Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
As much as I dislike the computer as a crutch, when something like the J*zz f*nk” auction comes along then there’s a brief spike of them seeming useful. But then, like a metaphor for all life really, the custodians wade in and rain on the parade. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to find out what happens and that the story has a happy or at least positive ending. This was no mere “listing”, it touched a nerve. Even if it was only to rejoice in the mockery of what is perhaps the sickest, ugliest (and neither in a good way) excuse for a genre that ever was. The feeling of community was further enhanced by the guy taking time to reply to all of the “questions” or rather messages that people sent him.
It was a genuinely uplifting few days, torn down by the burghers of tosspot town. No harm was being done but what seems like an honest ribbing at the expense of someone who behaved questionably in all areas including taste in music – has had the plug pulled.
I’m hoping that some enterprising media company will endeavour to report on this for all angles. They might even be able to turn up the individual that amassed this heinous haul? Now that’s something that I would definitely tune in to.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Just got back from seeing "Thor". It's not bad, with enough of a nod to the original comic books and in-references to detract from the "special effects". No, it wasn't in 3D. My eyes barely do 2D anymore.
Anyways, there's not much of Sunday left so I need to grab it. You can stream the new Dave Alvin record here while the sands of time run out. Apparently you can do it at i-Tunes too if you're set up for that gubbins.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
It was kind of fun to watch people get aerated about the “it’s just music” quip that Missus Gawgaws manager sent to Bob Lefsetz. Admittedly I can get apoplectic about ultra-triviality too but the comparison in the same sentence of Justin’s B and T to The Be*tles (and other old guard stalwarts) knocked my ability to get irritated clear out of the park.
I vaguely recall a time when I used to write about music on here. Preoccupation with matters outwith that sphere have been dogging my ability to do this. It’s not that I don’t want to, more that I don’t seem to be able to. Add to that the fact that I’ve had it up to here (raises hand above head height) with computers and you have the perfect situation for a creek and lack of a paddle. Spending all day, every day in front of one of these damned things has removed any novelty value the blighters ever had. They’ve made everything – except people – superfluous. The way that some individuals seem to be attached to phone devices is something that really rankles. It’s taken rudeness to a whole higher level. Yes, these things can be useful but for christ’s sake turn them off for a spell will you?
Here we are in the last days of May again. Hopefully that pesky ash cloud won’t be stinking up the airways a little over a week from now. Of course, it seems forever away at this point but I’m REALLY looking forward to the International Rock’n’Roll AGM in Moss. There’s still time to make the scene.
OK, chores to be done, if you haven’t seen this, it’s guaranteed to raise a titter.
Friday, May 27, 2011
From Brother Bruce Bennett via fb - how can this have come around so quick!
To paraphrase Sleepy Labeef's onstage stumping, "If anyone's going to be in the Europe area next week..."
Behold: A-Bones European Sun Tour '011 --
Sat June 4th - France Bourges Cosmic Trip Festival
Tues June 7th - Italy Brescia Lio Bar
Wed June 8th - Italy Piacenza Spazio 4
Thurs June 9th - Italy Roma Traffic
Fri June 10th - Italy Ancona Osimo FunHouse shop
Sat June 11th - Italy Torino Spazio 211
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hi kids,
We got a great gig to tell you about in a coupla weeks time so stick the date in your diary now...in fact just go to the tattoo parlour and ink your skin so you don't fergit it. FRIDAY 3rd JUNE at The Castle, Finchley Road NW11 8DG Doors £5 from 8pm - 1am with WILD MUTATION, THE PHOBICS and SPECIAL BRANCH.
TONY MORRISON/Sharron Slutt (Guitar - LONG TALL SHORTY/Angelic Upstarts/Kiria),
MARC PEARSON (The man with the Star Guitar THE GLITTER BAND and Y.T.D.S),
JENNY DRAG (BV's & Guest Vocal - The Priscillas)
Running times SPECIAL BRANCH on stage at 8:15, THE PHOBICS on at 9:15 and WILD MUTATION ABOUT 10:30
What a stellar line up - eh kids? The other bands will be kicking out a bunch of selected covers and favourites for your pleasure, while we will provide a run through of our soon to come out on vinyl album DEPTFORD CALLING and anything else we can get away with. Sounds blinking good to me.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Severe winds and horizontal rain plus an ash cloud reprise. No tangible sign of the apocalypse although it would be hard to tell with the initial 5 months of 2011 providing a fair old dollup of what could be construed as hell. Maybe the Mayans can be trusted to get it right? However, I’d rather that none of us would have to suffer any more per se than we do already so a swift exit would be preferred.
