Saturday, November 15, 2003

Sanctuary have issued The Cramps Flamejob album with the inclusion of Confessions of a PsychoCat and No Club Lone Wolf plus both versions of the UltraTwist video. I'm not sure why this couldn't have come out as part of the Vengeance Reissues series but, y'ken... This is easily their most consistent record (to my mind) since Psychedelic Jungle. It's important to remember that it came out in the UK on Creation when McGee lumbered the world with O*sis. But anyway, that's water way below the bridge or rather a crime against music for anarra time. Not sure about that re-do of the Flamejob logo, the original font was understated and I think that cover photo speaks for itself. Somebody should have proof-read those sleeve notes Mike, Miriam is not spelled with a "u" fer chrissakes and maybe it would have been an idea to limit the scrapbook images to the period in question? Cramped ones are picky critters. Anyway, the music is what matters when all is said and done and there's a real spikeheeled crunch to Flamejob that, to this day, they haven't recaptured. UltraTwist should have been the international breakout hit it deserved to be and the world would be a better place for the sickness it could have spawned. So let's do it kids, re-write the wrongs of history and Let's Get FUUUUU-Cked Up!

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