Saturday, March 31, 2007

"Let's get out of this Country", had it come out ten years ago, would have been all over TV and radio where it mattered. Heck, Carey Lander's organ intro even sounds like the start of "Monk Time", on my telly at least. Everything is too fragmented now. The kind of concensus that carried this type of song to popularity doesn't exist anymore. Its potential is equal to any Texas, Deacon Blue, Simple Minds, you get my drift. They have a rare kind on connectability. Just to extend the Swedish aspect, they performed a version of “Super Trooper” that will be part of their forthcoming single. Abba as interpreted via David Lynch directing The Velvets instead of Andy Warhol. I imagine that they’ll go about their business until a break presents itself. A slow burn is always better in the end.
Still getting to grips with having had a couple of days without this damn thing. So far no real bollocks dropped. I’m going to try and wean myself off spending so much time in the screen glow now that the days are fair drawing out the way… before I bale though, check these out. Coming up this week!
El Rancho Relaxo
presents the first annual
'Country Music Easter Jubilee' featuring a variety of Glasgow's new country influenced groups.
Still getting to grips with having had a couple of days without this damn thing. So far no real bollocks dropped. I’m going to try and wean myself off spending so much time in the screen glow now that the days are fair drawing out the way… before I bale though, check these out. Coming up this week!
El Rancho Relaxo
presents the first annual
'Country Music Easter Jubilee' featuring a variety of Glasgow's new country influenced groups.
The Gilded Angels
The Gilded Angels were formed under loud speakers in the final days of smokey Glasgow clubs, starting out with three and now numbering eight in their ranks, they are the complete 'Rolling Country Revue', digging deep to rewrite old country classics. They play Honky Tonk anthems of good times, bad times, about sweethearts and heartaches, focusing on chestnuts by the likes of Buck Owens, Merle Haggard, Gram Parsons and George Jones. The Gilded Angels challenge the audience to have as much fun as they are having onstage, but at the same time they deliver musically.
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan are the unholy alliance between Merle Haggard and King Tubby featuring the bastard sons and daughters of Patsy Cline and Prince Far I. Their live Country Dub Soundsessions fuse two of the finest roots music in Country and 70's Jamaican Dub. Consisting of a core element of finely crafted songs, their live set always has an experimental feel with the dub sensibility coming to the fore, usually making no two gigs the same.
Skeleton Bob
Skeleton Bob write songs about Glasgow that sound like they're about America; songs about girls who did us wrong/proud. In a cavernous Glasgow cathedral many years ago a drunken-hearted boy lay lamenting the badness of girls and goodness of whiskey along with the only men who understood him; Merle Haggard, Buck Owens and Hank Williams. Thus Skeleton Bob was born and hope to soothe your trodden heart with a filthy-sweet sound thats been likened to Uncle Tupelo, The Handsome Family, Evan Dando, and The Jesus and Mary Chain.
The Parsonage
Named in honour of the Grievous Angel, Mr Gram Parsons, The Parsonage is a group of around 50 Glasgow based singers which was formed at the beginning of 2006 by musician Janis F. Murray. She set out to fill a void within the local music community, gathering a host of like minded musical speculators, including artists, teachers, musicians, carers, hairdressers and writers, all of whom felt compelled to sing. Inspiration comes from the raw, storytelling simplicity of the folk, country and blues traditions, reinterpreted for a 21st Century audience as well as some more modern songs.
El Rancho Relaxo's very own El Patron & Pacey will be joined by some very special guest DJs to provide recorded muiscal accompyment throughout the evening. Expect the typical high calibre El Rancho playlist of Classic Country & Western, Alt. Country, Bluegrass, Psychedelic Folk, Southern Soul, Indie Americana, Troubadors, Outlaws and Unsung heroes...tonight more Country than anything else!
It all happens on Thursday 5th April 2007
The Grand Ole Opry, Paisley Road Toll
2-4 Govan Rd, Glasgow, G51 1HS Tel: 0141 429 5396
doors open 7pm - doors close 1am
4 Pounds in advance/ 5 Pounds on the door
Tickets available from The Grand Ole Opry &
Tickets Scotland, Argyle Street, Glasgow (in person).
Tel: 0141 204 5151 & Online:
Tel: 0141 204 5151 & Online:
Ian Jnr. Crawford (El Patron)
Mobile 07977 222 858
El Rancho Relaxo:
The Gilded Angels:
The Gilded Angels:
If I was around then I'd seriously consider attendance but I'll be off on a special mission... as I type this I'm listening to Munster's Monks Demo Tapes 1965 release and jonesing to see the movie of the band in it's heyday. Something to exorcise the diappointment of last years London show. This recalls them when they were at least 40 years ahead of their time...
Mr Percival has intimated the following...
Walter Lure is making it back to Europe for the first time since the good old days.
The line up will be:
Walter Lure: Guitar + lead vocals, Dee Jaywalker (ex-Definitivos, Whydads, Marky Ramone & the Speedkings,etc): Guitar + lead vocals, Paolo: (ex-Speculoos, Greyhounddogs, etc): Drums
Regine (ex-Faroutski) Bass + back vocals, Annette (ex-Lovehandles): Guitar + back vocals
Apr 6 - 10:00pm - Deep inside Dijon (Fr)
Apr 7 - 10:00pm - Cscs Valdegour Nimes (Fr)
Apr 8 - 10:00pm - tba Périgueux (Fr)
Apr 9 - 10:00pm - Le Metallic Orléans (Fr)
Apr 10 - 10:00pm - Mondo Bizzaro Rennes (Fr)
Apr 11 - 10:00pm - Spirit of 66 Verviers (Bel)
Apr 13 - 10:00pm - Chemiefabrik Dresden (Ger)
Apr 14 - 10:00pm - Wild at heart Berlin (Ger)
Friday, March 30, 2007

Mr Spence has more information for you...
"First off thanks to everyone that came out for Saturday's Starfucker night - hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Anyways, we got another Glasgow show next Tuesday - and it's gonna be mental!!! We're supporting the magnificent BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES from Tennessee - check 'em out at or and it's gonna be a FREE show in a pub in Partick!!!
Due to it being in a residential area, it's an early show - so doors 7pm, show over by 10pm (unless the fuzz shut it down!) ...we recommend you turn up early, not just to see us, but 'cos this is gonna be packed out - the 'HEAVIES filled out Stereo last April ...and that was a fiver on the door!!!
So once again, here's the full gen...
TUESDAY 3RD APRIL at the RIO CAFE, 27 Hyndland St., Partick, Glasgow, G11 (nearest tube - Kelvinhall or Partick) BLACK DIAMOND HEAVIES with THE GREASE MONKEYS
Free Entry, doors - 7pm, over by 10pm
...oh, and if you check the comments on our Myspazz page you'll see "Noisy" has posted a photo of us from Saturday's gig w/ new secret weapon, Gogo on guitar! ...welcome aboard big fellah!
Anyways, see y'all next Tues, unless you don't know a fuckin' bargain when you see one!
............Jim, THE GREASE MONKEYS"
Thursday, March 29, 2007
So there are some bells and whistles with this new set-up that'll take a wee while to settle into. Hopefully the flush-out will have rectified the ongoing bollocks that seemed to be dogging what seemed like every second keystroke. I'm not big on change and am approaching this new adventure with a mix of cautious optimism and the regular low expectations. I'm hoping that by the time I have to do anything else, that there'll be one screen to watch TV, dvd, video, etc and deal with the web. I doubt i'll ever be down with the notion of a handheld portal but that's an issue for another day. Information technology has been hijacked by gadgetry and the standard of material available is largely less than authoritative. All I ask is for the kit I use to do the job. Remember that? And that's yer lot for tonight. I have to try and figure out my address book or rather where the feck it's at. Meanwhile enjoy this blast from the past, Alan and Marty's first visit to Scotland as a headliner in, I guess, 1978!?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So what if it took three decades? The great lost Dictators tune 16 Forever is finally available to one 'n all! Backed with a cool demo version of Stay With Me this is your mandatory purchase for this week. (Available from the fine folks at Norton Records)

