Sunday, July 31, 2011
Hit the proverbial brick wall after a few days of big fun and am too fried to even consider collecting my thoughts and spilling them here. All in due course. My fellow traveller is back in Moss Rock City and I'm staring over that precipice referred to as Monday. In addition to it being August.
Regarding Thursday - The Primevals were swingin' as only they can at Cabaret Voltaire. I was in a minority that didn't really get The BellRays but nothing new there. I stand by my belief/opinion that it's great voice/all dynamic/no songs.
Don't waste your time by trying to convince me otherwise because I prefer The Twisteroos.
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Still… some stuff happening around that you ought to attend if you’re within gittin’ there distance.
The Surfin' Lungs 30th Anniversary bash on Friday night (29th) down the Brighton.
Eric and Amy are making with a short burst of shows starting tonight ahead of their heading US-ward. But don’t worry, they’ll be back in November.
The Wee Stramash is happening in Edinburgh seeing as it’s Uncle Big has been postponed.
And last but by no means least – Reine Laken will rock Risør in Norway on Saturday as part of Fyrjam 2011.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011

Looking to break into the lucrative Hillbilly Boogie market? Let Susquehana Industrial Tool & Die Co. show you how!
A no-obligation, two-hour tutorial is all it takes -- salty snacks included!
THURSDAY, JULY 28th / OTTO'S SHRUNKEN HEAD / 538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in ol' Manhattan / Two instructive shows, from 8pm sharp until 10pm / No cover! /
Successfully yours,
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Sunday, July 24, 2011
PANTHER BURNS return to Belgrade on the Danube after their first theatre performance there in 2002. As part of the AUDIO VISUAL 21st CENTURY - AV 21 FESTIVAL BELEF 2011, Panther Burns will appear live before a psychedelic backdrop on Aug 6th at 9pm in the Kalemegdan Fortress on the plateau behind the Gallery Natural History Museum.

Sunday morning already. I kind of feel like buying a paper but really don't want to encourage the feeding frenzy. There are TWO BIG STORIES now, during a period of the year when almost nothing ever happens. And there's the other one that's gurgling away in the background - the one that might topple empires and govenments or both.
However, Norway is hurting pretty bad. And that makes me feel rotten. In addition to having many friends there, when I was there last month - the country pretty much helped me to remember that there there might be a purpose to this life malarky after all. I mean that sincerely and honestly. The people I met there were so gracious and cool and they really don't deserve this kind of action being visited upon them so what gives? The "religion" smokescreen. It's time that pigeonhole was reconsidered or even outlawed. It's several leagues more dangerous than drugs and booze ever were. It consumes idiots and makes them think that they have a purpose. They don't.
And after leaving "The Party" yesterday afternoon, I got the message about Amy Winehouse. Now I wasn't a huge fan of her music, I liked the stuff that reminded me of The Detroit Cobras. However, she was a proper pop star and however much she sometimes looked like she'd been dragged back and forward through a hedge multiple times, she exuded a beauty that was real. We can't legislate for her demons and nor should we. Whatever actually killed her is really none of our business. I keep reading about this "27" thing. That it has some significance. What bollocks.
Anyway, Everett True's piece here is pretty great and pretty much says all that needs to be said. It's not forensic, picking over her foibles. It's personal and I think that her character deserves that. And John Robb's is good too.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Anyway, that’s a long pre-amble into letting you know that The Phobics ”Deptford Calling” is now out and about. It contains 12 short, sharp kicks up the jacksy in the manner to that which you have come to expect from this fine Lahndunn combo. As honest as the day at your place of employment is long.
As always they combine the finer aspects of both US and UK varieties to arrive at something called “rock’n’roll”. Of the type that has no sell by date. Sadly you probably won’t read about how great this band is in the pages of Mojo but take it from me, they kick a sight more bottom than many of those who will be damned with some degree of praise.
This blighter is also available as a limited vinyl pressing so don’t muck about if you want one of those. No frills, even less nonsense noise of this type is to be nurtured, who knows, it could even kick something off.
Sunday, July 17, 2011

“Respectfully dedicated to James Darroch and Allan Marr” – this latest I-94 Bar release indicates there’s plenty of life in these old dogs and for my moolah, this baby trumphs the last Birdman album at its own game. Nobody infuses those spiritual Detroit stylings like the Australians. Sweden does pretty good but there’s an edge present down under. Even something like “I Confess” that sounds like Don Henley channelling Kill City period Jimmy O.
“13 Songs...” is some grandiose rock action that isn’t too far away from potential stadium variety. I imagine that the term veterans could be applied here but this is anything but a tired attempt at putting a bunch of songs together for the hell of it. The length and breadth of the album is vast, I mean - nobody could have predicted the mutant Acker Bilk shapes of “Penelope”.
Could they?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The trials and tribulations of searching for car insurance continue. Yesterday evening, I succumbed to using a “comparison” website. I dislike these things a great deal but it was a moment of weakness. The consideration that maybe it could scratch the itch and come up with something was an attractive proposition I suppose. So anyway, I go through the soul-sucking job of “form-filling” and had only just had the results come up when the phone rang.
One thing that rattled through my noggin was good, I can divert my attention from this for a bit but it was the “top quote” insurer eager to make a sale. In terms of efficiency I should have folded there and then but I haven’t heard of hardly any of these people and this one in particular could be the best deal on earth but I’m very sceptical at best. I’m not entirely sure why I’m sharing this on here but I was quite shaken by the audacity.
So, pre-occupation with several non-essential escapades like this are hampering my good intentions to start writing about music again. Ideally, I'd have someone to deal with all this bollocks but I don't. One of these days, things will go according to some kind of plan but until then...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Good intentions were the order of the day when I came home but a couple hours of scouring for car insurance has pretty much put paid to that. And Monk just came on so I’m out of here.
There are two really great pop records headed your way this late summer/autumn. “HANK” courtesy of Suzy & Los Quattro and the as yet untitled but imminent debut by The Dahlmanns. These will be available from discerning dealers and download outhouses in due course and as soon as I know exactly when then you will too. There’s also a Nomads album in the works for a wee bit later in the year so you need to budget for that also.
Go visit Nortonville...
Monday, July 11, 2011