I’ve been interested in the pictures that have been beaming from Puerto Del Sol in Madrid. That’s my sauntering area where I amble through to and from the Wurlitzer, El Sol or wherever. I hope the actions of the protesters can elicit some improvements in their situation but these are peculiar times where the greedy bastards in all sectors of society are hanging on like grim death to their spoils. They don’t seem to realise that the weight limit for the baggage to the destination we’re all headed is zero.
Mr Duff went out last night...
Ted Chippington and The Nightingales. Two names that anyone who began listening to John Peel at the same time as I did will remember with some affection –even if, like me, you can’t be sure that they were actually as good as you remember them being. Last night, I had the opportunity to test my memory and my teenage judgement and am pleased to report that I’ve nothing to be ashamed of.
I turned up at Sneaky Petes with high hopes. Comments from colleagues who’d attended the previous night in Glasgow concluded “if only Frankie Boyle and that Sonic Youth were a tenth as good”. That assessment pretty much nails it – in respect of The Nightingales for sure.
They began as they continued with a serious twin guitar row backed by a rock hard glam rock bass drum stomp. In fact, if I can think of anything to compare them with it’s those jaw-dropping ‘junk shop glam’ records that Robin Wills regularly posts on his PUREPOP blog. And when - by song three, Robert roared “I didn’t know I loved you til I saw you rock’n’roll”, I knew I was on the right track with such thoughts. It’s not all ramalama rabble rousing though, there’s a fair bit of Beefheart and something that I can’t name but that is pretty damned rowdy, mixed in. The last time I saw a band kick up and maintain this kind of mania was The Oh Sees. Now, Robert Lloyd’s vocal delivery is a good deal more droll and a bit less unhinged than John Dwyer but sonically speaking, the action is comparable. On last night’s evidence at least, The Nightingales are that rare beast in these days of everybody knowing everything, a band that has been truly overlooked. We should consider ourselves lucky that Robert Lloyd still feels the need to come out and make his noise.
Ted Chippington, sadly sans his showbiz drape suit, opened and gave us a rough 20 minutes of what we’ll have to call material, although it’s still unlike any other comedy material you ever heard. The closest he got to a recognisable joke was “I was walking down this road and this bloke came up to me and he said ‘hey I’m addicted’. I said, ‘You probably are mate.” The highlight (his version of Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep - recast as Chirpy Chirpy Cockney - aside) was a tape he played of an unidentified British punkrocker embarrassing himself with his inarticulacy on US radio. If anybody who knows who that was, I’d be delighted to know.
Oh and if you’re in Edinburgh or Glasgow scratching your head and wondering how you never heard about this then the reason is because - as far as I can see no one knew – I saw NO publicity around Edinburgh or on the net at all. The Nightingales told me that they got a call from the promoter at noon yesterday (the day of the show) to say they were pulling it so the band took the reins themselves. There was about 20 people in the room but those 20 people saw a great show. The Nightingales achieved victory in the face of incompetence and indifference, I think that may well be a decent summing up of their whole story. Go see them tonight if you're in Hull, they deserve better than they got in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Monday, May 23, 2011

Like the darling buds of May, Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. returns this week to its last-Thursday-of-every-month residency at the always colorful Otto's Shrunken Head. Ah, so sweet the smell...
538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in Manhattan / Two freshly cut shows, starting at 8pm sharp and ending at 10pm / With DJ "Son of Scratchy", salty snacks, and no cover!
Horticulturally yours,
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Pffffff... guess that I thought maybe it'd be all over so I'm not prepared.
I saw "Source Code" yesterday afternoon and kind of liked it. It was like a TV show pilot and much better than expected. Today I saw "How I Ended This Summer" and it was arduous. Beautifully composed but not entertaining plus, anybody who knows me will be familiar with my non-capacity for fish or indeed seafood in general. There are several aspects of the film that horrified me more than anything that might be construed as graphic in any realm.
I'm listening to the first episode of The Mike and Judy Show, it's great. Like having the old SCREW paper on the cyber-wireless and nowhere near as offensive as the trout action in this afternoon's movie.
