchron does a steller job with his Cramps campaigning and has just put up a great page of Cramps T-shirt designs. Wish I had photos of some of the old LOTC shirts but unfortunately tis not to be. What about any of you folks? I know I have a pic of a youthful David Alvin Esq. sporting one but the lord only knows where that is. When Mike isn't working his fingers to the bone, he's hepping us to stuff like Tom Heinl who is like a cross between combo period Ben Vaughn and Homer Henderson. Yep that reads very good indeed and he's opening for Holly Golightly on her US tour. While I chase up his album go listen to the tunes on his site. (Thanks for the tip Mike).
David Muxlow just got back from seeing The 5678's, with an opening band called NAKED RUBY that he reckons you folks would like.
And last (but by no means least), Mrs Stim sent me this link which appeals to my puerile sweary = funny base instinct. It is NOT work friendly and may cause offense. Maybe she was trying to tell me something?
Reading Don's thing there about TFC pretty much encapsulates what that group is about. Their critical acclaim notwithstanding, I have no idea why no meganormous hits have transpired during their career. Here is a band that deserves to sell a gazillion records. Many combos who directly steal, appropriate or are obviously influenced by do so I'd like to see a little justice done here. Of course generally, what is actually done and what I consider are generally poles apart.
The Proclaimers cd with today's issue of The Scotsman brought back some memories of seeing them open for The Cateran at The Onion Cellar in Edinburgh. They blew me away but the concensus as I remember was that they were hokey. If they'd looked like Don and Phil Everly it mighta been a different story. I remember talking to a couple of labels about how great they were. Like The Angry Corries crossed with Simon and Garfunkel but nobody listened. Not until they appeared on The Tube singing "Letter From America" and that's where it all took legs. They're a great act who can balance hokey with a real professional edge. They've had a couple of hits though and it's time the Fanclub had the same. Don't you think?
The Proclaimers cd with today's issue of The Scotsman brought back some memories of seeing them open for The Cateran at The Onion Cellar in Edinburgh. They blew me away but the concensus as I remember was that they were hokey. If they'd looked like Don and Phil Everly it mighta been a different story. I remember talking to a couple of labels about how great they were. Like The Angry Corries crossed with Simon and Garfunkel but nobody listened. Not until they appeared on The Tube singing "Letter From America" and that's where it all took legs. They're a great act who can balance hokey with a real professional edge. They've had a couple of hits though and it's time the Fanclub had the same. Don't you think?
Hot off the press from brother Don in 'Frisco...
"just back from bimbo's where glasgow's finest performed what can only be described as a triumphant performance. first of all, thank you to francis from me and cynthia for the passes which in no way affected the following completely unbiased report...
second, altho i have a few teenage fanclub albums i don't have them all and i must admit that most of what i've heard by them over the years (aside from their latest album and the incredible SONGS FROM NORTHERN BRITAIN) i heard over and over again in my buddy tom's car. that and the fact that i was under the influence of 12 yr old macallan (seemed appopriate) means i can't tell you every song they did or in what order.
but everyone else in the capacity crowd certainly knew every song. they screamed like it was the beatles fer chrissake. well, it WAS one great tune after another... classics like "start again", "i need direction", "your love is the place where i come from", "sparky's dream"... even their first record, "everything flows". they did a lot from the new album including "slow fade", "only with you", and my fave: "it's all in my mind", after which a friend of mine who was there said, "that's one of the greatest pop songs ever" and i agree.
they did two encores and left with a sped up "what you do to me" (!)
guitars: a real ('60's, not korean) epiphone casino, gibson les paul, gibson 335, fender precision bass. guitar amps were fender combos and the bass guy had a huge ampeg which sounded tremendous.
the secret to teenage fanclub's rhythm guitar sound: capo. that's where that chimey big star guitar sound comes from.
super tight harmonies -- i mean it was astounding. it was almost too much of a good thing. you needed a few nothing songs in between if you know what i mean. but i'm not complaining. the only complaint i have is the club. i hate bimbo's. it's all glitz. (they joked about the fog machine). not the best sound. and they constantly hassle you about where to stand no matter where you are. managed to say hi to francis the drummer before bimbo's security cleared the place. by the way, the crowd was - not all - but way too many - big doofus guys which, given the type of music, i didn't quite understand. and the place was too small. hopefully next time they'll play the fillmore. but no matter where they're at catch these guys if you they say in my beloved glasgow... fucckhin' (gotta capture that gutteral brogue) fantastic!" - dc
"just back from bimbo's where glasgow's finest performed what can only be described as a triumphant performance. first of all, thank you to francis from me and cynthia for the passes which in no way affected the following completely unbiased report...