538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in Manhattan, NYC / /
With bartender Pam & DJ Scratchy / Two B-I-G shows, from 8:00 sharp until 10:00 /
No cover! /
Yours truly, Michael, Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. "Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Is this thing on? Well, only time will tell. While I get to grips with what needs to be installed and what doesn't and all that palaver, amuse yourself with this -
"gaun yersel' big fella!"
There also seems to be an issue with fonts so maybe this is the dawn of a slightly new look. Is this text too large? it's hard to tell on this end. The display seems to be different so it might take some settling into. The last thing I bloody want is to recreate "Raygun" on screen, It was bad enough on paper...
There also seems to be an issue with fonts so maybe this is the dawn of a slightly new look. Is this text too large? it's hard to tell on this end. The display seems to be different so it might take some settling into. The last thing I bloody want is to recreate "Raygun" on screen, It was bad enough on paper...
Monday, March 26, 2007
This miscreant PC will be going for the proverbial dose of cybersalts from tomorrow (Tuesday 27th) so there will be no posts from this end until it's checked out of rehab. In the event of anything urgent, there are ways and means but realistically, I imagine that yours truly will be "aff ra air" until Thursday at the earliest. Attempts will be made to check and react to e-mail but with limited access, it's going to be touch and go.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
It’s been a rough few days, in addition to being diddled outta an hour, the computer is still playing up and will be out of commission for 2 or 3 days this coming week. On top of that my stereo equipment is also taking the piss. Of course both are vitally important in stopping me from snapping and going on a rampage. I’ve managed to “stick a plaster” on the problem for now but the wound needs proper attention.
I’m listening to Amy Rigby’s extended 10th anniversary version of “Diary Of A Mod Housewife” and wondering why it doesn’t enjoy a place in the rock pantheon next to something like the first Boston album. There’s still time I guess and the sooner that comes the better. Oh yeah, I discovered this via her Little Fugitive blog. Amy has a way with finding this stuff. And in the course of the day to day, the past couple of weeks has turned up the latest albums by some of my favourite combos on the planet right about now.
It’s a little over two years now since I saw The Boonaraaas tear up the Lolitabar in Kassel. The show as part of Punk Kongress rekindled my faith that there is cool stuff out there despite what the established comics would have one think. So I’m standing watching these four German girls blast out the coolest line in teen garage pop that you could possibly imagine. I recall telling Andy Shernoff that I’d found the group that I was gonna give The Debs song that one had decided wouldn’t be passed to The Rezillos. Well anyway, their new “5 Steps Ahead” album is out now on Sounds of Subterrania, a label that, as the fates would have it, is based in Kassel. I’ve already reviewed the album for the next issue of The OX and you know how I feel about ‘em so let’s not labour the point. If you need to hear before you buy then you can scratch that itch by visiting their myspace page. They have the look, the energy and the songs to make it seem like maybe all is not yet lost. And they haven't even gotten to that song yet!

Which brings us to The Star Spangles “Dirty Bomb”. I despair sometimes when I think about the popularity of groups like The Kaiser Chumps, etc. I’m down with recycling but not without some kind of twist. The Spangles suffered their major label tussle by being compared to groups that they were so far beyond that it’s laughable.
However, Joe and Jessie Public did what they do best, they went for the safe option. The Spangles presumably were a little too edgy in their having been passed the baton of banging out real NY rock. Taking the pop aesthetic of classic Ramones and the skirling guitars of Cheap Trick or The Dolls and injecting a smidge of Faces type pub rock into the mix. Which brings us neatly to this long-awaited follow up to “Bazooka”, which includes Ian McLagan weighing in with piano and Hammond, Rich Stim on Sax and Daniel Rey also tinkling them ivories.
Since the recording of this, the rhythm section has done gone and has been replaced. The band is playing around NY in the run-up to the release of the album which is officially May 1st but you can get it via their website and cd baby now. Released on their own Tic imprint, DB crashes in the way it means to go on with “Take Care Of Us”. Recalling a time when rock’n’roll was big and brash. When it sounded majestic rather than just an identikit muzak approximation. Before it was simply another commodity. And like all fine punk rock there are the little harmonics, summoned up by the sheer joyous noise of it all. And then there’s the gang vocals and the choruses. “Gangland” will give you the collywobbles, the louder you play it the colly-er the wobble. The drum corps type build in the middle is enough to bring a tear to a glass eye. I like the Unforgiven style penny whistle Morricone fill that appears for a split second before “I’m On A High” bursts in to recall the aforementioned Boston type grandeur.
The peculiar thing about this band getting the springboard to becoming popular is, in my opinion, this. If people could see them then the songs would overcome them virus like. Mid-bill at some of these festivals that are populated by inkie-sponsored “product”. I’ve heard it said that the latest in the shady world of breaking a band is to sign with “an agency”. So that placement is garnered in much the same way that it’s done with soap powder or beans. What chance does a real group have in such circumstances? I ask you?? But anyways, in other territories, outwith this backwater, the kids still want to rock and in Spain, in Scandanavia, in Germany, in Eastern Europe the Spangles could well save a few lost souls. Souls like you that are eager for the spark that was there before bands were formed with a business plan.
Messrs Wilson and Volume are disenfranchised heroes, trapped in a world they never made. The album closes with “Someone In You”, a down-home slice of Americana sung by Tommy. A Stones-y hymn to their camaraderie and the staunch support of their hardcore. The album title is somewhat understated and the sonic fallout of these songs has a half-life that is way longer than any of the latest bollocks that the “meeja” is getting ready to serve up to the stupid and/or terminally hip. The Star Spangles are here to bash some sense into whoever is ready.
Konie is the missing link between Moby and John Carpenter. His filmic soundscapes embrace a fundamental rock’n’roll sensibility with a krautrock marinade. The result is anything but synthetic or outright electronic. The shards of the conventional and downright odd intertwine to arrive at a shimmering new strain of themes from imaginary and imagined soundtracks to life and the situations of living in these peculiar times. The church organ sound in “Skilsmässa” is immense and “I’m Just Another Boy” reminds me of “truck train” period Pastels. There’s an early Roxy Music vibe to the noises that this guy manages to exact from his musicians. Something soulful that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to emit from such technology. “The Club Is Open” is yet another Razzia release (you can hear "History/Science" on their myspace) that defies any discernable pigeonhole. “My Life Is Shit But I Am Funky” smells like a hit to me and would make a great T-shirt/bumpersticker slogan into the bargain. “The 1000 Piece Puzzle” is like Vic Mizzy Vs Badalamenti battling to provide a tune to open a sixties ITC series. Like a bizarre world version of The Persuaders. And hey, any album that has somebody called Sonny Boy Gustafsson on it has to be worthy of your support.
So while we’re on the subject of music that doesn’t quite fit the crash, bang and wallop of our general fare, let’s sort you out with “Coachmania – The Coachmen on Holiday in Septimania”. It seems as though JD King met up with the folks from Septimania and decided to have a post-prog, no-wave hoedown. Strangely ambient and ambivalent folk forces are at work here and I’d venture that this is more accessible than “American Mercury”. That’s said, it’s far from the beaten path of what largely passes for popular music. Released on Jonathan Thomas’ Commodify This! Imprint, Coachmania, like Konie, instills recollections of the stranger aspects of Eno-period Roxy. The liner notes are great and go some way to explaining this meeting of some very abstracted minds. “Ballad of Furious Moe Howard” is somewhat Martin Rev-headed.
I was reading about this “studio-quality over the internet” download-ability that Linn Records in Glasgow has apparently pioneered. All well and good. But really, vinyl is where it’s at and where it’ll remain until someone comes up with a way of making it fun to pour over reading information from a screen.
So in addition to making it’s platter debut on the Munster two x footlong, The Nomads “Ain’t No King” is available on a split 45 with The Sweet Zeros, pressed on fetching but not hot pink vinyl in a limited edition of 666 copies by Devil’s Jukebox. The Zeros deliver a fine line in short, sharp punk snot and the flip should require no introduction to visitors here. While you’re at it, grab a slice of their “City Slang” on white vinyl 7” also. The “A” side plays at 33 but you can’t have everything and this is a classic, must-have song. Flip is “Electrophonic Tonic”. These are culled from “Too Much Crank” an album also out on DB. It’s the sixth cd from the Easy Action box struck in pristine white 180g plastic and it’s a smoker.
Back yonder I was reminiscing about Kassel and on the same night as I was introduced to The Boonaraaas, I also became acquainted with CZD. A combo from Ljubljana that quite simply have to be seen to be believed, combining almost polka-like formations with a pure adrenalin attack. They’ve recently made “The Constitution” available in a pressing of just 300 copies. Recorded live in their rehearsal space last November. Dušan Hedl is a man of intense vision and his combo could well conquer far beyond their Slovenian borders. This is proper world music for the taking courtesy of the folks who run the Center for Dehumanisation via Front Rock Records.
The same label has also released some live Pankrti recordings from 1977 and 1982. Completely indispensable for students of punk rock as a phenomenon that spread way beyond the confines of the UK. It indicates the band coming together as a raw reflection of what was breaking out across the world and gradually becoming tighter. “Behind The Iron Curtain – Live” provides conclusive proof that this music was the last proper expression of individualism. Before the advent of brands and identikit music that has been manufactured to satisfy a limited demographic. Grab these now while you can.
Also, congratulations to Bigor, Viva and the team who made the Pankrti documentary on their award and forthcoming dvd release. Full details will be here when available…
It's taken a bloody hour to sort this out, what with chunks of text and pictures disappearing and blogger generally acting up. One can't help wondering, why the chuff bother? Of course the answer is that the word has to go out. And for some strange reason - muggins here has been nominated as the portal. Or should that be portaloo? So here we are. End of broadcast.
Messrs Wilson and Volume are disenfranchised heroes, trapped in a world they never made. The album closes with “Someone In You”, a down-home slice of Americana sung by Tommy. A Stones-y hymn to their camaraderie and the staunch support of their hardcore. The album title is somewhat understated and the sonic fallout of these songs has a half-life that is way longer than any of the latest bollocks that the “meeja” is getting ready to serve up to the stupid and/or terminally hip. The Star Spangles are here to bash some sense into whoever is ready.