Handsome Dick Manitoba is on the episode that will "air" later today.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dealing with cable service providers makes my heid nip. The latest saga is that my phone service was gubbed AGAIN. Plus the continued red rag that is dealing with call centres on another continent – that’s what really has me considering changing who has my business. This however throws up multifarious things that can go pear shaped and most often just ends up in my doing nothing. The concept being sticking with (the) status quo.
Service in general, through all corridors of existence, would appear to be on a downward trajectory. Expectation that is already scraping the ground has pretty much come to a grinding halt. There is the odd glimmer here and there though and the case in point is my gas and electricity supplier. Their centre is based around 40 minutes from the bunker and this morning, I had an exchange with a lady there who sorted out my account matters in literally minutes. Even if it ended up that I had to pay a little more then I would to get this level of service.
Going to try and sort out some pre-rupture music stuff. Probably after I come back from seeing “Source Code” at the Hippodrome if there’s time. And if there’s not, WTF?
I’m thinking that maybe I should write a couple of paragraphs about Lady GeeGaw too. After all. she needs all the publicity she can get. Actually, I have no problem at all with her “music”, or her really but everywhere I fucking turn this past few days there she blood was. One aspect is that her machine can fairly put in the column inches. It all sort of niggles me but being that this skin seems to be thinner than ever, it doesn’t take much. See you on the flipside of the pictures – I wasn’t that enamoured with Zowie’s “Moon” but this one looks like a big budget episode of “Chuck”.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Contemplating the possibility of this “rapture” business that’s being purported to take place this weekend – I’m thinking that my time would be better spent nowhere near a computer. That might seem a tad outlandish but there you go. Being that I’m a shoe-in for spending the remainder of eternity in the burny fire, perhaps it’s time to prioritise? Not that such a miracle is likely. Or any miracle really. In the likelihood though that we come out the other end then business as usual will ensue. I was going to use it as an excuse for not booking any tickets for the Edinburgh International Film Festival but receipt of the programme has me a little underwhelmed. I need to get a little forensic with it but I do believe that this be some slim pickin’s and no mistake. Take a look for yourself.
I’d pay 9 quid to see The Terminator at The Hippodrome maybe but not in Edinburgh at an event that seems to be a victim of some stringent cuts. No doubt I’ll drag myself to a couple of things but like I said before – nothing is screaming to be seen. There are several double space typos in the programme also. I am perfectly aware that it’s pretty sad that I noticed them too, before you feel like pointing that out.
With my form/luck, the aforementioned happenstance is likely to be more akin to “rupture”.
Anyway, I’m due a hard kick up the jacksy after having a blast down “the Lahndon” this past weekend. Muchas gracias to all concerned.
Friday, May 13, 2011
WTF? I posted this on blogger last night and today it had disappeared. Then I remembered it had appeared on the facedog so I actually did publish it. Anyway, if these things ain’t ging to work then please can we go back to the good old days when there was no sodding internet.
Interested to see what the EIFF has in store when the programme is launched this coming Tuesday (May 17th). The first since the organisation came together with the centre for the moving image at Filmhouse. My attendance is likely to focus on the weekends during the run. Can’t see me burning vacation days unless something really special turns up.
Of course, we’re approaching an important calendar date, Joey would have been 60 next week and Ms Line Dahlmann informs us that an unreleased song, presumably from the upcoming project augmented by various NYC luminaries, will air on the Underground Garage this weekend. The annual Birthday Bash also takes place at The Fillmore in Manhattan one week from tonight (Thursday 19th May).
I don’t know where you stand on (the) Pink Floyd and it’s none of my business really. However, looking at the “news” today that the individuals in question played together just after sorting out their contractual spat of several decades, it threw up the question of people who reportedly can’t stand one another coming together for the music. And well, maybe the money but I have no problem with that so long as they don’t milk it.
And even if they do then so what? The info machine on that particular brand is in motion. Expanded re-issues and even “lost” tracks will add to their revenue stream. I ought to get to the point… well, I like idea of people who have differences playing for the sake of the music. If they can just set aside the problem for an hour or whatever or maybe some rehearsal time then I guess that the point I’m making is that life is too short and sometimes too shite not to make an effort for something that is worth doing. This can be extended to friends too but sometimes that’s a bit more difficult/complicated so let’s stick with the bands here. You shouldn’t try to please all of the people all the time and after all why should you but think on this?
