Sunday, April 24, 2005

So I guess that some kinda catching up has been achieved. Plenty for you folks to get your trigger fingers clicking on. Let's face it, that's more fun than what you probably oughtta be doing. particularly if you're reading this at work.

Uh, oh - there goes that foul four letter word. I apologise profusely for using it before the adult watershed but I always get the meechs (pronounced like the ch in och aye) by this time on a Sunday. A mild form of depression brought upon by the prospect of Monday being way too close for comfort. Actually, the act of just going over the doorstep these days is getting pretty difficult. Working from home, now there's something that appeals. Doing something that is actually worthwhile, now there's an entire 'nother entchilada. Can a person actually, like, er, do that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay,
Funny you mention looking at NBT while we work. Unfortunately, my company (and the state of Illinois) is invoking HIPPA (or however it's spelled) to keep us off the internet now. It's a privacy act that can really screw many different types of health provider's over. Definitely good for the client, can make life hell for staff people.