I was reading about this “studio-quality over the internet” download-ability that Linn Records in Glasgow has apparently pioneered. All well and good. But really, vinyl is where it’s at and where it’ll remain until someone comes up with a way of making it fun to pour over reading information from a screen.

Also, congratulations to Bigor, Viva and the team who made the Pankrti documentary on their award and forthcoming dvd release. Full details will be here when available…
It's taken a bloody hour to sort this out, what with chunks of text and pictures disappearing and blogger generally acting up. One can't help wondering, why the chuff bother? Of course the answer is that the word has to go out. And for some strange reason - muggins here has been nominated as the portal. Or should that be portaloo? So here we are. End of broadcast.
Like in those times when TV closed down and they played "God Save The Queen". Not that bloody Johnny Rotten racket. The proper national anthem you bloody heathens.
Of course, when Scotland becomes independent, The national anthem will be a Proclaimers song. As I tap away here, they'll be #1 in the pop charts with their comic relief version of "500 Miles". The real version is also in the charts thanks to the wonders of download inclusion. As The mighty Kross once intimated, "It's a crazy, crazy world we live in".
Saturday, March 24, 2007

"The arts in all its forms will be celebrated at special gig and youth arts showcase event Kick Out The Jams on Thursday 29th March 2007 at FTH (Falkirk Town Hall). The exciting event will feature promising young bands, The Debut, Ice Cold and Alex and Cadenza.
The gig and arts showcase event is taking place as a fitting close to the Detached Youth Arts Project, which was run in partnership with the Detached Youth Work Project. For the project, which took an innovative approach to engaging young people with the arts, Falkirk Council invited artists from the fields of music, visual art, film and dance to create artworks. These artworks were informed by the experiences of young people who, for the most part, spend much of their time on the streets in the area.
To fully grasp the young people’s experiences, the artists spent a number of weeks on the streets of Bonnybridge, Falkirk and Stenhousemuir with the Falkirk Council Detached Youth team and then set about harnessing their experiences into their work. Cellist Alan Barr gathered random numbers from the young people he met as a way to compose music while artist Jennifer Caine helped them grasp the basics of visual art.
Footage from the Being Detached DVD, shot by film-maker Joanne Caskey as part of the project, will be screened at the event. The DVD, filmed around Bo’ness, Falkirk and Grangemouth, features interviews with the artists, those working behind the scenes and captures exciting dance, skateboarding and junk drumming shots. Other elements of the project will also be shown including stills of the artwork created by Jennifer Caine, the energetic dance on film routine, choreographed by Kirsty Wallace and dramatic music composed by Alan Barr and Jason Taylor.
Paul Eames, Principal Officer (Arts) at Falkirk Council, said: “The event will be a great conclusion to the project. The work that was produced was very much a collaboration between the young people and the artists and we are pleased to have the opportunity to showcase it together with a great line up of promising, musical talent from the area”.
Alastair Ramsay, Principal Officer, Detached Youth Work Project at Falkirk Council, also commented: "The Detached Youth Arts Project has proven to have been an excellent exercise facilitating access to young people on the streets for the arts workers and we hope that it can be repeated in the future."
Doors open at 7.30pm. First band onstage at 8pm. Tickets for the event are priced £6/£4 concession and are available in advance by calling the Steeple Box Office on 01324 – 506850. Tickets will also be available on the door. "
This all reminds me of a dvd project I received from my friend Žiga from Llubljana Rock City recently. Džumbus explores some of the same terrain.
"Detached Youth" sounds like a lost band from 1977 but now it's a local government project. Life continues to pull faces behind the back of art. As it was in Gran'paw's day...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Somebody reckoned that it was the first day of Spring yesterday. And here comes the weekend that we get diddled out of an hour because of the "clocks forward" malarky. It's the wrong side of Friday but things will accelerate after 4pm so there's little use in carping about it. Check in with you folk later maybe, for now it's time to get rid of Jack Frost's tagging of the m-m-m-motor vehicle...
Destination: Magnetic Field! Tomorrow (Saturday!)
The Fleshtones & The Star Spangles
8pm - $10
2/3 (Clark St. stop)
4/5 (Borough Hall stop)
M/R (Court Street stop)
F/A/C (Jay Street-Borough Hall stop)
F/G (Bergen stop)
From any of those you can walk down to Henry Street (on Montague, Joralemon, Bergen, whatever) and over, or find your way to Atlantic and down (you'll want to head west toward the river, away from Downtown Brooklyn and towards Manhattan). It's approximately six blocks from any of these stops (give or take a block or two).
... and whilst we're on the subject of Super Rock, some news about SWEAT
The Fleshtones & The Star Spangles
8pm - $10
2/3 (Clark St. stop)
4/5 (Borough Hall stop)
M/R (Court Street stop)
F/A/C (Jay Street-Borough Hall stop)
F/G (Bergen stop)
From any of those you can walk down to Henry Street (on Montague, Joralemon, Bergen, whatever) and over, or find your way to Atlantic and down (you'll want to head west toward the river, away from Downtown Brooklyn and towards Manhattan). It's approximately six blocks from any of these stops (give or take a block or two).
... and whilst we're on the subject of Super Rock, some news about SWEAT
Thursday, March 22, 2007
From Douglas MacIntyre...
How queer! The FIRE ENGINES appear on TOTP2 on Sat, 24th March07. It's a 1981 performance of their swansong single, "Big Gold Dream", from a long forgotten arts & culture BBC2 TV show called Riverside.
FIRE ENGINES' Codex Communications archives still available on the mighty DOMINO Records release, "Codex:Teenage Premonition". It's a social documentary of Edinburgh circa 1979-81, if you dig yr Turn to be Totale, it's for you.
FIRE ENGINES' Pop Aural catalogue has been licensed by Fast Product to Acute Records. Tracks featured on singles (Candyskin, Meat Whiplash, Get Up & Use Me, Big Gold Dream, etc), along with the group's albumette, "Lubricate Your Living Room", are to be lavishly packaged on a new compilation entitled "HUNGRY BEAT". This is the first time the material has been available for 15 years.
TOTP2 starts at 16.35 on BBC2. GET UP!!!!!!"
How queer! The FIRE ENGINES appear on TOTP2 on Sat, 24th March07. It's a 1981 performance of their swansong single, "Big Gold Dream", from a long forgotten arts & culture BBC2 TV show called Riverside.
FIRE ENGINES' Codex Communications archives still available on the mighty DOMINO Records release, "Codex:Teenage Premonition". It's a social documentary of Edinburgh circa 1979-81, if you dig yr Turn to be Totale, it's for you.
FIRE ENGINES' Pop Aural catalogue has been licensed by Fast Product to Acute Records. Tracks featured on singles (Candyskin, Meat Whiplash, Get Up & Use Me, Big Gold Dream, etc), along with the group's albumette, "Lubricate Your Living Room", are to be lavishly packaged on a new compilation entitled "HUNGRY BEAT". This is the first time the material has been available for 15 years.
TOTP2 starts at 16.35 on BBC2. GET UP!!!!!!"
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

