Pure teenpunkpop thunder vs. lumpy angular "fusion" (Impure Plop). Discuss...
Last night (no wednesday) I saw The Star Spangles open for Jane's Addiction to little more than a ripple of indifferent applause. Indifference was never a trait associated with Glasgow but that's how lame "rawk" audiences have gotten. People go to gigs now to have conversations but that's a bugbear for another time. The show, at the city's prestigious new Carling Academy should have blown minds but the flotsam that makes up the JA demographic couldn't care less. As a venue it's looking good but functionally there isn't a whiff of atmos. The restoration of original features and the sightlines are good so why doesn't this augment the experience?
The Spangles came out and charged into their set with a gusto that you seldom see in this day and age. They played songs from Bazooka! and another four new ones that are just fuggin' top notch. One of these, Gangland, is beyond anthemdom and the others don't slouch either. There's a great harmonic breadth to the guitar sound on all Spangle tuneage. I'm sure I heard a little Jingle Bells frisson during Tell Lies and Tear it To Pieces Girl shreds. I am vexed that "the kids" don't recognise these pop gold in these here thrills. They need a campaign that'll introduce them to a younger, untarnished crowd. Does such a circuit exist? Answers on a postcard or whatever.
Actually we're having problems changing the contact info on the ol' blog here. Hopefully that'll all be worked out soon but let's not stray from the original subject. The Star Spangles are on a mission and their detractors only make them stronger. Like I said, they're not your average crew despite what lazy, ill infomed sections of the press might whine. Sign up now!
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