second, altho i have a few teenage fanclub albums i don't have them all and i must admit that most of what i've heard by them over the years (aside from their latest album and the incredible SONGS FROM NORTHERN BRITAIN) i heard over and over again in my buddy tom's car. that and the fact that i was under the influence of 12 yr old macallan (seemed appopriate) means i can't tell you every song they did or in what order.
but everyone else in the capacity crowd certainly knew every song. they screamed like it was the beatles fer chrissake. well, it WAS one great tune after another... classics like "start again", "i need direction", "your love is the place where i come from", "sparky's dream"... even their first record, "everything flows". they did a lot from the new album including "slow fade", "only with you", and my fave: "it's all in my mind", after which a friend of mine who was there said, "that's one of the greatest pop songs ever" and i agree.
they did two encores and left with a sped up "what you do to me" (!)
guitars: a real ('60's, not korean) epiphone casino, gibson les paul, gibson 335, fender precision bass. guitar amps were fender combos and the bass guy had a huge ampeg which sounded tremendous.
the secret to teenage fanclub's rhythm guitar sound: capo. that's where that chimey big star guitar sound comes from.
super tight harmonies -- i mean it was astounding. it was almost too much of a good thing. you needed a few nothing songs in between if you know what i mean. but i'm not complaining. the only complaint i have is the club. i hate bimbo's. it's all glitz. (they joked about the fog machine). not the best sound. and they constantly hassle you about where to stand no matter where you are. managed to say hi to francis the drummer before bimbo's security cleared the place. by the way, the crowd was - not all - but way too many - big doofus guys which, given the type of music, i didn't quite understand. and the place was too small. hopefully next time they'll play the fillmore. but no matter where they're at catch these guys if you they say in my beloved glasgow... fucckhin' (gotta capture that gutteral brogue) fantastic!" - dc
Now heres some news of something REALLY unmissable happening in the UK...
"Dear Boogaloo enthusiasts, and those who should be,
Please note that Phast Phreddie, the Boogaloo Omnibus will be vacationing in the lovely country of Great Britain during the coming weeks--August 12 to 29. If your vacation happens to coincide with his, you may want to note that he will be spinning his groovy records at select locations in London and Brighton while there. Below is a list of the dates, complete with websites in order for one to check the scene.
If you are not lucky enough to be vacationing in England during this time frame, perhaps you know someone who happens to live there and would be interested in attending these events--if so, please forward this message to the appropriate parties.
Perhaps you are receiving this because you are already in England. Very Groovy. In that case, you have no excuse. We will see you at one or all of these events.
Dig it:
Saturday August 13th: Phast DJ-ing at South London Pacific, in London.
Friday August 19th: Phast DJ-ing at the Dirty Water Club in London.
Saturday August 20th: Phast DJ-ing at the New Untouchables FAB party in London.
Thursday August 25: Phast DJ-ing at the Hot Funky & Sweaty dance party in London.
Saturday August 27th: Phast DJ-ing in the afternoon at the Volks Club in Brighton, at the New Untouchables' "The Classic" Brighton Weekender.
Sunday August 28th: Phast DJ-ing Raison D'Etre dance party."
"Dear Boogaloo enthusiasts, and those who should be,
Please note that Phast Phreddie, the Boogaloo Omnibus will be vacationing in the lovely country of Great Britain during the coming weeks--August 12 to 29. If your vacation happens to coincide with his, you may want to note that he will be spinning his groovy records at select locations in London and Brighton while there. Below is a list of the dates, complete with websites in order for one to check the scene.
If you are not lucky enough to be vacationing in England during this time frame, perhaps you know someone who happens to live there and would be interested in attending these events--if so, please forward this message to the appropriate parties.
Perhaps you are receiving this because you are already in England. Very Groovy. In that case, you have no excuse. We will see you at one or all of these events.