329 North Woodside Road (nr Kelvinbridge Underground), GLASGOW, G2 6ND
STARFUCKER featuring THE GREASE MONKEYS, THE ROHYPSTERS, THE BUCKY RAGE, and guest DJs playing a mind-blowing mix of Rock'n'Roll, Punk, Beat, Surf, Garage, and the Bizarre!!! 9pm -til- 2am, £5 on the door
Find out more about the splendiferous sounds of these primal degenerate rockers at....
Hope to see y'all there!
....and feel free to spread the word!!!
I'm having problems with this computer and need to schedule some maintenance. When that's likely to be is as soon as I can swing it. So if I appear to drop of the face of this earth for a protracted period then that could be the reason. Then again...
Winter is back and who knows what kind of germs will form in this latest scenario. I need to go and scrape the bloody car window now. There's a nice red sky out there but I don't buy that "shepherd's warning" guff. But that's just me. In no way to be mistaken for the Maia Hirasawa album of almost the same name that's out April 4th.
Winter is back and who knows what kind of germs will form in this latest scenario. I need to go and scrape the bloody car window now. There's a nice red sky out there but I don't buy that "shepherd's warning" guff. But that's just me. In no way to be mistaken for the Maia Hirasawa album of almost the same name that's out April 4th.

we hope you'll be able to join us for this event on thursday - should be a lovely evening...
naoto kawate, folk blues guitar player and contributor to maher shalal hash baz, will perform solo for the first time in scotland. and david scott of the pearlfishers and bmx bandits, fine songwriter and engineer of maher's 'blues du jour' will play some songs.
thursday 22 march, 7.30pm, hitherto at tinderbox - free
hitherto at tinderbox, ingram street at the corner of montrose street, glasgow, scotland
(info from Geographic via Mr Ulf)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd / RODEO BAR / / 375 Third Avenue (corner of 27th Street) in ol' Manhattan, NYC / 10:00 sharp until 1:00 / No cover! / And next week, in our final show until April... THURSDAY, MARCH 29th / OTTO’S SHRUNKEN HEAD / /
538 East 14th Street (just west of Avenue B) in Manhattan, NYC / 8:00 sharp until 10:00 / No cover! /
Spring feverishly yours, Michael "Ballads, Boogies & Blues"
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Just a note to say that while the archive thing isn't working, if you type what you're looking for into the masthead at the top LH corner of your screen then that should come up with what you're looking for. All attempts to contact "Blogger" have failed thus far so i've no idea when things, if ever, will be rectified so that's yer lot for now i'm afraid. Been meaning to post that there photo for a wee while now. Ivy and Nina Antonia circa, I think, 1981 in Liverpool.

Some of them might be familiar if you were lucky enough to snag a copy of her self-released EP but appear here in different form. The brass sound of “Parking Lot” is immense yet understated and goes straight into the first single “And I Found This Boy”. As fresh a swinging girl-group anthem as you’ll come across. Check out the video on YouTube. The kind of sound that airwaves were invented for. It’s a mature album for a debut. You’d think she was an old hand at this game. It has a kind of Cocteau Twins texture to it in places but more conventional. Something that can engage the listener rather than disenfranchise them. Maia has a spontaneity which is very easy on the ear.
When she opened for Hello Saferide in Glasgow, you could have heard a pin drop. She spellbound the crowd into keeping their traps shut. How bloody often does that happen? She’s nice to “Gothenburg”, it’s no wonder that it’s likewise to her – that’s the deal she broke with the place in the song after all. With the right breaks, and a steady build, this lady is assured a long and chequered career. In these days, when songs are in the process of taking precedence over albums, the promise of her writing seems boundless. Something like “Say Goodbye” seems like a standard already. The piano and strings are used to create lush moods for her lyrics to wrap around. Like “urban” never happened. Did I hear you whisper, “if only”? So ditch the chocolate this Easter and give the gift of Maia. It's a sweet sound alright and it won't balloon you hips but it might balloon your hipness.
(If you check this out and get the bug like me then snag a copy of the single too because the additional song “A Year With You” isn’t on the album. )
Jesper Hedin appears on the album so that seems like a good segue into Autisterna. The group he and fellow HS alumni Per-Olof Stjärnered have going in the aforementioned Gothenburg. Imagine a jangly Bob Hund and you’ll get an inkling into the sound that’s bursting from their two song demo. In fact, you can listen at myspace, cannae say fairer than that.

22nd March spanish club Melbourne, Victoria
7th April columbian bar Brisbane, Queensland
7th April annadale hotel Sydney, New South Wales
8th April gershwin room Melbourne, Victoria
13th April noise on tour rocks festival Bilbao, Spain
22nd April melkveg Amsterdam
26th April The Spitz London
27th April all tomorrows parties somerset, UK

It’s the US equivalent of what we call pub rock over here. Best enjoyed mayhap but not exclusively, having necked a few brews. “The Sophisticated Screw” kicks off the action as anything but. It’s a leering celebration of inebriated, jam-kicking, sweat running down the walls, soul-saving scuzz. And it’s all so good natured in the meanest ass sense of the word. It harks back to a danger that’s all but been lost. There’s a kinda CCR swing to it all too which can’t hurt. This Licorice Tree release is hopefully putting the wind up visitors to SXSW as I tap away from the label base in Austin. As so many reunions fall short, here’s one that nails past glories and surpasses ‘em here and there. Extra points for the vesh of Arthur Alexander’s “You Don’t Care”. What more can be asked I axes youse? If you’re at SxSW, then you can soak up the real thing at Beerland on March 18th, that’s TONIGHT!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007

We just thought that we'd let everybody on e-mole know about our upcoming Record Release Show for our 2nd album "The Love Parade". To celebrate this momentous occasion, we're playing at SUPERMARKET 268 Augusta Avenue, Toronto on Sunday March 18th DOORS OPEN: 8PM - SHOWTIME: 9PM ADMISSION: $8. Normally we perform as duo, but for this special occasion, we'll be performing as a 4-piece with Cleave Anderson on drums/electronic percussion and Scott E. Farmer (on loan from The Russian Futurists) on bass/synth.Opening the show will be our friend, Simone Grey. We hope some of you can come by, as we hardly EVER play live. Just remember, as it's a Sunday, it's an EARLY show, so don't come late or you'll miss it! cheers richard+francoise, LOLA DUTRONIC
Some stuff that's been diverting my attention from what I oughtta be doing...
Va Va Va and indeed Voom or should that be vroom! Ms Angel Corpus Christi on the aesthetic value of a girls NBT-shirt (March 14th entry)
My Buddy Moose (Thanks to Bigor for the nod on this one)
Bob Lefsetz on Canadian chatshow "The Hour"
Great Hello Saferide News!
Hello Saferide will release her UK debut single (on cd and vinyl) through Regal/Parlophone on May 14th. The single includes a new song "I was definitely made for these times" along with "The Quiz" (from the "Would you let me play this EP ten times a day"EP). The following shows have been confirmed to coincide...
May 14th London@ Water Rats/The Monto
May 15th London@ Water Rats/The Monto
May 17th Brighton@ The Great Escape Festival
As a public service, I'm happy to order copies of this and supply at cost plus postage to anybody out there who wants one of these. However as far as I know they'll be limited so don't leave it too long.
This years Le Weekend Festival in Stirling has the following line-up and runs from 25th to 27th May.
25 May:
The One Ensemble Orchestra/ Nils Okland & Hakon Stene/ Bill Wells, Barbara Morgenstern, Stefan Schneider & Annie Whitehead/ Sonic Bed_Scotland
26 May:
Kaffe Matthews, Jarlath Henderson & Chris Gibb/ Richard Youngs/ Zeena Parkins & Ikue Mori - Phantom Orchard/ The Seventhings Hub/ Film Screenings - Andres Lokko
27 May:
Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra/ Nagisa Ni te/ Lucas Abelas/ The Thing + ZU/ Film Screenings - Stephen McRobbie
A message from Monorail Music
"Benoit Textile Tribute / Celebration @ Mono Sun 18th March
The people of Mono and Monorail were saddened to hear of our friend Benoit's passing last January. For those of you who didn't know Benoit, he co-owned the French label Textile and was an incredible personality. It is only appropriate we celebrate his life with music. Bill Wells, The One Ensemble Of Daniel Padden, Foxface, Bubblewrap Holocaust, Fiend and George Burt (all of whom have been associated with the Textile label) will perform live at Mono, Sunday 18th March (that's tomorrow!). This event is of course free, not only to friends of Benoit but to anyone who shares the enthusiasm he had for music. Hope to see you there. It'll be a blast!"