The taste that always refreshes? Why, Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. , of course! And the refreshment is all the more carbonated at the Rodeo Bar this week, with an 8:30 start time and no cover...
375 Third Avenue (at the corner of 27th Street) in ol' Manhattan / New show times! Two early bird sets, from 8:30 sharp 'til 11pm or so / No cover!
Always yours,
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Sunday, July 10, 2011
If you're in LA or thereabouts... you'll be getting all hopped up about DON'T KNOCK THE ROCK. I hope that the Rhino film can be shown out there sometime...
Saturday, July 09, 2011

“All These Things You Are” and “Elephant” are two melancholic, near-orchestral gems that remind me of “Something, Anything” period Todd Rundgren without actually sounding anything like him. The opener clocks in at 5 minutes plus but certainly doesn’t feel like it. My general attention deficit condition seems to abate in the immediate proximity of this act. The whistle-laden (Roger Whittaker variety, not the flute-y wind instrument), piano-powered “Looking Out For Mr Right” extend the stellar scandic pop envelope ever further by dealing in simple high calibre arrangements, the kind that you might have come across in bygone times but without resorting to blatant app-like nostalgia.
And here’s another cut that’s come out since this release and it has a slightly “Queen of the Coast” refrain. I’d imagine the album can’t be far off.
For some reason I can't embed this but you need to see it. Your faith will be restored in something, At least for the duration of the clip.
Friday, July 08, 2011
Them weekend tickets for the Blast-Off festival are going like the proverbial off the shovel. Better get yours now...
Let’s see, there’s a bunch of great things happening everywhere but here. Death By Unga Bunga are playing in Moss, Norway tonight and over in Hamilton, Ontario -there’s a Memorial Show in honour of the late, great Imants Krumins.
Hereabouts, it’s pissing rain and the torture in the park over in Kinross is in full swing. The annual survivalist weekend with a bill that truly must be their most wretched yet but hey, it’s an institution. Maybe they could just build a big wall around it then. I’ll try to watch a wee bit on TV later but I fear it’ll bring on the Glastojeebies.
If they was a House of Rock stage with Morten and Caroline curating then maybe I’d have a rethink but being that it’s unlikely then I’m probably safe enough. It was touch and go this year though as Matt + Kim were alleged to play some tent or another. If The Dahlmanns end up headlining the main stage one night and Eric and Amy likewise then I’ll relax my embargo for that particular year but until then and hell, who knew that The Arctic Monkeys still existed?
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
I want to update this blogger template thing but to say that I'm reticent is an understatement. Do any of you folks know of a step by step guide to go about this? I've had a couple of cak-handed attempts that almost goosed the whole thing.
And life is too short to start with these forums... so please, any assistance would be appreciated. then I could get this show back on the road properly.
Monday, July 04, 2011

These past months in the wilderness, I guess I hoped someone might take up the slack. Or even that Rita Redshoes music might percolate beyond her native Portugal. You may recall me raving about her last album and this one has been out a while. I just realised that I hadn’t written about it and that’s very remiss of me. Better late than never is not an excuse.
We all read acres of press about artists that really don’t come anywhere near this girl in terms of scope. Or for that matter sophistication of being able to juggle styles. The fact that she, and Annika Norlin aren’t on their way to becoming global household names says much more about the consumer than it does about either songbook.
Always literate and sidestepping any pigeonhole by some considerable distance, there’s something about this that reminds me of Cristina. You remember that Ze records artist that covered “Is That all there Is”? I think it’s the sonic glamour of the sound. This girl thinks big and across several palettes. “Which One Is The Witch” and “You Should Go” are just two examples of how far ahead of the curve Rita is. This spacious pop that doesn’t rely on some recognition with the past. As much as I appreciate being reminded of Dusty Springfield, I’m a little tired of the endless parade that seems to rely on that familiarity.
I guess that an appearance on “Later” might light a fire below her career here. A couple of well-placed shows outside of the conventional bunfight. All I know is that this is a cut above whatever hipster-sanctioned collection that’ll be in vogue anytime soon.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Friday, July 01, 2011
Since the funeral on Monday, I’ve been mulling things over. One of these is the possibility that I have to rip up the kitchen floor. The whys and wherefores are irrelevant. It has to be addressed. As has the issue of what to do with the clutter. I mean, what if I were to shuffle off this mortal coil and all the – let’s call it stuff – was just left for someone else to deal with. I realise that I don’t want that. Let me ask myself again... No. I don’t. So I need to find a way to deal with this. And a bunch of that that’s wearing me down.
The urge to drop off the face of the earth is all-enveloping. Watch this space but don't hold your breath.
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