Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Last night’s schlep into Edinburgh for the Film Fest was actually worth the effort. While the event itself seems like something of a damp squib, the documentary “I LIKE KILLING FLIES” was an absolute gem. It’s about a restaurant in NY called SHOPSIN’S which was in the process of losing it’s lease and relocating at the time of filming. This is no ordinary joint though, with 900 items + on the menu and a full set of rules, Shopsin’s is the kind of neighbourhood place that could only really exist in New York. The owner, Kenny Shopsin looks like Michael Moore going to a Halloween Party as Jack Osborne. He rules the roost and cusses everything in his path like a culinary Lou Reed dishing out barrack room philosophies as he goes. The term “character” doesn’t exactly sum this guy up but somewhere deep inside he’s a top humanist. “…FLIES” is a fine piece of cine, it’ll hit the spot guaranteed and I defy anybody who sees it not to want to find a table there straight away. At one point in the movie, Kenny’s daughter Minda is wearing a Rezillos T-shirt. This place certainly rocks and do what you can to see this. Kudos then to the person who brought this one to the table. This is the person who should be running the festival. Check out this New Yorker article and finally the piece de nae resistance, the MENU!


Anonymous said...

Any idea when this intriguing flick is comin' out? Has Kenny opened at another location? Shee-it, lookin' at that menu just makes me RAVENOUS! How's about folks recommending their fave eating places? Ya know, places that just SCREAM rock'n'roll foodage? Mine would be:
* Momma Cherri's soul food joint in Brighton
* The Phoenix Cafe on Brixton's Coldharbour Lane
* F Cooke's pie & mash shop on Broadway Market, London E8 (usedta be Sid Vicious's local)
* The Cozy Corner BBQ place on North Parkway in Memphis

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there right now, ordering a mad mental soup.
*sees other comment*
But if we're talking Memphis BBQ - we have to be talking Corky's. It's the baddest.

Anonymous said...

Tish and pish to you! Of course, you's entitled to yer opinion, but there's FAR more to Memphis BBQ thank Corky's! And, jeez, do they EVER argue over the stuff (as well they should), check out the Goner Records message board for prob'ly the lengthiest list of postings regarding pulled vs. chopped / dry vs. wet / sauce consistency, and every other thing you can do with a dead porker, hickory and charcoal! Slobber, whine, slobber, whine, etc ... WANT SOME! Yours hungrily, Joss

Lindsay Hutton said...

Shopsin's is now located at 54 Carmine Street, NY10014. Tel: 212 924 5160.

Jeroen Vedder said...

Food, now there's a topic I can relate to!. The analogics to the R&R biz are obvious: Homemade DIY vs. mass produced "pish". Local eateries vs. McDonalds or Starbucks. Slowfood vs. fastfood. The charm of "eating at McDonalds for lunch" has long gone (and I guess Andy would agree here); it's the culinary equivalent of listening to nothing but classic rock. Most of the stuff on offer from the music papers/general media is an aural whopper at best, but more likely has all the impact of a imploded cheesesoufle... OK, you get the idea...