Sunday, November 09, 2003

Just to add to Steve's Barracudas post there, The new single arrived here yesterday and it's a glam-mungously sharp return to the fray. Recorded the self-same day that Radio Birdman went on way too early at The Mean Fiddler, "Don't Ever Say..." feels like a familiar old friend delivering a good hard kick up the arse viz a viz (sounded like David Brent there) "We're back, wanna make something of it?" What a bloody glorious racket they've kicked up. Makes you feel, just for a second, that all might not be lost after all. No self respecting NBT-watcher should go without one of these so follow Steve's links and nail a copy. If you have difficulty then let we know and we'll do what we can to help you get one. Can't say nae fairer than that.

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