This is just something I need to get off my chest so please bear with it. Maybe it'll seem like I've finally come off the rails but I feel the need to vent so vent I shall. We'll get back to the music and stuff after this important (to me) message...
Recent times have brought about a downturn in some peoples ability to communicate. Gone have considered responses to be replaced by robotic platitudes of a patronising nature which I'm convinced mask a subtext of "Get it right up you" or an expression to that effect. Let's take "I hear what you're saying", this would suggest that said drongo is considering your angle on something but rather than be honest and say "GIRUY", the illusion of consideration is made. Then there's the even more heinous "I know where you're coming from". Ditto the previous undercurrent and amplify maybe five times. Perhaps the chart topper of this kind of butt-speak is "of course, it isn't personal". If something has to be qualified like that then generally, the extreme opposite applies. It's mega-personal and counting. These bastardisations of language possibly originated in the USA but who can be sure. The opposite side of the same coin is listening to white bread idiots giving it some "talk to the hand" type laldy at being upright and urban. Sad, pathologically inbred sociophobes that are dragging mankind deeper into an already stinky and congested swamp. I hear this crap day in and day out and it makes me want to blow a gasket but so far the deep breaths and prospects of parole have eased my not being able to suffer such fools gladly. This type of behaviour doesn't rock and well, I hope you agree. If you don't then "Get it right up you". And not in a good way.
Lindsay - I hear where you are coming from.
-F x
Blunt end first chief...
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