Maybe someone will twig that the band should have been setting the heather alight all along or maybe it’ll be a simple case of making the fans you do have very happy for a wee while at least. That benevolence right there is surely worthy of consideration. So yeah, that Floyd thing made me think. As does the consideration that time may well be running out. Do it for the kids of all ages because we’re a long time died (not a misprint, rhymes with heid).
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Interested to see what the EIFF has in store when the programme is launched this coming Tuesday (May 17th). The first since the organisation came together with the centre for the moving image at Filmhouse. My attendance is likely to focus on the weekends during the run. Can’t see me burning vacation days unless something really special turns up.
Of course, we’re approaching an important calendar date, Joey would have been 60 next week and Ms Line Dahlmann informs us that an unreleased song, presumably from the upcoming project augmented by various NYC luminaries, will air on the Underground Garage this weekend. The annual Birthday Bash also takes place at The Fillmore in Manhattan one week from tonight.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How can there still be tickets left for the Moon Duo show in Glasgow this coming Saturday? It’s true that almost nothing sells out any more but this is ridiculous. And what’s even worse is that I am unable to attend so it’s certain to be great just to spite me.
And on Sunday, on the other side of the country –
4 great bands playing probably in this order (it may change on the night) on Sunday May 15th at Henrys Cellar Bar in Morrison Street – doors open at 7:30 first band onstage at 8
First up – VENDETTA MACHINE – 3 boys on Bass/Guitar/Drums and a girl that sings – one of the best new bands in Edinburgh, come along and see them so you can boast about it in a couple of years
Then - SHOCK AND AWE – what can be said about these good looking young pop stars ? their first proper gig for a few months see’s them playing some brand new songs for the first time in public
And then - The MURDERBURGERS – west coast punk pop so dripping in sunny melodys that you’d think it was California they were really from rather than glasweegieland
And finally - BLACK VOLVO – all the way from the Netherlands to the never neverland that is Edinburgh on a Sunday night, come and see if dutch pop punk travels well
4 quality bands for 4 quid on a Sunday night, all over at the back of 11 so you can get your bus hame – don’t sit in the house waiting for Monday morning - come and save your soul with some rock and roll !
sez Murray Ramone...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Calcium deficient? Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. has got you covered -- with a healthy dose of farm fresh "Ballads, Boogies & Blues" at the ol' Rodeo Bar. Now with earlier start times for all shows! And that includes this one, starting at **8:30 sharp** and ending at 11pm. MOOO...
375 Third Avenue (at the corner of 27th Street) in ol' Manhattan / Two calcium-enriched sets, from 8:30pm sharp until 11:00am / No cover! /
Yours in dairy,
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co.
"Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Monday, May 09, 2011
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Laura's show in Edinburgh last night went great. And the Pleasance Theatre - what a great room. The sound was crisp and clear and I was thinking that someone needs to book Dave Alvin in there. Anyway, it was LC, Mark Spencer, Jimmy Ryan and (for one night only) Francis Macdonald doing it for the most attentive audience I've been amongst in a long time.
There was no furtive phone fumbling or yattering at all that I could tell. An abject lesson in concert ettiqutte. There was even a sing along to "The Whiskey Makes You Sweeter" for chris'sakes. The run through "14th Street" was just perfect and today, I need to look out the Emily Spray version. It's too long since I heard it.
If you can get to Gateshead (tonight) or London (tomorrow) then do so.
Photo by Julie Hayward. L-R: Mark Spencer, Laura Cantrell, Francis Macdonald, Jimmy Ryan
Friday, May 06, 2011
Lenny's obit is timely. if you're on the west coast tonight, don't miss the Thanes/Poets extrav at The 13th Note in King Street. This is a taster for the upcoming appearance at The Big Stramash in Edinburgh this July.
On the east coast, I'll soon be making my way to that very city to see Ms Laura Cantrell in a venue not too far away from the spot she made her UK debut in some time ago. The old Bongo club has since been flattened.
Would appreciate a report on the Glasgow rammy if anyone is up for it?