The Nomads are headed for Spain after a warm up in Stockholm this coming week...
20th March - Kafé 44 - Stockholm (SE) (w/ The Heartattacks, Murder by Guitar)
22nd March - Gruta 77- Madrid (SP)
23rd March - Helldorado - Gasties (SP)
24th March - Granuja Rock Festival - Castelseras (SP)
and last but by no means least, Tom Morton's Whisky Blog "Nippy Sweeties"
The Tom Morton Two will play Glenfarg, Glenrothes and Glasgow this coming week.
Blimey... that lot should keep you amused while I try to address the nature in which I oughtta tackle the backlog. First instinct is to head for the pub but i'll try to quell that... (he typed, willing the phone to ring). Actually, Monk is on today though, so that's good for a 40 minute procrastination. At least.
Va Va Va and indeed Voom or should that be vroom! Ms Angel Corpus Christi on the aesthetic value of a girls NBT-shirt (March 14th entry)
My Buddy Moose (Thanks to Bigor for the nod on this one)
Bob Lefsetz on Canadian chatshow "The Hour"
Great Hello Saferide News!
Hello Saferide will release her UK debut single (on cd and vinyl) through Regal/Parlophone on May 14th. The single includes a new song "I was definitely made for these times" along with "The Quiz" (from the "Would you let me play this EP ten times a day"EP). The following shows have been confirmed to coincide...
May 14th London@ Water Rats/The Monto
May 15th London@ Water Rats/The Monto
May 17th Brighton@ The Great Escape Festival
As a public service, I'm happy to order copies of this and supply at cost plus postage to anybody out there who wants one of these. However as far as I know they'll be limited so don't leave it too long.
This years Le Weekend Festival in Stirling has the following line-up and runs from 25th to 27th May.
25 May:
The One Ensemble Orchestra/ Nils Okland & Hakon Stene/ Bill Wells, Barbara Morgenstern, Stefan Schneider & Annie Whitehead/ Sonic Bed_Scotland
26 May:
Kaffe Matthews, Jarlath Henderson & Chris Gibb/ Richard Youngs/ Zeena Parkins & Ikue Mori - Phantom Orchard/ The Seventhings Hub/ Film Screenings - Andres Lokko
27 May:
Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra/ Nagisa Ni te/ Lucas Abelas/ The Thing + ZU/ Film Screenings - Stephen McRobbie
A message from Monorail Music
"Benoit Textile Tribute / Celebration @ Mono Sun 18th March
The people of Mono and Monorail were saddened to hear of our friend Benoit's passing last January. For those of you who didn't know Benoit, he co-owned the French label Textile and was an incredible personality. It is only appropriate we celebrate his life with music. Bill Wells, The One Ensemble Of Daniel Padden, Foxface, Bubblewrap Holocaust, Fiend and George Burt (all of whom have been associated with the Textile label) will perform live at Mono, Sunday 18th March (that's tomorrow!). This event is of course free, not only to friends of Benoit but to anyone who shares the enthusiasm he had for music. Hope to see you there. It'll be a blast!"

The Nomads are headed for Spain after a warm up in Stockholm this coming week...
20th March - Kafé 44 - Stockholm (SE) (w/ The Heartattacks, Murder by Guitar)
22nd March - Gruta 77- Madrid (SP)
23rd March - Helldorado - Gasties (SP)
24th March - Granuja Rock Festival - Castelseras (SP)
and last but by no means least, Tom Morton's Whisky Blog "Nippy Sweeties"
The Tom Morton Two will play Glenfarg, Glenrothes and Glasgow this coming week.
Blimey... that lot should keep you amused while I try to address the nature in which I oughtta tackle the backlog. First instinct is to head for the pub but i'll try to quell that... (he typed, willing the phone to ring). Actually, Monk is on today though, so that's good for a 40 minute procrastination. At least.
Friday, March 16, 2007
When the day kicks off with pouring yer fruitjuice over the ol' cereal then what can I say? It wasn't some smart or poncey attempt at a "fusion" breakfast or owt like that. It was wanton stupidity. Which reminds me, last week I was doing some bookshop browsing. Looking at all these punk rock tomes that have recently come out. Simon Black had told me that the Phil Strongman one cited "Malpractice" as the first Feelgoods album and sure enough, right there in print. Dearie me. Which somewhat rankles with it's credibility. I don't claim or aim to be right all the time but aren't there editors and safety nets to catch such things?
This is the problem with a lot of published work these days. It's sloppy. It can all be rattled out and sent to print too easily and I know, in the grand scheme of things it's not important. Just more stuff. And that's exactly what we need innit? More stuff.
It's that contemplative time on a Friday when I get to be as at one with the world as it's possible for this guy to be. I need to get my hands on the Mary Weiss album so that's at the forefront of my agenda. As is the dispensation of some more info via this mode of distribution. Just a wee while ago, I heard Ben Vaughn's "Wrong Haircut" being used for the music bed on an article about that Tory tosspot David Cameron's alleged new hairstyle. The person at BBC Radio Scotland responsible should be rewarded forthwith. Better still, give him or her that Zycinski guy's job.
This is the problem with a lot of published work these days. It's sloppy. It can all be rattled out and sent to print too easily and I know, in the grand scheme of things it's not important. Just more stuff. And that's exactly what we need innit? More stuff.
It's that contemplative time on a Friday when I get to be as at one with the world as it's possible for this guy to be. I need to get my hands on the Mary Weiss album so that's at the forefront of my agenda. As is the dispensation of some more info via this mode of distribution. Just a wee while ago, I heard Ben Vaughn's "Wrong Haircut" being used for the music bed on an article about that Tory tosspot David Cameron's alleged new hairstyle. The person at BBC Radio Scotland responsible should be rewarded forthwith. Better still, give him or her that Zycinski guy's job.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Driving to the open prison this morning, a piece of rock hit the windscreen. I saw it coming too, like you would on the monitor of the Starship Enterprise but there was no way to avoid a direct it. It gave me an almighty dunt and left it's mark in a place that'll annoy the fuck outta me each and every time I get in the car. In many ways this is a metaphor for my entire existence at the moment. Where everything one touches goes the way of the brown smelly stuff.
If the way forward is really down to us out here in the trenches then why the hell does it seem so hopeless? On one hand, the old method of competition seemed to work perfectly well. In this age of so much information, I find it all kind of overwhelming. There's so much that it's blurring the view. It's not authoritative. How much more blah can we conceivably take? It might not always seem like it but an important part of this blogging lark - for me - is not to fall into repetition. But just lately, with everything else, I find the attempted regular updates to be something of a chore. On top of that, the bloody technology loses information, crashes and just plain makes me wonder why the hell I even attempt to keep the balls in the air at all. It's probably just a bad patch but it's getting harder to shake off. More of a slog with every given day. However, in an age when even Blue Peter is twisting our collective melon then what chance have we got. Not much but there is stuff out there that can make you think, just for a moment, that things aren't totally tits up.
Ladies and Gents, I give you Ben Vaughn's Geator documentary and The Skeletons ... and as SXSW shapes up to be to the music industry what The Edinburgh Fringe is to Channel 4 comedy, there are diamonds in the wannabe rough. Like Wooden Shjips, The Hazey Janes and top of my particular heap if I was out there...

