Saturday, August 07, 2010

Been a bit preoccupied this week but I’m hoping that catch up can commence to some degree soon.

Just watched a really great Hoodoo Gurus documentary entitled “Be My Guru” that takes the story up to 2004. It’s part of a double DVD release that includes dozens of clips (live and video). I haven’t got to those yet.

Doctor H sent me this review of “Inception” that I thought was damn funny.

"Inception is the kind of movie that makes you think. It makes you think, "There go $13.25 American--admission for one senior and one adult--and two and half hours I'll never get back."

I’ll probably never see it because it won’t show at Bo’ness on a weekend afternoon. I’ve heard mixed reports and don’t really care.

Here’s Mr Alan Vega pictured in NYC just yesterday courtesy of HT.

The Dahlmanns are playing Madrid on September 24th as part of the Wonderful Wurlitzer Ballroom Fifth Anniversary shindig. (Thanks for the scoop Line).

Eric and Amy at The Citrus Club in Edinburgh on Thursday 16th September. Two shows in two nights, (Glasgow Stereo on Friday 17th) woo hoo!

OK, normal service just around that corner...

1 comment:

murray said...

tickets for wreckless and rigby at the citrus 9 quid in advance and 13 on the door so well worth buying in advance. Heres the review of the last Edinburgh gig, cant believe it was almost two years ago ?