Vamp Babes (Upgrade) by Messer Chups, a "combo" from Moscow has been on heavy rotation here since it's arrival on Christmas Eve. It’s a rip roaring, theremin packed soundtrack to the sickest, screamin-est sci-fi vampire flick around. Like Angelo Badalamenti jamming with The Challengers but also much more. The disc also features two videos which furthermore rams home the fact that these critters have got it nailed.
Whilst we’re on the subject, Jimi Hendrix was talking out of his big overrated ‘froed bahookie when he said you’d never hear surf music again. The Bambi Molesters, from Croatia, take that basic blueprint and knock seven shades out of it. I take this opporchancity to (once again rabidly) recommend their Sonic Bullets set which will be reactivated with the rest of their back catalogue when they embark on an invasion of Europe in Spring ’05. These lads and lassie know a thing or two about shooting tunes that’ll make your hair curl irrespective of length.
Staying with the “surf malarkey”, The Bitch Boys from Slovenia are further proof that there’s something in the water out there. Seemingly more straightforward than the aforementioned but still twisted. Their "Eminem Vs The Ventures" on "Walk Don't Run Mr Eminem (aka Ziggy Zaggy)" is a masterstroke and takes the well worn surf instro into new (perhaps even contemporary) territory.
Eastern Europe would appear to be harbouring "the future of rock and roll" in all shapes and sizes. A major pipedream of mine is to get the heck out there this year.
In the meantime though. check out the wares of all these folks on line from the comfort of your own billet. If the rain here keeps up like it has this past weeek then I'll be surfing doon to Tesco today instead of taking the car. Cowabunga an' that...
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