Thursday, January 13, 2005

The matter of “office-friendly” links came up as a result of J’s C14 post yesterday. Dealing in the type of hootch that we do then there is always the possibility that some of the images which might pop up could cause alarm to the uniniated.

That said, it’s all part of the adventure and I don’t think we post stuff that is particularly likely to land the viewer in the chokey. Sometimes, I get a dirty big Sonic Wall – Blocked and Reported to IT Department message on my work pc. In such a case, I’ll just wait until I get home before further investigation. There is the question of should people be reading up on this kinda stuff when they’re working anyway? Whilst I wholly applaud such behaviour then there’s always some twally out there in a position of “power” who is ready to rain on your parade.

Hopefully "anonymous" didn’t get made an example of for clicking on the C14 link. This is all good clean, very occasionally dirty, fun we’re hooking you up with here. Something for all the family even…

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