Friday, March 12, 2004

Ok, if you need to get an angle on why we need to have the Ramones film released then read Agent Heiko's report from the Berlin screening HERE!

And this recent message from Jim Fields should irritate you enough to want to stick it to this Mr X character bigtime. Bear in mind that "The Ramones" that had a scoob are no longer with us. Take it Jim...

Fans, friends, fellow revolutionaries,

This is a fluid situation, to be sure. It's like an emotional rollercoaster for us. One day we have negotiations with Mr. X that glimmer with hope that the film will see the light of day. The next he comes back with more impossible demands previously unmentioned that dash all chances for the film. We say, if you want another documentary made, fine. Make it. Let the audience decide which they like better.

As of today our film is just about dead. It's not quite over yet. There is still a chance. I wish I could be more specific but I just cannot right now while our negotiations continue, however the amount of hostility we're getting from Mr. X. We DO have to deal with him, though I wouldn't call it "deal". It's more like getting shouted at and told why we suck, why our film sucks and why we should give up and go away. We're not going anywhere as long as we can help it.

I ask you all to please continue to spread the word of this miserable injustice (yes, yes, I'm being melodramatic. But like I said, it's an emotional rollercoaster here.) Please continue to go to and enter a message about our film on the "ask/tell" section. I would ask you all to please be somewhat polite. Just tell the Ramones that the fans and even just documentary film-lovers want this movie to come out in theaters around the world and then out on DVD. Why the senseless murder of our film? It really is senseless. This thing is bigger than Mr. X, people. Let the Ramones know it. Please keep up the pressure.

1. -enter "ask/tell" section
2. visit the site, download our press reviews and have a look for yourself.
3. Spread the word. Have friends, neighbors, enemies, fans, dogs, cats, etc... demand our movie get released (see step 1!)

More to come.

-Jim Fields, co-director, End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones