Thursday, September 09, 2004

Every day (‘cept weekends) I drive though a little place called Throsk. I guess it was a mining village at one point and at one stage, not so long ago, it consisted of the one drag straight through. Since then though, local authorities – underwritten by insurance firms – have taken to building these things called Industrial Estates. These are places where they hope to build businesses that will replace the lifeblood that the mines and maybe farming once provided. Anyways, I digress… on the way home at night it means that I pass the sign for Bandeath Industrial Estate that has been doctored to read “death trial state” and it never fails to make my mind tick over. Maybe there’s a little metal combo called Throsk holed up in one of these “units” called DTS and this sign will be the cover of its debut release. It never hurt Hatfield and the North and they didn’t need to do no doctorin’. Maybe one of these days I’ll stop and take a picture… then again...


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you mention Throsk which is my village, the village was nothing to do with coal mines but the explosive mines , yes it was owned by the Navy as an ammunition depot from 1916 until it closed in1978 and our council took over all the houses etc

Lindsay Hutton said...

Thanks for the info. Things aren't often what they seem and this proves it.