Dick Porter - Ramones, The Complete Twisted History (Plexus).
I Guess this is where the cash-in starts, the first real hack Ramones bio. From the git go it's clear Porter never talked to anybody involved with the band, and serves us nothing but a mix/match cut 'n paste job. Which in itself wouldn't be such a bad thing, if it weren't for the numerous factual errors in here. For instance: did you know 'California Sun' was originally by the Trashman? or that the 1976 CBGBs album featured Blondie, Talking Heads and Pere Ubu?, well, neither did I. photo captions provide similar un-intentional entertainment: two pics from the same photoshoot are credited to be taken in both Liverpool and NYC!, A shot of Dee Dee is dated may '77 while he clearly wears a 'End Of The Century' badge. Minor details you might think, but to me it goes to show that Porter really doesn't have much of a clue. I even flung the book into the corner when, at one point, he claims that the Ramones opened every show over the years with 'Blitzkrieg Bop', even if he never did see 'm in action himself, a quick glance at the four official live albums would have given proof to the contrary. Heck, the guy has previously written books on Nu-Metal and the Darkness, which just about sez it all...
Please take Lindsay's advice from somewhere below and pick up those cheapo, but infinitely better, books on the subject, save yourself the money, and get some real edu-ma-cation...
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