Dig it:
Saturday August 13th: Phast DJ-ing at South London Pacific, in London.
Friday August 19th: Phast DJ-ing at the Dirty Water Club in London.
Saturday August 20th: Phast DJ-ing at the New Untouchables FAB party in London.
Thursday August 25: Phast DJ-ing at the Hot Funky & Sweaty dance party in London.
Saturday August 27th: Phast DJ-ing in the afternoon at the Volks Club in Brighton, at the New Untouchables' "The Classic" Brighton Weekender.
Sunday August 28th: Phast DJ-ing Raison D'Etre dance party."
Mr Spence would like to convey the following...
"Howdy Doody Pop-Pickers!
Gotta loada rockin' action goin' down in the next week or so.
THURS 11TH AUG - TRILLIANS, NEWCASTLE £? early show, doors - 7pm
THE COYOTE MEN - the original rock'n'roll wrasslin' garage punks back in the ring!
THEE EXCITERS - fuzzed-out garage punkers from Southampton, ex-Nuthins, Sires
THE GREASE MONKEYS - Glasgow's hardy perrenials crankin' up the garage punk
Thee EXCITERS webpage...
£5/£4 conc. free entry before 10.30 doors - 8 -til- 3
THEE EXCITERS (onstage midnight approx)
SAT 13TH AUG - Club Foot at NECTAR, (Cowgate opp. Bannermans) EDINBURGH
free entry (just drink loads so the bands get paid!) doors - poss 9/10 (e-mail for
more details)
MON 15TH AUG - STEREO, Kelvinhaugh St., GLASGOW £5 doors - 8.30
THE NERDS Italian destructo punk...
THE DANGERFIELDS Belfast Zeke-rawk...
CHEVY & THE CHASERS local punk rock'n'rollers
THURS 18TH AUG - 13TH NOTE CAFE, King St., GLASGOW £3 doors - 9
THE GREASE MONKEYS - one last gig before recording the next LP w/ Tim Kerr
THE NUKES - sci-fi surf rock'n'roll from Edinburgh (stripped down Nucleotides line-up)
LUMMOX - Glasgow's most antisocial! is it good badtime or bad goodtime???
...anyways, hope to see you at one of these gigs.
All the Best....................Jim"
"Howdy Doody Pop-Pickers!
Gotta loada rockin' action goin' down in the next week or so.
THURS 11TH AUG - TRILLIANS, NEWCASTLE £? early show, doors - 7pm
THE COYOTE MEN - the original rock'n'roll wrasslin' garage punks back in the ring!
THEE EXCITERS - fuzzed-out garage punkers from Southampton, ex-Nuthins, Sires
THE GREASE MONKEYS - Glasgow's hardy perrenials crankin' up the garage punk
Thee EXCITERS webpage...
£5/£4 conc. free entry before 10.30 doors - 8 -til- 3
THEE EXCITERS (onstage midnight approx)
SAT 13TH AUG - Club Foot at NECTAR, (Cowgate opp. Bannermans) EDINBURGH
free entry (just drink loads so the bands get paid!) doors - poss 9/10 (e-mail for
more details)
MON 15TH AUG - STEREO, Kelvinhaugh St., GLASGOW £5 doors - 8.30
THE NERDS Italian destructo punk...
THE DANGERFIELDS Belfast Zeke-rawk...
CHEVY & THE CHASERS local punk rock'n'rollers
THURS 18TH AUG - 13TH NOTE CAFE, King St., GLASGOW £3 doors - 9
THE GREASE MONKEYS - one last gig before recording the next LP w/ Tim Kerr
THE NUKES - sci-fi surf rock'n'roll from Edinburgh (stripped down Nucleotides line-up)
LUMMOX - Glasgow's most antisocial! is it good badtime or bad goodtime???
...anyways, hope to see you at one of these gigs.
All the Best....................Jim"
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
A new (to me) UK freebie music tabloid that's a tad reminiscent of US paper, Arthur.
THE STOOL PIGEON is available throughout the UK, consult the website for availability. If any overseas readers want a copy then I'm happy to pick it up and send it to you for just the postage.
Also, along the lines of the recent TFC cd, there's a Proclaimers cd with this Saturday's edition of The Scotsman. Enthusiasts not of this Parish should let me know if they want one by Saturday am (GMT).
