"Sorry for the late report but i was too beat last nite and just crashed after the show. the fellas were great. yours truly got to introduce them. cyril was in great spirits and seemed to have a good time the whole night. they did a short but sweet set - robin has the set list so he can give exact details. but i think they opened with "made my bed" and closed with "too close to zero". in between were the two beatles songs, "anytime at all" and "things we said today". and the
spoonful's "my gal". they also did the beatlesque "no time to cry".
this time paul sang the end part of that. this song's turning out to be a crowd favorite - knew i was right about that one. my other fave is "she's so good" and that went over well too -- a real rock n roller which cyril obviously has fun playing.
cyril played his trademark dan armstrong thru reissue '65 fender twin reverb. he's still playing sans pick. alec palao had his beautiful gretsch bass. prairie prince couldn't make it and so they used the drummer from one of the other bands on the bill. he was okay. paul was under the weather but did a nice vocal job nevertheless.
roy loney got up and joined in on the encore, "i can see for miles".
they were very loose - but in a good way --relaxed. and not too loud. you could hear them. in some ways it was their best gig so far." - don in frisco
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