Sunday, July 13, 2003

This morning, I saw a 2cd set in Tesco entitled "The Best Prog Rock Album in the World Ever" complete with Roger Dean artwork. A further sign that the threadbare arse has fallen out of the music biz. Would you let your corn flakes, carrots or sprouts share a basket with such a beast? It's been a pretty crappy week in all, the programme for the Edinburgh International Film Festival came out and there are slim pickin's to be had there. It'll be hailed as a great success I'm sure, but it puts the tin lid on my beliefs about the artistic directors ability. Just as well we'll be tied up with the return of Amy Allison who'l be promoting the release of her No Frills Friend album on Spit & Polish. Diesel Only in the US.
I keep reading about Kings of Leon and how great they are. Imagine the big dissy then when I hear 'em and they sound like Blur trying to be Rocket From The Crypt.
On the subject of print, there's a magazine out here called Careless Talk Costs Lives and although you might not agree with everything in there, it's firing a veritable ball of phlegm across the bows of what tries to pass as the established press these days. It looks damn good to and it's packed, and I been to the rafters, with info. No cover mounted cd by the chosen dozen or so - just the facts so you can go check stuff out for yrselves. Remember how that goes? It'll keep you goin' until Joss and Joe get Sonic Reducer out on a regular basis.
People keep asking me what I think about The Cramps album and all I'm prepared to say is I don't care for it. Why should anybody give a hoot what I think about it anyway? I'm sure you can come up with your own reservations. Good luck to them though, as always I hope they get what they deserve. And to answer another question... No, I won't be going to see them either.

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