Monday, March 29, 2004

The Witchdoktors - Saturday 27th March, The Verge, Kentish Town, London

What with all of these Punk Rock documentaries on BBC Radio 2, one could be forgiven for thinking that "punk" has now become the brass band music of the 21st century. But what the hey! Last Saturday afternoon panned-out pretty nicely what with a trip over to Reckless Records in Islington and "must have" discs by the Nomads (Showdown #1), Flamin' Groovies (A Bucket of Brains) and a couple of Dr Feelgood (Gypie Mayo era) finding their way into my paws. For sure the bank balance is running close to red and pay-day is not till Wednesday but what the heck when such mighty grooves are up for grabs. Thinking that life does not get much better than scoring a vintage Feelgood's record complete with a press kit, I remembered that those other doctors, namely the Witchdoktors, were playing in the pub at the bottom of the road that night. Truth be told I haven't heard much from these guys for a good while and so it was damn pleasing to recently learn that they have a new disc, "Robots Rayguns Rock'n'Roll", in the shops. And so, after deciding to miss another rockumentary on BBC Radio 2, I ventured into the Kentish Town night to find the Doktor. Though surgery hours are out-of-hours, the practice remains: "Pinball" Geoff on turbo-charged whack, Zig C on the Fender Precision bass, Andy Last on lead howl, and guitar, and Tony Majors on guitar, harp and Roger McGuinn shades. Yes, fight fans, the Doktors' superpunkrock (tm) ethos remains undimmed by the passage of time and the arrival of many a Johnny-cum-lately. Memorable riffs, catchy choruses, a positive attitude to the punters, and a "let's have some fun" vibe. In other words should the 'Tones, Dictators or Nomads step onto these shore then the Witchdoktors would make one hell of complimentary opening band. Imagine the tribal vibes that would be generated? Hell, I have not smiled so much at a gig for ages as such skull-cracking tuneage as "Doctor John", "Neck Tattoo", and "I'm Sick" bounced off the walls. Okay folks, better hang onto the pipe and slippers 'cause I'm gonna dig out the new CD by the Witchdoktors and those other "old fart" platters. Grown-men making rock'n'roll music: Yes, please.

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