Monday, March 12, 2007
There's something badly wrong when you have two of the greatest performers and songwriters in living memory performing to 20 people in the arse end of beyond on an inclement Sunday night. Such was the case at The Bein Inn last night with Amy Rigby and Wreckless Eric. Not that I'm complaining but when you consider the crap that seems to be "popular" then I fear for the taste of the common five eighth. Glad as I am that Ronnie Spector covered "All I Want", it's no patch on Amy's own. And any man who rhymes "zodiac" with "pac-a-mac" is evidently a laureate personified. Anyway, they've got a great thing going and if you want to hear what The Velvets performing "Leaving On A Jet Plane" might have sounded like then these are your people. If there was any justice then they'd be everybody's people. Their reinvention of Amy's "Don't Know Nothin'" as a long lost Clodagh Rogers Eurovision entry is quite astonishing. They're in Aberdeen tonight, at The Lemon Tree. If you're in travelling distance then give Corrie a miss tonight and go along. They'll inspire you.
And, I tried to "embed" the code for Angel's "Lou Reed's Hair" video on Youtube but it no workee. So click the regular link and you'll be transported to that particular portal anyway. You can check out the man's barnet for yourself when he brings "Berlin" to Europe in what passes for summer...
And, I tried to "embed" the code for Angel's "Lou Reed's Hair" video on Youtube but it no workee. So click the regular link and you'll be transported to that particular portal anyway. You can check out the man's barnet for yourself when he brings "Berlin" to Europe in what passes for summer...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Is your music unusual, unconventional, uncompromising,uncommercial or what some folks may call unlistenable?Then WE WANT YOU! We're looking for music that has the courage to break rules or works within the confines of the rules to subvert themfor the BRUTARIAN Magazine and Records compilation - Vol 2!
We're not interested in the Next Big Thing, but music that people willtalk about that will probably never be on MTV... Think Daniel Johnston, Wesley Willis, Capain Beefheart, The Cramps...or anything different that just KICKS ASS!
Check out Brutarian's myspace page below and tell your friends - pass it on!
1. You must own the rights to your recording.
2. No COVERS or songs that might need to be licenced!
3. PLEASE pick a couple of songs for me to listen to, not an entire CD!
4. Don't make me work too hard
- "check out my myspace page and pick something..." - just mail me the f*ckin' thing.You don't pay any production costs. You get paid except in finished product. This is for promotion purposes only. You retain all rights to your submission.Non-exclusive tracks are OK, they can be previously released or whatever. We don't want any other rights to the song other than valid permission to use it with the comp and to promote the release in the magazine. You will get promotional and/or editorial coverage in Brutarian Magazine as well! Send your masterpiece to: Kitty Kowalski, PO Box 1272, New York, NY 10010 USA. Please send by March 31st, 2007. Thanks! we're looking forward to hearing what's out there! Kitty
A little about the Brutarian Philosophy...BRUTARIAN is dedicated to bringing the sensibilities of the Art Brut movementto the average reader. Art brut is French for "raw art". Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) , a French wine merchant who had an interest in collecting the art of outsiders and began painting himself upon entering his 40s, first used this term in 1945 for the art of children and Outsiders (naive artists and the mentally ill); actually, anyone creating art not for profit or recognition, but for themselves.Brutarians do not adhere to the cultural norms or fashion affecting most artists. This is the art people have to make for whatever reasons that compel them -- art that matters perhaps only to them but that is imperative and uncompromised by conventional aesthetic standards fashion, conformity, or critical taste
We're not interested in the Next Big Thing, but music that people willtalk about that will probably never be on MTV... Think Daniel Johnston, Wesley Willis, Capain Beefheart, The Cramps...or anything different that just KICKS ASS!
Check out Brutarian's myspace page below and tell your friends - pass it on!
1. You must own the rights to your recording.
2. No COVERS or songs that might need to be licenced!
3. PLEASE pick a couple of songs for me to listen to, not an entire CD!
4. Don't make me work too hard
- "check out my myspace page and pick something..." - just mail me the f*ckin' thing.You don't pay any production costs. You get paid except in finished product. This is for promotion purposes only. You retain all rights to your submission.Non-exclusive tracks are OK, they can be previously released or whatever. We don't want any other rights to the song other than valid permission to use it with the comp and to promote the release in the magazine. You will get promotional and/or editorial coverage in Brutarian Magazine as well! Send your masterpiece to: Kitty Kowalski, PO Box 1272, New York, NY 10010 USA. Please send by March 31st, 2007. Thanks! we're looking forward to hearing what's out there! Kitty
A little about the Brutarian Philosophy...BRUTARIAN is dedicated to bringing the sensibilities of the Art Brut movementto the average reader. Art brut is French for "raw art". Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) , a French wine merchant who had an interest in collecting the art of outsiders and began painting himself upon entering his 40s, first used this term in 1945 for the art of children and Outsiders (naive artists and the mentally ill); actually, anyone creating art not for profit or recognition, but for themselves.Brutarians do not adhere to the cultural norms or fashion affecting most artists. This is the art people have to make for whatever reasons that compel them -- art that matters perhaps only to them but that is imperative and uncompromised by conventional aesthetic standards fashion, conformity, or critical taste
Pretty sad to hear about the death of Brad Delp yesterday. Incase you're too young to know or too cool to care, he was the singer in Boston. "More Than A Feeling" always instills a feeling of rock grandeur when I hear it and reminds me of a time when quite possibly things in general didn't suck. It was and remains a fine loud display of almost hymnal power chord pop. Something that sold a bazillion copies that will resonate for all eternity. To go off at a tangent for a minute, it was odd very recently to discover that the song "New York, New York" wasn't a standard and hasn't been around for much longer than The Dictators anthem of the same name. (Did you sign the petition for the White Castle Hall Of Fame yet?) This is what happens when you get to a certain age. Time plays cruel tricks on you and confuses which way is actually up. I always thought The 'tators should be as big as Boston and that their music was equally anthemic. "What's Up With That?"
Saw Inland Empire yesterday and I have to say that, contrary to what I've read, it's actually more straightforward than Mulholland Drive to me. Where that came off the rails in the final third, I think this hangs together pretty well in terms of Lynch's creation of worlds within worlds. It made more sense to me than I expected it to. Also the criticism of the shooting in digital video seems a bit twatty also. It looks great and anybody who cares about his work will know that nobody uses light like "Jimmy Stewart from Mars". There are also several homages to himself in here to my mind which serve as treats for fans. Not sure about the closing sequence but it's not integral to the three hour investment. I do miss the heartbeat and lifeblood of a Badalamenti score which always adds to the omni-dimensional atmos but other than that there's much to dig.
Saw Inland Empire yesterday and I have to say that, contrary to what I've read, it's actually more straightforward than Mulholland Drive to me. Where that came off the rails in the final third, I think this hangs together pretty well in terms of Lynch's creation of worlds within worlds. It made more sense to me than I expected it to. Also the criticism of the shooting in digital video seems a bit twatty also. It looks great and anybody who cares about his work will know that nobody uses light like "Jimmy Stewart from Mars". There are also several homages to himself in here to my mind which serve as treats for fans. Not sure about the closing sequence but it's not integral to the three hour investment. I do miss the heartbeat and lifeblood of a Badalamenti score which always adds to the omni-dimensional atmos but other than that there's much to dig.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

