Murray Ramone's fractured punkruckin' duo, dunno if he's "Shock" or "Awe" but what The Banana Peel Sessions lack in fidelity is more than made up for in spirit. "Come and see the Kentucky Fried Children indeed"... anything that cajoles me into digging out my Angry Samoans records can be no bad thing. This guy should be writing songs for McFly.
Whoo hooh - we made the pages of the next big thing !
If anyone reading is in the Edinburgh area we're playing again at the full moon club at Bannermans tomorrow night in our full 3 piece guise so its
Tommy Shock - Bass/Vocals
Bobby Awe - Vocals/Guitar
and Liverpudlian legend Pete Beast on Drums
onstage at 11 plus full cast of characters, come and say hello and a copy of the "Banana Peel Sessions" is yours for free, 22 tracks live in the studio (with drum machine) and only 4 songs go over the 2 minute mark
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