Friday, August 29, 2003

If Lindsay had a "relatively" quiet week, it's been a "relative" madhouse over here. I've been way too busy fighting off worms, bugs 'n (trojan) horses. Close call, but so far it seems I've won without any major damage and kept the darn critters at bay, phew!.
"So what else is up?" you axe. Well, time permitting I've been groovin' to a batch of new 45s from Ace Records, top notch Rockabilly classics by the likes of Charlie Feathers, Pat Cupp and Junior Thompson. Familiar stuff, but they all swing mighty fine in this format. Equally grand are the first two 45s in Norton's new Rolling Stones tribute series, with the
Reigning Sound and the Wildebeests bein' my faves so far. Angel Corpus Christi's latest CD 'Divine Healer' took some time to sink in, but as of late it has began to take up more 'n more spins on HQ's hi-fi. Not all tunes are top shelve material, but the good ones (including a great take on Motley Crue's 'Home Sweet Home') are A-OK. In a similar vein comes Holly Go-Lightly's latest disc 'Truly She Is None Other' that'll hopefuly see her goin', well deserved, places. All round winner of the last couple o' weeks tho' has been the Funk Soul Sisters comp on BGP. Title really sez it all, amazing stuff from start to finish.
That's about it listenin' wise. As usual these days I missed out on various live shows (For whatever reason, I can hardly be bothered anymore), and several people tell me I should've gone and see the Marked Men, but alas, it was not to be. But hey, I've got tickets for the London Radio Birdman show and I am lookin' forward to that !.
So there you have it, more soon (if the bugs leave me alone that is!).

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