It was "old home week" yesterday as END OF THE CENTURY hit the Edinburgh Film Festival for the second screening in two days. The first was at the UGC Megaplex on Friday night but this one was at The Cameo, a much more suitable venue by far. It was good to see so many familiar faces there and it'd have been even better if they'd sprung to bring the guys that made the film but that's another can of worms entirely.
Both screenings were sold out and the reaction to the digi-beta version of the doc was very favourable. The sound was a little gubbed in places and some of the images were a tad pixelated but those things didn't detract from the overall experience. Overhauled to include more Joe, I think that they could add at least another hour. The early stuff is exhaustive but the later years are covered in less detail. There are some people who I'd have liked to have seen in the film - Andy Shernoff, Handsome Dick, Kevin Patrick, Sam Elwitt etc. that didn't seem to be involved at all but Monte Melnick is on hand as is Arturo Vega and the absolute best bit for me is when an old neighbourhood friend of Joe's, Mark Rafin (Ralin?) does an impromptu impersonation of our departed friend. Utter magic.
All of the stuff that's being made about John looking like a real bastard is somewhat overblown. In contrast, I think he's being very candid and real, just being himself. I don't think anybody can prosecute him for that. The conflict between he and Joey made the band dynamic. Add Dee Dee to that stew and who was pounding the tubs becomes totally irrelevant. Tommy's contribution illustrates that he has and had a lot of sense, he didn't get caught up in the maelstrom. Not really. This and RAMONES RAW should provide enough for anybody who went nuts over the brudders and then some. There can never be their like again and maybe that's not an altogether bad thing.
EOTC is mandatory viewing then, Mike Gramaglia and Jim Fields did a great job in the face of untold adversity. They've made a heckuva deposit in the karma bank and if they gave out medals for service in the punk rock wars then these guys would be in the running for more than 3 purple hearts.
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