Saturday, December 13, 2003

Aye, we're sliding down into the silly season alright. I dunno about you but I like to keep to my 'ain midden heid' in such circumstances. The older I get (and that's getting on a bit) the less I can tholl the scumhordes. That's those that'll buy any old shite under the premise of gift giving. Those that are choking up the stores and just generally polluting the earth with their mobile phone wielding, no taste, gibbering general existence. I like Christmas records but I detest practically every other facet of the big business charabang that goes along with it. I like It's A Wonderful Life even although I've seen it a gazillion times and Miracle on 34th Street and White Christmas too. This leads me to wonder whatever happened to The Man In The Santa Claus Suit that starred Fred Astaire? It hasn't been seen for yonks. But anyhoo I digress, with every passing year, the spirit of Christmas is consigned further into a feeding frenzy of false bonhomie and bogus revelling. Do you fancy hanging about in Edinburgh at Hogmanay in the cold, surrounded by drunks watching Erasure and The Coral? Thought not. It's slightly better in Glasgow where they've got The Proclaimers but no real incentive to attend either. Listen to me, if Amy Allison makes it on to the bill at Stirling Castle then we'll have to drag our bahookies up there but we'll see. Anyway, do what you feel ya gotta do and try not to buy into the downside why dontcha.

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