LA gig flyers on Ebay. Pricey but worth a look.
Another cool looking book, Punk Love
Real Kids European tour in May scuppered.
Sometime Skeleton, Nick Sibley has a book out...
(Thanks to PleaseKillMe forum,Ben, Patrick and Bobby Lloyd for the info)
"Bon here.We’re not usually ones to brag about our negligible achievements but I just thought I’d share our anniversary with everybody. We’ve been thinking about it a lot so...Today, 23 years ago, and even on a Friday!, we played our first official show. Even though we’d practiced for several months before this (and even played a small house party to a couple people while everybody else went across the street to the Safeway to buy beer) we mark this day as the real beginning of Girl Trouble. It was a local community college Battle of the Bands. This wasn’t the scammy corporate, pay-to-play ticket selling contest. This was hosted by the ASB of Ft. Steilacoom Community College.
There were 6 bands, each band played 30 minutes, a whopping $3.50 to get in and every audience member got one ballot to mark their favorite band and put it in the ballot box. Nobody went on to other rounds, got a million dollar contract, played in Germany or the Warped Tour or was awarded any other pie-in-the-sky prize package. The winning band got 50 bucks and the chance to play a 45 minute victory set at the end of the “battle”. That was it. We luckily drew the fifth slot of the night. None of the other bands could figure us out. Those bands had barely heard of the Ramones, let alone The Cramps or the The Gun Club. Our guitar amp speaker was made out of plywood, Kahuna’s Ouija guitar was made in his high school shop class, Dale had an extremely cheap plywood Japanese “Fender” bass called a Vogue, and my little drumset was purchased for $70 at the Sears Surplus Store. We were quite a sight.
One band called 4-Play had more money invested in their bizarre leather chest harness vests than we did in all of our equipment. They brought all their nice new expensive amps in on custom-made plexiglas hand-carts. Mostly I remember being absolutely petrified (which of course, now is a big laugh!). I didn’t even know if I could get up on stage, let alone play! The wait was almost unbearable and all the bands seemed better than us (even though I now realize they were probably shakier than we were). We started off with the instrumental “Out of Limits” and Dale went completely out of tune. He got it back together and we didn’t let it phase us. All our friends showed up and that made all the difference in the world. Tim and Deb Olsen were there to help us. Tim didn’t know it would turn into a 23 year “career”, okay, volunteer job of producing records, taking band photos, printing Wig Out magazine and doing whatever else we didn’t know how to do. We wouldn’t have made it that first night without him, or probably for the next 23 years for that matter. Other Tacoma friends we could always count on were there, like Rose Alexander (RIP), Jim May (owner of Community World Theater - you know, where Nirvana first played), John Grant (our scary punk rock roadie), KP’s Dad Ray Kendall (a great GT supporter), several of his sisters, Dale’s twin sister Gale, and all the many 56th Street House alumni.
At practice the week before, KP came up with the idea that we should throw cans of root beer (!). This was a bold move that I was against, but he thought nobody would heckle us (aka beat us up) if they were enjoying a delicious beverage that we’d just thrown to them. It worked (although we never did throw cans of anything again) and started our tradition of bribing the crowd into liking us by giving them free prizes. We still do that today. Hey, it’s worked so far...The half hour we were required to play went so fast it was over before I realized it. We played all covers: some Cramps songs, “Tell Us the Truth” by Sham 69 and “White Girl” by X. The crowd was great, even the people that didn’t know us acted like they liked us! After the votes were counted we ended up coming in second. I was secretly relieved because I knew we didn’t have 45 minutes of additional material. We barely had the 30 minutes we’d just played! We didn’t win the battle but we still felt we were winners. Well, that’s what we were doing 23 yeas ago today. We’re still together, still doing shows, still friends, oh who am I kidding, we’re still family. Our great friend David Duet filled in for a year when KP went temporarily insane back in 85, but other than that it’s always been us four. I don’t think many bands can make that claim. We mostly want to thank each and every one of you, and you all know who you are, for years of support and continued fun. We really couldn’t have done it without all of you! We'll treat you to a root beer next time we see you..."
Your friends, Bon, Dale, KP and Kahuna
"Bon here.We’re not usually ones to brag about our negligible achievements but I just thought I’d share our anniversary with everybody. We’ve been thinking about it a lot so...Today, 23 years ago, and even on a Friday!, we played our first official show. Even though we’d practiced for several months before this (and even played a small house party to a couple people while everybody else went across the street to the Safeway to buy beer) we mark this day as the real beginning of Girl Trouble. It was a local community college Battle of the Bands. This wasn’t the scammy corporate, pay-to-play ticket selling contest. This was hosted by the ASB of Ft. Steilacoom Community College.
There were 6 bands, each band played 30 minutes, a whopping $3.50 to get in and every audience member got one ballot to mark their favorite band and put it in the ballot box. Nobody went on to other rounds, got a million dollar contract, played in Germany or the Warped Tour or was awarded any other pie-in-the-sky prize package. The winning band got 50 bucks and the chance to play a 45 minute victory set at the end of the “battle”. That was it. We luckily drew the fifth slot of the night. None of the other bands could figure us out. Those bands had barely heard of the Ramones, let alone The Cramps or the The Gun Club. Our guitar amp speaker was made out of plywood, Kahuna’s Ouija guitar was made in his high school shop class, Dale had an extremely cheap plywood Japanese “Fender” bass called a Vogue, and my little drumset was purchased for $70 at the Sears Surplus Store. We were quite a sight.
One band called 4-Play had more money invested in their bizarre leather chest harness vests than we did in all of our equipment. They brought all their nice new expensive amps in on custom-made plexiglas hand-carts. Mostly I remember being absolutely petrified (which of course, now is a big laugh!). I didn’t even know if I could get up on stage, let alone play! The wait was almost unbearable and all the bands seemed better than us (even though I now realize they were probably shakier than we were). We started off with the instrumental “Out of Limits” and Dale went completely out of tune. He got it back together and we didn’t let it phase us. All our friends showed up and that made all the difference in the world. Tim and Deb Olsen were there to help us. Tim didn’t know it would turn into a 23 year “career”, okay, volunteer job of producing records, taking band photos, printing Wig Out magazine and doing whatever else we didn’t know how to do. We wouldn’t have made it that first night without him, or probably for the next 23 years for that matter. Other Tacoma friends we could always count on were there, like Rose Alexander (RIP), Jim May (owner of Community World Theater - you know, where Nirvana first played), John Grant (our scary punk rock roadie), KP’s Dad Ray Kendall (a great GT supporter), several of his sisters, Dale’s twin sister Gale, and all the many 56th Street House alumni.
At practice the week before, KP came up with the idea that we should throw cans of root beer (!). This was a bold move that I was against, but he thought nobody would heckle us (aka beat us up) if they were enjoying a delicious beverage that we’d just thrown to them. It worked (although we never did throw cans of anything again) and started our tradition of bribing the crowd into liking us by giving them free prizes. We still do that today. Hey, it’s worked so far...The half hour we were required to play went so fast it was over before I realized it. We played all covers: some Cramps songs, “Tell Us the Truth” by Sham 69 and “White Girl” by X. The crowd was great, even the people that didn’t know us acted like they liked us! After the votes were counted we ended up coming in second. I was secretly relieved because I knew we didn’t have 45 minutes of additional material. We barely had the 30 minutes we’d just played! We didn’t win the battle but we still felt we were winners. Well, that’s what we were doing 23 yeas ago today. We’re still together, still doing shows, still friends, oh who am I kidding, we’re still family. Our great friend David Duet filled in for a year when KP went temporarily insane back in 85, but other than that it’s always been us four. I don’t think many bands can make that claim. We mostly want to thank each and every one of you, and you all know who you are, for years of support and continued fun. We really couldn’t have done it without all of you! We'll treat you to a root beer next time we see you..."
Your friends, Bon, Dale, KP and Kahuna
Friday, March 09, 2007
Time stands still during the working day and then goes all fast forward on my bahookie in the evenings and at weekends. I'm sure you have the same problem. This weekend will see some lame attempt at catching up with myself in terms of chores and outstanding commitments. Somewhere in there there'll be The Eric and Amy Show and maybe even Inland Empire too.
There are two expressions that I've heard too much in the last couple of days that get right on my tits. These are "can do attitude" and "centre of excellence". Both scream the opposite of what the actual word form means in my opinion. It's another facet of the faux-professionalism that pervades our existence.Call me old-fashioned but good old resourcefulness on the part of an individual or a business or person that provides a good service is paramount. I don't any buzz phrase to suggest they're "thinking outside of the box". Because the bastards that permeate this shite simply aren't. Put those responsible for these heinous phrases in the box and nail it shut. The mail said box far, far away to a place that is incommunicado that we never never have to listen to that pish again. Of course, it'll never happen but it's that optimistic time on a Friday night when anything seems possible. But don't worry, "It Won't Last Too Long" to quote a song by some German ladies that I'll be clueing you folks in on shortly...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
BLACK TIME have woken up bleary-eyed and sleepy from our winter hibernation and got some stuff happening. What was that dream all about??
Thursday 15th March we play home-from-home the Corn Rocket Club at the Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1 with D30 (portugese garage-punk ex-Tedio Boys) + THE HARTES (rocking duo). Plus handsome hosts Eric Baconstrip and Victor Torpedo spinning some hot 45s. £4. 8 til 11.
Then we're off to America for our long-delayed tour, with the fantastic HUSBANDS (Swami Records):
Tuesday 20th March - SANTA ANA CA (THE CLINIC)* All Ages Show plus SHOOT IT UP and AUDACITY
Thursday 22nd March - ARCATA CA (JAMBALYA)
Friday 23rd March - PORTLAND OR (TOWNE LOUNGE)
Sunday 25th March - VANCOUVER BC (PUB 340) plus LADIES NIGHT
Tuesday 27th March - OAKLAND CA (STORK CLUB)*
Thursday 29th March - LONG BEACH CA (ALEX'S BAR)
Friday 30th March - SAN DIEGO CA (TOWER BAR) plus THE CORVINAS
*No Husbands
We have a split tour 7" with the Husbands out on Show&Tell Records of Chicago - I'll try and bring some back with me for Europeans that want one.
Then we're off to Sweden for a couple of days:
Friday 4th May - BOOGIEFEST, Gothenburg with NIKKI CORVETTE, LOCAL OAFS, M.O.T.O, HIDDEN CHARMS and more
Saturday 5th May - SAVAGEFEST, Stockholm with the MOJOMATICS and our pals THE MAKEOUTS
Then I reckon we'll spend the rest of the summer hiding indoors from the evil sun rays...
Thursday 15th March we play home-from-home the Corn Rocket Club at the Macbeth, 70 Hoxton Street, London N1 with D30 (portugese garage-punk ex-Tedio Boys) + THE HARTES (rocking duo). Plus handsome hosts Eric Baconstrip and Victor Torpedo spinning some hot 45s. £4. 8 til 11.
Then we're off to America for our long-delayed tour, with the fantastic HUSBANDS (Swami Records):
Tuesday 20th March - SANTA ANA CA (THE CLINIC)* All Ages Show plus SHOOT IT UP and AUDACITY
Thursday 22nd March - ARCATA CA (JAMBALYA)
Friday 23rd March - PORTLAND OR (TOWNE LOUNGE)
Sunday 25th March - VANCOUVER BC (PUB 340) plus LADIES NIGHT
Tuesday 27th March - OAKLAND CA (STORK CLUB)*
Thursday 29th March - LONG BEACH CA (ALEX'S BAR)
Friday 30th March - SAN DIEGO CA (TOWER BAR) plus THE CORVINAS
*No Husbands
We have a split tour 7" with the Husbands out on Show&Tell Records of Chicago - I'll try and bring some back with me for Europeans that want one.
Then we're off to Sweden for a couple of days:
Friday 4th May - BOOGIEFEST, Gothenburg with NIKKI CORVETTE, LOCAL OAFS, M.O.T.O, HIDDEN CHARMS and more
Saturday 5th May - SAVAGEFEST, Stockholm with the MOJOMATICS and our pals THE MAKEOUTS
Then I reckon we'll spend the rest of the summer hiding indoors from the evil sun rays...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I spend a lot of time these days mithering over whether all this cybergubbings is working. Then there's the perrenial myspace (i've been kicked out three times in the past 40 minutes) and also the e-mail falling on it's arse. I'm sure this pc is about to peg it but I don't have the wherewithall (or owt else) to upgrade. Addictive as this computer lark has become, it would be nice to just consign it. Somewhere that it won't taunt me.
Of course, whenever something doesn't work, then I naturally assume that it's my fault and work backwards. Anyway, there seems to be more awry with all this than usual at the minute so if e-mail is bouncing or you can't reach the blog or if you're expecting to hear from me then I don't really know what to tell you except that it's a pisser.
It could all slide off the radar completely at any given second. The will to live is being sucked out of me just thinking about how dependant I seem to have become on this sodding technology.