RIP - Fred Smith (The Olympics) A footnote from the Rev. P. P. Patterson of Brooklyn - "The LA Times obit says he wrote "Harlem Shuffle." He did not (according to the label or BMI website), but he did co-produce it with Bob & Earl.", Eugene Record (The Chi-lites) and Mr T informed me of the passing of Al Aronowitz ("one of the first professional journalists to cover rock 'n' roll" - NY Times).
Neither of the artists referred to on the cover of his book fill me with much in the way of excitement but both of inspired many of the folks that fuel the music we thrive upon.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Received an mp3 of Springsteen performing "Dream Baby Dream" (Thanks H). At first I wasn't sure what to make of it but the mesmeric, This Mortal Coil-esque rendition has got under my skin. It's a remote, un-nerving reading. Strangely true to the seismic nature of the original "Keep Your Dreams" but apocalyptically stark and uncompromising. I wonder what conventional Boss fans make of it?
Monday, August 01, 2005
29th October - Tokyo - Shimokitazawa MOSAIC
31st October - Saitama - Ohmiya HEARTS (Halloween party)
2nd November - Aichi - Nagoya SONSET STRIP
3rd November - Osaka - Fukushima LIVE SQUARE 2nd LINE
4th November - Ishikawa - Kanazawa VAN VAN V4
5th November - Tokyo - Kichijoji PLANET K
(Thanks to Jonathan for the info)
It was something of an honour to be asked to do a liner note for the Asian Man re-issue of Screeching Weasel's "Wiggle" album. I sometimes see some numbnut swipes at the band whereupon someone who patently doesn't get them writes 'em off as poppy punk. This practice irritates me but what can you do? So anyway, referring back to the original version of the album to prepare the rant - it sounded pretty good to me but Mass (Giorgini) has really opened up a can of whup-ass on the new version. It underlines everything about the fact that this combo mean way more to me than The Clash. The songs are brilliant, they crunch and fuelled the final push of punk rock toward the overground. So, in it's reconstituted form - all the things that you maybe had to work to hear within the maelstrom are tweaked and erect. It also has "Fuck The World". An anthem for a new generation.
The album "Anthem For A New Generation" just keeps those short, sharp shocks of joy comin'. If the Weasel had played the game and kow-towed then they woulda been ginormous. I mean they were pretty bloody big without any hype or bullshit but it's scary to consider the heights that they should be scaling. Ben Weasel is responsible for some of the best Ramones songs the Ramones never wrote and the guitars on all Weasel produce just shred. The harmonics are spine-tingling.
"How To Make Enemies And Irritate People" documents the period that Mike Dirnt of Green Day weighed in. It's a juggernaut that includes a shoulda been all over the charts version of Josie Cotton's "Johnny Are You Queer". Given their penchant for Ramonic titles was this a bit of fun being poked at Mr Cummings. I have to admit that crossed my mind but I also know that Ben held John(ny) in very high esteem so maybe not. I wish they'd got him in to write the material for their latter albums, I know that. It would have been really something to hear Joey sing "Surf Goddess" co-written with Joe King of The Queers. I can't believe this was recorded 11 bloody years ago.
"Kill The Musicians" is an odds and sods type collection of material from every stage of the Weasel phenomenon. It reflects the breadth of the band's capabilities and how the conflicts just made them stronger. Next up is a collection of the Fat Wreck years and also an Asian Man version of The Riverdales albums but before that, why don't you take up this offer... "SCREECHING WEASEL "BOX SET" DEAL -- 6 CDS FOR $40! In honor of the SCREECHING WEASEL reissues, we are offering you an amazing deal for all 6 CDS for $40 plus a collectable Screeching Weasel poster SIGNED BY THE BAND! You'll get a copy of "Boogadaboogadaboogada," "My Brain Hurts," "Wiggle," "Anthem for A New Tomorrow," "How to Make Enemies and Irritate People," and "Kill The Musicians" We sold out of the first 25, but luckily we just got another 50 posters! Once they're gone they're gone, so CALL NOW (408)395-0662."
So, if you never heard them, or never gave 'em a chance because you figured they were some kinda Maximum Rock'n'Roll spawned bollocks - then you need to reconsider. Screeching Weasel were way more than just a cool logo.
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