RIP - Hume Paton (The Poets)
On Saturday April 30th in Grenada, Hume Paton, original lead guitarist of The Poets, died from a heart attack. Born October 6th 1945, Paton, alongside vocalist George Gallacher and rhythm guitarist Tony Myles, formed part of the Glasgow group’s songwriting team. As their sound began to coalesce through the early dawning of the beat boom, their originality soon became apparent. Shimmering acoustic twelve-string and short inventive runs became the guitarist’s speciality, heavily informing a brace of exceptional discs made between 1964-66. The best of these, including the breathtaking "That’s The Way It’s Got To Be", from February ’65, involved producer / manager Andrew ‘Loog’ Oldham. Signing them first to Decca in 1964, Oldham then asked them to be part of his Immediate label the following year.
That distinctive twelve-string approach lent The Poets records a disquieting edge, sufficiently different from many other groups operating on the beat scene. Some of Paton’s most effective fingerwork was displayed on "I’ll Cry With The Moon", "I Love Her Still" and "Some Things I Can’t Forget", imaginative B sides that themselves should’ve been realised as potential hits. Yet apart from a late ‘64 Top Thirty placing with the baroque-beat, atmospheric debut Now We’re Thru’, chart success eluded them. However, with the passing of time they have become revered.
Hume Paton, the last original Poet to leave, during 1967, swapped gigs for the retail business his father owned, then launched the successful Bespoke Kitchen design and supply company.
“Whilst I was sad when John died (Dawson – bass player) and more so when I lost Alan (Weir – original drummer who died last year) who was a close personal friend, it’s a deeper loss I feel due to Hume dying,” reveals Tony Myles.
“Hume was a true one off indeed”, adds George Gallacher, “a highly intelligent and creative individual, always full of energy and always with a smile on his face. He will be greatly missed.”
Lenny Helsing
Thursday, May 05, 2011
I saw a great note somewhere yesterday (maybe facebook?) that reckoned with Osama being buried at sea and the radiation from the Japanese nuclear plant that the next big reality show could be a doozy. Of course the credibility of the aftermath is called into question with every passing day and it’s likely that there’ll be sightings ala Elvis and MJ any day now. With the advent of computer software beyond photoshop, I guess that Wikileaks will likely provide photographic “evidence” but being that the world is entirely bogus – who believes anything they see? Particularly with their own eyes. Real life and reality are no longer compatible. In a world where a Roky Erickson doll looks more like a BeeGee then indeed anything is passed off as being possible. Did someone swop the Roky throbblehead mould for a Barry Gibb one? See what you reckon. (Thanks Chris)
Even although the rain came on, I ventured out to vote. If that poster of wee Alex lit like Bela Lugosi wasn’t enough. The Scottish District Cooncil will be in full swing soon enough and our collective bannocks well and truly burned. That translates loosely to “goose” and “cooked” or anatomically to “arse”. I tried to find one to link to online but can’t for whatever reason. The one in Fallin has been irritating me every morning on the way through since I first clocked it. Like a cross between Brezhnev with a rumour of Ronnie Corbett imitating Tor Johnson, it's not attractive. It makes me long for Stockholm, as does this.
Säkert! - Fredrik (live at Debaser) by val3rie-live
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
I’ve really taken to the ruling of not switching on the computer before I leave in the morning. Don’t fret though - it’s not that the time is being used wisely or anything. There are more positive glitches on the horizon interspersed with the more common, extended bouts of gloom. Motivation is still a problem in the main.
The "alternative vote" seems likely to go the route of the similarly-monikered comedy type. Like independent and "indie", the bigger problem is getting people to vote at all and encoraging inclusion rather than disillusion. “The daftest wee country in the world” goes to the polls tomorrow as a stop off before hitting canine central altogether.
Still, perhaps you’re out enjoying the last vestiges of sun for now. They’re predicting rain for tomorrow so make that hay... if you’re in Edinburgh then both Peter Case (& The Sunshine Delay) and Greg Trooper are in town tonight. I’m conserving my energies and meagre finances for Friday though and contemplating a very quiet weekend here at the bunker. Let’s see how that pans out.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
RIP - Andy Dunkley
I was just scrolling down facebook when I noticed Joly's post. What a shock.
As anyone my age who attended gigs in their formative years will be aware, this man helped shape our tastes. He would play requests in addition to educating the ears of his audience. Over the years I was lucky enough to get to know him a bit and during his time at Rockpool, he helped me get the word out on the mag and also The Skeletons. I'm genuinely stunned at hearing about this and send my condolences to his family and friends at this sad time.
Sunday, May 01, 2011
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