PLAYLIST. Here's another rundown on what's doin' the rounds on NBT's (Dutch) HQ's hi-fi: The new Blues Explosion LP is still on heavy rotation as is the Hives' latest, a disc that seems to get little to no kudos from the hipster crowd but is A-OK in my book. Been raving enough about the Reigning Sound's Too Much Guitar, but being handed a CDR of the scrapped 3rd LP that holds sufficiently less guitar but similar songs I once again have to bow down to the sheer genius at work here. Let's hope this will become available for one 'n all someday soon. Does anyone out there remember the Godfathers?. Their I Want Everything 45 fell from the shelves recently and thus instigated a spin on my trusty Thorens which in turn lead me to pulling out the excellent Hit By Hit comp and the Sid Presley Experience's Hup,2,3,4. If, god forbid, you are connected to some P2P kinda deal like Soulseek our whatever, try to locate the demo by the Germans, a post-Godfathers outfit that was also home to Rat Scabies. Their War Machine is a fine original, but what completely knocked me out was their take on Kraftwerk's Autobahn. Too bad this band came to nothing. Jumpin' back a couple o' decades, I'm also, as always, groovin' to vintage R&B; current faves include Champion Jack Dupree's Red Robin recordings, Tiny Bradshaw on King (he's the guy that wrote Train Kept A Rollin'!) and the rather obscure Carter Brothers who recorded for Jewel in the 60s (all of these spun off old Charly comps). 70s p-rock this go round comes from White Boy and the Alan Milman Sect, both recent bargain-bin finds that have me overjoyed w/ their wild-ass sounds and potential monetary value!. Also; American Ruse, Bad Moon Rising, Crystal Ball and Rock Pusher by the more obvious offenders.
So there you have it, please keep me posted on your flips 'n digs...
Now there's one that passed me by completely!. Did a quick check on this page and learned that the Unholy Trinity release was a six track mini LP on the Communique label that features Larry William's Bad Boy which was also on the SPE setlist, and one called Rock and Roll Traitor, a title I also seem to remember as related to the SPE. Anybody out there got a copy for sale or trade?
"Too bad this band came to nothing". So what do I know anyway. The official Germans sit is still up (tho' somewhat outdated).
the godfathers die zag ik in 88 op pinkpop en daar viel ik toen achterover van. birth school work death. ik had niets meer te zeggen. een jaar en elpee later in paradiso was het heel erg. slecht dan.
Wat fROMMEL is saying here is that the Godfathers pretty much lost it after the Birth, School, Work, Death LP, and I gotta agree. Tho' a later album still threw up the great Walking Talking Johnny Cash Blues.
shit. stupid me. next time I'll comment in english.
Just to show of how way ahead we always are at the Goner Board... And how well informed...
Youth sentiment...
prettything posted 09-27-2004 10:53 PM CT (US)
What is 'This Damn Nation' all about. What is this band?
--Robby G
Birth School Work Death
deep deep
--Robby G
First album.
And are they sexy
--Robby G
Worth licking...
hmmm theres no pictures on the record
But I'll take your word for it
Nah, rubbish, went crap after the Sid Presley Experience, the Coynes' previous band ... check their Hup Two Three Four / Public Enemy No. 1 album ...
Whoops! I meant single, not album!
Hey Anonymous, maybe it's time for you to unplug that computer of yours for a while. Tho' I'm in no doubt that you are living a much more interesting and sexually satisfying life than the rest of us, it looks like you are currently OD-ing on reading comments at or whatever (maybe you even subscribe to the Grunnenrocks mailing list?). Posting anonymous "funny" and/or cynical messages is a sure sign that you need to return to the more complex world you so obviously belong to before terminal brainrot really sets in.
Hey Anonymous, maybe it's time for you to unplug that computer of yours for a while. Tho' I'm in no doubt that you are living a much more interesting and sexually satisfying life than the rest of us, it looks like you are currently OD-ing on reading comments at or whatever (maybe you even subscribe to the Grunnenrocks mailing list?). Posting anonymous "funny" and/or cynical messages is a sure sign that you need to return to the more complex world you so obviously belong to before terminal brainrot really sets in.
Haha, Jeroen, you're right. Just wasting my time waiting to get back to the real world, i.e. Europe! Taking a plane today.
The only one I was trying to be cynical about was myself. It was fun to see you posted about the Godfathers, I used to play that record a lot. And it was funny too that just before somebody was interested too. But obviously I know not a whole lot about them. Would like to hear their previous bands named. Never heard of them. So, who's the idiot here...?
Didn't think my post was too anonymous, having my name and all...
See you soon!
Robby G.
The Helmettes webside has an weekly “Fanclub Headoffice Playlist” With well known and unknown international entertaining musical surprises. You’ll be surprised what those aging Dutch punkrockers use for musical decoration during the hard working hours. With Every week a new Louie, Louie and rare covers of well known tracks and don’t forget those songs by other –ettes bands. Go to: and click forwards. Half Twee!
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