NBT "official merch" is now available through the good offices of the Rt. Hon Ben Weasel and his new Monona Merch operation. The T-shirt made famous by Joey and Mr W. himself circa The Riverdales was considered punk rockin' enough to meet the criteria and the proprieter certainly has the credentials to call that. Guys shirts available soon, girls T's available now. It would be very cool if any starlet out there could do for this design what Jennifer Aniston did for the MC5. Pretty please?

NBT "official merch" is now available through the good offices of the Rt. Hon Ben Weasel and his new Monona Merch operation. The T-shirt made famous by Joey and Mr W. himself circa The Riverdales was considered punk rockin' enough to meet the criteria and the proprieter certainly has the credentials to call that. Guys shirts available soon, girls T's available now. It would be very cool if any starlet out there could do for this design what Jennifer Aniston did for the MC5. Pretty please?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Djs Le Pape Du Pop & Le Marquis De Jardin play
Serge Gainsbourg, France Gall, Jacques Dutronc, Brigitte Bardot and many more
plus special guests:
Scotland's only French language Garage Punk band
les BOF!
11pm - 3am £5/4
I'm not altogether sure what's going on. My ability to deal with e-mail and the day to day seems to have eroded to the point that the old premise of there not being enough hours in the day was a self-fulfilling prophecy. As was the premise of a "new" Stooges album. I've been quite bemused by the fact that anybody expected it to be any better than just average. I think it's total tosh but my opinion isn't important. It's an Iggy record with some Stooges on it. It'll help them pad out their set with some more guff that nobody needs to hear. Until they deem to play "Raw Power" they should be boycotted. Pure and simple. The world's forgotten boy is taking liberties en route to getting his bus pass. He's nearly 60 you know... and the old age fund must be shaping up nicely.
Monday, March 05, 2007
What's up? What's up? is the question that's constantly turnin' up in my virtual mailbox. Well, truth be told; nothin' really... It's just that the usual day-to-day seems to take up 99% of my time, and in the 1% left I actually prefer enjoyin' stuff rather than writin' about it. Capisce?
But right now I've got some spare minutes to tell you all 'bout what I've been diggin' as off late. A bottle of Norton Cabernet Sauvignon is sittin' half empty to the right of me, and a stack-o'-wax is on my left...
Dyke & the Blazers' We Got More Soul 2 CD/LP set (B.G.P.) is an amazing collection of 60s party music that sorta crosses the bridge 'tween soul 'n funk. Compiled 'n annotated by Alac Palao, so you know you're in for a quality package... Only slightly more "current" is Rough Trade Shops: 1976 a fine selection of (just) pre-punk goodies, includin' obvious offenders like the Ramones, Nick Lowe and Blondie, but also some fine reggae and long lost D.I.Y. goodies by the likes of the Slickee Boys and Radio Birdman.
Speakin' of D.I.Y., Soul Jazz has just put out an album documenting the early days of just that. A pretty solid selection (Swell Maps, Kleenex!) coupled with a very informative booklet that spills the beans on Porky Prime cuts, Delga Press and the Pathway Studio... From the same label comes the excellent Studio One Rub-A-Dub, probably the finest reggae comp they've put out in ages, and one that's sure to even lift the spirit of non-smokers... From B.G.P. Comes the ace 1987 comp by the James Taylor Quartet. Fine, fine instros that'll take you back to the Flamingo in '65. Post Prisoners 'n somewhat mod-ish, this stuff is way beyond such categorisations tho'... Finally there's the Peel Sessions CD by pub rock legends Ducks Deluxe. From the very early (and very primitive) takes on Fireball and Coast To Coast to the later good'uns like Amsterdam Dog and Something's Going On, this gets both thumbs up from this end of the bar... Over 'n out...
But right now I've got some spare minutes to tell you all 'bout what I've been diggin' as off late. A bottle of Norton Cabernet Sauvignon is sittin' half empty to the right of me, and a stack-o'-wax is on my left...

Sunday, March 04, 2007
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