Monday, December 20, 2004

Interested in downloading a recent concert recording by the Fleshtones for free? has an 18 song live album recorded by the 'tones back in the summer as part of Little Steven's Battle of the Bands in Chicago. The files are in the MP3 format and the track listing runs something like this:

House of Rock; Right on Woman; Do You Swing?; Destination Greenpoint, USA; 10 Dollars More; Ready For the Mountain; Double Dipper; The Dreg; I Want More; I Wanna Feel Something Now; Hard Lovin' Man; Tearing Me Apart; Girl From Baltimore; Love Machine; Burnin' Hell; My Kind of Lovin' / The Crossroads; Alright.

eMusic is a subscription site although there is currently a special offer of 50 free tracks in return for registering your details with them. Please note that you will need to download the eMusic Download Manager (1.3Mb) in order to save the tracks to your PC/Mac.

Are you ready to swing? If so, then head for:


Anonymous said...

Your kidding, this site wants a credit card number, forget it.

Anonymous said...

yeah, he's right! did yougive them your card nbr?

Lindsay Hutton said...

I thought I'd cracked it when the broadcast started but then it cut off. It seems as though you can cancel the order but it seems like it's one of these "set of encyclopaedia" type offers. You'd have to make sure the trial was cancelled and I understand that not everybody would trust that to be done. e-music are reputable though and one day ALL music will be accessed this way. Maybe we should practice?

Thank you for loading this concert by The Grass Roots. Their live chops suggest they were more than a Sloan/Barri vehicle. In adding "Feelings" you have duplicated song and removed "House of Stone". said...

Apologies for dropping the ball with this one. I have previously subscribed to eMusic, simply reactivated my account, and did not realise they wanted inside leg measurements etc. In their defence I can confirm that eMusic carry a heck of a lot of NBT-ish artistes, are cheap vis-a-vis other MP3 subscription services, and do not screw around with your details. Hellfire, remind me to stop getting carried away promoting the hell out of the Deadbeats without thinking.