Monday, June 21, 2004

NO!, a thousand times NO!. Pretty sure ol' Lindsay doesn't need his below question answered, but I just wanted that clear... Who woulda thunk the punk rock thing ending up like this. The revolution will not be televised but can be seen havin' a nice day out at Butlins with the Cockney Rejects as the new Freddie & the Dreamers for entertainment!. To me it's friggin' hilarious tho', and proof positive that a lack of taste is timeless. A new generation of 40-something sea-side dwellin' families who just happen to prefer 'Dead Cities' over the 'Birdie Dance' and still take fashion tips from the singer in G.B.H.. Ugly music for ugly people!. Heck, you'd figure that with like 500 bands aboard something's gotta swing, but no way Jose; just one big round-up of no-talent losers (and that includes the one or two people involved who should know better!). The British take on p-rock was always shaky at best and this whole deal once again underlines my long held believe that Brits are best at appreciating good ol' Ameri-cun Music, and generally should stay clear of musical instruments 'emselves. There, I've said it!... Fanmail to the usual address please.

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