Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I need to do a bit of computer housekeeping tonight so once I'm done with that, the blighter will be switched off. Apologies if you e-mailed and got a "full" notice. "Fool" I could understand but...

Go to So Many Records So Little Time and hear Sonny and Cher's "It's The little Things"... and a whole bunch of other very cool stuff. The Glasgow Film Festival program launches today at some point, I'll give you the nod thamorra prior to heading out...


luxivyig1 said...

Perfect bono-spectorish song.
Would fit perfectly on Mary Weiss newest album.

Lindsay Hutton said...

We should specify that is SONNY BONO and not the bozo that saves the world in between playing hanger on to world leaders and whatever.

And let us not forget that The Skeletons covered this and "Laugh At Me". Spinetinglers both.

Anonymous said...

That's long been my favorite S&C song! And that's a great little blog! I added it to the links on my blog.

Thanks, Lindsay!