The Morells – Think About It
What can I tell ya about The Morells? They should be a staple of each and every NBT visitors sonic diet. They’ve made three albums in 20+ years because they believe in quality not quantity. The Reverend Joe of Terry isn’t involved this time but Dudley Brown is a fine replacement. THINK ABOUT IT! is an 11 song masterpiece enveloping the vast spectrum that these guys curate into THE roots rock sound to beat all others.
Kicking off with a unique sinewy, slip, sliding romp complete with kazoo solo through Chuck Berry’s "Nadine", it’s a great feeling just to know that they’re active. Other cool covers here are Paul Revere and The Raiders “Ups and Downs” and The Delmore Brothers “Girls Don’t Worry My Mind”. Rubbing shoulders with equally groovy originals like Donnie’s “She’s Gone” (“and now my heart’s just a pile of masticated protein” indeed and “Cool Summer” which tips a keyboard nod toward Bananarama’s "Cruel Summer"). Rongo and Lou keep it all swingin’ as only they can.
All in all, forget what you’ve been told is the sound of this summer. This’ll see you through that and provide natural daylight all that remains of this annum and far beyond. I hope they can make it over this way because right now, I can’t afford to go to them. I would if I could. It’s 15 years since I made my pilgrimage to Springfield and methinks it’s time to be planning another.
Brian Capps – Walk Through Walls
Brian Capps used to be in The Domino Kings but these days he plays out with The True Liars. The TL’s include Skele-fellas past and present including Sir Bobby Lloyd Hicks and The Rt. Hon. Kelly Brown. Capps has made an album that sounds like Dave Edmunds recording in Bakersfield.
A rollocking, gospel tinged pot of primo rockin’ country that I do believe might make inroads to taking that Springfied sound a little further afield. The album contains mostly Capps originals but also includes a couple of merle Travis covers and a version of Rodney Crowell’s “Standing On A Rock”. The title track includes one of those patented heart-shredding Donnie Thompson solos. This is perhaps more mainstream than The Morells, but whatever trajectory it takes to put this ensemble on the map is something I’m down with.
The Bel Airs – Got Love
These guys are a kinda stripped down Midwest spawned Blasters that consists of David and Dick Pruitt along with onetime Paladin Mike Cherry. The sound is fleshed out with the spooner Oldham type keyboard stylings of the aforementioned Rev. Joe of Terry. Anything that this guy is involved with comes five star certified by me.
It’s a simple but effective strut down the bluesier, bruisier strip of that bar room hardy annual sound. American music – undiluted and undisputed.
The Domino Kings – Some Kind of Sign
Fellow ex-Slewfooters with The Morells, The DK’s sound a little like The Mavericks channelling Bobby Fuller on the title track. No bad thing in my book. Indeed these guys could appeal directly to the vast legion of fans that Raul Malo’s crew have built up over the years.
This is a pretty simple but effective style of country rock which probably stand the best chance of infiltrating the airwaves. Familiar enough to set the foot tapping but not to breed contempt. Not a bad strategy. Standouts are “Dark Side of The Moon”(don’t worry, it’s not a PF cover) and the title song. “Lying Next To Me” is like a great lost Del Lords song. What the hell could be bad about that.
The recording capital of Greene County is still churning them out, hoping that the world might catch up one day. It’s not about to be the new “Seattle” or anything like that but there’s a confidence in that community that will continue to buzz unabated while continually vapid trends come and go.
Update at 3.49pm: Some Big Noise from Springfield tour info! (Thanks Steve...)
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