After a long hike thru' the woods earlier today I found myself diggin' out some primo p-rock blasts tonight, mayhaps in response to all that peace 'n quiet and the abundance of tweetin' birds, who knows. It was not your "old skool classics" however, nope, I had a severe case of "back to the 90s" (a phrase I'd love to trademark!). And before you knew it I was already thinkin' in "best Of" terms (a sure sign to spot the nerd). So here it is; my "top 10 (chronological) best of the 90s p-rock discs":
1990 Gories - I Know You're Fine
Never really cared for their debut disc, but this one (their 2nd) is on a par w/, say, the first Cramps, Ramones or Suicide discs, bein'' stylistically completely unconnected to their surroundings....
1991 Nomads - Sonically Speaking
Way overlooked, this might just be their finest moment. Like CCR or Jerry Lee Lewis, the Nomads are able to take whatever song or musical element and turn it into something that can't be anything but a Nomads song...
1992 New Bomb Turks - Destroy Oh Boy
A real head-turner for me at the time. It might have well been the first time since 'Damaged' that the entire notion of p-rock as a valuable proposition held any credence.
1993 Devil Dogs - Saturday Night Fever
If all their records were produced as solid as this one they'd probably be worshipped on a global level these days. Sadly it wasn't to be. Watch your speakers melt while these guys tear thru' the Garry Glitter and Gene Pitney songbook.
1994 Rip Offs - The Rip Offs Got A Record
Remember the Fingers, Supercharger or Pure Filth magazine?, well this this record actually rounds up all the best parts of 'em. Looked like they were desperately tryin' to be the Lurkers, but in fact they were so much better than their heros ever were.
1996 Loli & the Chones - P.S. We Hate You
From the same scene as above, the entire thing lasts about 15 minutes but is impossible to fault.
1996 Oblivians - Popular favorites
For about two years these guys were the best band on the planet, no two ways about it. This is their finest moment, but anything w/ their name on it justifies whatever is the askin' price...
1997 Hellacopters - Payin' The Dues
This is where the controversy set in for a lot o' folks, but a disc that combines the best parts of the Nomads, Alice Cooper 'n the Dead Boys is A-OK with me.
1998 Turbonegro - Apocalypse Dudes
I know ol' Lindsay hates 'em, but to me this is pretty hard to beat as far as punk/glam/gay-metal crossover goes
1999 Nitwitz - Dark Side Of The Spoon
Tony Slug is one o' the finest 6-string strummers the low-lands have delivered in the past quarter century or so, the sad fact however remains that nobody's noticed so far. Worshipped in Spain, the Slugster remains a complete unkown in his native country....
M.I.A.: Nine Pound Hammer, Supersuckers, Lazy Cowgirls, Didjits, Ramones, Riverdales
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