The Nitwitz - Nibble The Giblet (Pitshark 10").
In a bizarre turn of events the Nitwitz have become quite prolific over here. After years of neglect the Slugster was recently interviewed for VPRO radio, gets namechecked and interviewed in various publications and best of all there's a steady flow of new releases. This is good news of course. I've been waving the Nitwitz flag for longer then I care to remember, and this new disc once again proves my point that they are one of the few bands that actually matters here in Euroland.
This new set rounds up a bunch of tracks recorded at various points in the past seven years, oldest of which are the Epitaph funded demos produced by Jack Endino in 1997 (this was before the label pulled out because the suggested album title, Dark Side Of The Spoon, was too close to reality for their label owner!). Of more recent vintage are the great Rohypnol Lovedoll, a solid take on the Nervous Eaters' Just Head and best of all the amazing Rock Pusher; one of their best songs yet.
This kind o'powerhouse punk-rock action has become real scarce in recent years, and it's high time these guys get some credit where it's due. Sure, there are contenders out there, but I don't care who you bring on daddy-o, they're all going under the thunder of the Nitwitz. Make your donations now or live the rest of your life in abject shame...
If you wanna buy this records (and other cool records...) go there : ! Cheers !
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